Home Again!

We’re relaxing at home after the last leg of our vacation. Damsel and I saw a number of cool things on the return voyage. Here are some of the pix from the days collection of over 500 images in the Damsel Camera:

Mission San Xavier Del Bac, Tucson, AZ:

Picacho Peak near Eloy, AZ:

Casa Grande Native Ruins, Coolidge, AZ:

Now that we’re back, we have numerous things we need to attend to pertaining to our normal retirement routine, plus a couple of other business items that popped up. We’re prepared for all of that and we’re glad to be back home in our little desert paradise.

Camping Day 11 – Last Day Out

We’re still in South Tucson today, relaxing and dining. We had a delicious Chicken Pepper Casserole for late lunch today.

Since it is warm outside here (95°), we spent most of our day inside the RV. There was a power failure for about an hour but, luckily, we were able to run the 6KW generator to keep the A/C and other appliances going.

We will be heading for home tomorrow morning with a rest stop and visit at Casa Grande on the way. Our route takes us through Coolidge, AZ where the ruins are located. Then, its about two more hours to home.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our outing, particularly watching the eclipse on Saturday 10/14. We’re already thinking about another outing before the big trip to Waco, TX to watch another eclipse next April.

Camping Day 10 – South Tucson

Today’s travel was along I-10 from Deming, NM to our current location. We made a stop on our way out of Deming to take on provisions for the remainder of our trip.

The trip was uneventful except for some nice scenery. The lighting conditions were sub-optimal due to an overcast thanks to the upper atmosphere effects of Hurricane Norma which was approaching Cabo San Lucas on the Baja peninsula. Damsel did get a couple of good photos along the way seen below.

Scenic Mountain in SW New Mexico:

Roadside Rock Formations in SE Arizona:

Tomorrow, we expect to have yet another R&R day with an afternoon feast prepared by The Damsel. We’ll post about the feast tomorrow.

Camping Day 8 – Deming, NM

The photo above is where we are camped tonight in Deming, New Mexico, just off of I-10 in the southwestern part of the state. Nice campground and the folks who run it are nice too.

We had an interesting drive today starting in Roswell and continuing to Deming via US Hwy-70 and transitioning to I-10 in Las Cruces. Damsel took over 600 images during the drive as we passed through desert, forest, mountains and White Sands. I can only post three here since the internet connection is s-l-o-w tonight.

Lincoln Nat’l Forest with Fall Colors along US-70:

White Gypsum Sand in White Sands Nat’l Monument:

Crossing the Rio Grande in Las Cruces:

We will be staying here in Deming for another R&R type of day tomorrow. I’ll probably post something again tomorrow, even though we’re not planning much for the day.

Camping Day 7 – More R&R

We let the dogs wake us this morning, which isn’t exactly sleeping in, but we were rested enough. We spent the day relaxing again with an afternoon walk and venture into the souvenir shop where Damsel got a pair of earrings and I got a watch cap, both with the little green men thing going on – we are in Roswell, NM after all. See the image below.

I did take a short work-break to clean some of the bugs off of the windshield – it takes a long-handled brush and squeegee to reach up the 12 feet to get to the top.

Tomorrow, we’re off again, heading southwest and winding up in Deming, NM for the next couple of days. Our route takes us by the White Sands National Monument and we may pull in there for some photo ops and to walk the dogs.

Camping Day 6 – Roswell, NM

Image above: one of the aliens that abound in these parts pointing to his “other” home.

We’re camped in the central area of Roswell, NM this evening after driving from the Texas Panhandle I didn’t get a photo of the camp site, but showing the little green greeter at the campground instead.

I did get a photo of the RV while we were still in Texas at Palo Duro Canyon State Park, however, pictured below.

The “Little Grand Canyon” of Texas, near Amarillo, is nice, but having been to the real thing many times over the years, this place was OK, but not on the same scale as our Arizona “5th wonder of the world” Grand Canyon. Damsel got a couple of photos of the little canyon one of which is shown below.

We will be taking another rest and relaxation day tomorrow with only a couple of chores, Damsel may want to do some shopping for creepy little UFO and Alien souvenirs at the gift shop here. We will be headed southwest Thursday, planning to get back closer to Arizona, but still at a leisurely pace.

I’ll post anything significant (or maybe mundane) tomorrow.