
2023 Annual Cops Cruise

Damsel and I attended the annual “Cops Who Care” Cruise and Toy Drive today at the community center downtown. There was a pretty good turn out of folks who brought their prized antique and classic cars to the event. Each one of the attendees was required to bring an unwrapped toy as a gift to our underprivileged kids in the area. We brought four unwrapped toys (not required but just to help out) as we usually do for this event.

Image above: Damsel posing next to a 1927 Ford farm truck.

We stayed for the better part of an hour, taking photos and gawking at the goodies on display. Here are a couple of photos of classics we deem to be very cool:

Image above: 1957 Red Chevrolet Hardtop Coupe

Image above: 1960’s Pontiac Trans-Am Firebird

We headed back home to prepare our Sunday Dinner which was a Keto version of Ham and Spaghetti Alfredo. Yummers!

Annual Charity Car Show

We had less than the best weather for the annual “Cops Who Care” and “Remember When Cruise Association” Toyz for Totz Car Show Event. Still, we got up and out to the Civic Center to drop off our unwrapped toys for the local Christmas presents to the under privileged kids. The weather was drizzly and like a wet fog more than rain, but we wore our foul weather gear and attended the show in spite of the conditions.

Normally, the cars that would show up for this event would be nearly overwhelming, but the funky weather seemed to keep about 90% of the usual attendees home. I guess I can’t blame them. I’m sure that their toys for the admission to the show will make it to the Cops in time for the Holiday toy distribution.

Meanwhile, Damsel and I were able to see a few of the classics that did show up today:

Classic Pontiac Le Mans

Classic Studebaker

Classic Roadster with Checkered Engine Compartment

Spooky Hot Wheels Mustang

There were a lot more than these above. but not as many as would have been had the weather cooperated. Click on the images above to enlarge.

38th Annual Toyz 4 Totz Cruise and Car Show

Damsel and I went to our usual first Sunday of December event which is the Cops Who Care and Remember When Cruise Wickenburg Run for the benefit of local kids at Christmas (see poster below). We packed in a couple of unwrapped toys to donate to the cause even though we didn’t participate in the cruise. We consider it a photo op and an enjoyable trek down memory lane.

As usual, Damsel took a lot of photos but these three caught my eye to post here today. There were several Jeeps (Mfg. Willys) on display at the show. The first two images below are of a very clean (and new-looking) Jeep. I recall driving the Navy version of one of these for the Division I served in at NAS Point Mugu in the early 1960s and this one reminded me of that vehicle.

Clean Jeep Front View Clean Jeep Interior Modified Jeep

Well, as you can see, the third image is of a slightly modified Jeep. I didn’t get to talk to the owner, but the card in the window said it had a “blown big 8 cylinder block” for the engine. I had an urge to ask him to start it up so I could hear the unmuffled sounds of the eight chromed exhaust ports. I resisted and was satisfied to have the photo of the beast. Click on any image above to enlarge.


Supporting The Wickenburg High School Rifle Team

I received the following from AZCDL in a email this evening. I had read about this item elsewhere but now it’s in my inbox. Our local High School (The Wickenburg Wranglers) has possibly the ONLY public school shooting sports team of its kind in the entire US of A. Plus a couple of the team members are invited to shoot in a national event coming up.

I’m not printing the entire AZCDL blurb here, but the full story and support information can be found in the linked article at the Wickenburg Sun.


Supporting the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team

Two members of the Wickenburg (Arizona) High School (WHS) Rifle Team, which may be the only recognized public high school high-power rifle team in the USA, have been invited to join the United States F Class National Under 25 Team. WHS teams have earned four national records in F Class.

Since the team is a public-school activity, donations are fully tax-deductible to anyone in the USA. However, Arizona residents get a deal that’s hard to refuse: you can write off the full amount of your donation against your state income tax liability… not just as a deduction, but as a tax credit.

To clarify, if you usually owe the state of Arizona $200 for state income tax each year, you can make a donation of $200 to the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team and owe the state nothing next April ($400 for couples). If those taxes have already been withheld from your paycheck, you will actually get a refund from the state!

It’s also a terrific way to send a message to both the school system and to the state tax authorities about where their priorities should be. Some years back, the Wickenburg school board took official notice in their minutes that the Rifle Team was neck and neck with the football team for the most popular recipient of tax credit funding. It was that sort of community acceptance that caused them to upgrade the school rifle “club” to a recognized “sport.”

Donations can be made immediately online – you no longer have to cut a check or even lick a stamp. Visit:

Damsel and I are proud to contribute to THE WICKENBURG HIGH SCHOOL RIFLE TEAM.

End of Year Charity Donations – Soldiers Angels

It’s getting down to the wire for charitable donations for the 2012 tax year. Today, we made good on a promise to help out Soldiers Angels. In particular, we donated to the team Project Valour-IT to honor our Friend and fellow blogger Major Chuck Ziegenfuss, whom we met at the Gun Blogger Rendezvous a few years back.

Click on the animation to go to the Soldiers Angels home page.

Click on THIS LINK to go to the Valour-IT donation page.

Pre-Thanksgiving Reminders

charities.jpgA couple of things:

First, reach out to our men and women in uniform this holiday by supporting one or more of these important charities.

Just scroll down in the right sidebar and find our links to these charities. Click on over and check out how you can help our uniformed heroes.

Year end is coming and tax write-offs are a good thing, but not as good as that nice glow you get knowing that you have made a military man. woman or family a little happier this holiday. Just do it.

Next, this article came in today from Afghanistan from Michael Yon. It reminds us of the grim truth that our job is not done when it comes to the Global War on Terror:

Happy Thanksgiving from Zabul Province, Afghanistan.

The Taliban seem to be mostly afraid of American soldiers. They do attack U.S. and inflict damage, but all around I hear from Afghans and U.S. soldiers that the Taliban are mostly trying to avoid contact with U.S., while focusing attacks mostly on Afghans. Some people see the Taliban as courageous, but I am seeing more and more that they use cowardly tactics, often hiding behind women and children.

I am tonight in Zabul Province and have been out with New York National Guard. Their morale is high and they think they are winning the fight, despite the long series of frustrations that come with the terrain of war. Especially in Afghanistan.

Our cell phones are not working tonight; the Taliban forces cell phone operators to turn off the towers at night. The Taliban are afraid of being tracked, and are afraid the Americans will interrupt their sleep. The cell towers are cut off from 5:30 PM to 7:00 AM. An American captain told me that one group of operators decided to turn off the system late one night, so the Taliban came, killed one man, and tortured two others.

On an interesting side, Americans and Afghans are giving very high marks to the Lithuanian Special Forces who operate here. They are less impressed with Romanians; Afghans and Americans say the Romanians are afraid of the Taliban, but that the Lithuanians are having a field day chasing and killing Taliban.

On the Iraq front, please read Down with Barriers, Up with Iraq.

The Iraq war is over, but the Afghan playoffs will begin in 2009. This fight is just getting started. Please send lots of Marines, and lots of training teams for the Afghan Army and police.

Your correspondent,


Yellow Ribbon America Rosie Christmas

rosie.jpgThis year we selected Yellow Ribbon America’s Rosie Christmas campaign for our annual toys donation. We’re donating some new toys that we bought at our local merchandise liquidation discount store. The destination for these toys is to the children of our deployed California National Guard service men and women. There is also the opportunity to gather up your already-watched DVDs and donate them to the deployed troops. You may also donate gift cards to the cause.

This is a great way to get your Christmas giving endorphins! If you live in California, or are going to be here in December, click on Rosie’s picture to find your nearest drop-off location.

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