Global Warming

What Do These Men Have in Common?


None of them are champions of peace, yet they have all been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

  • Yassir Arafat fomented terrorism in the Middle East for decades before his death. The terror he incited continues to this day.
  • Jimmy Carter, the worst U.S. President of the 20th century, made concessions to Iran that allowed radicals in that country to capture U.S. Embassy personnel and hold them hostage for 444 days. Carter did nothing to save the hostages except for a lame attempt at a raid that resulted in the deaths of eight military personnel and the destruction of their helicopter.
  • Muhammad ElBaradei ignored the efforts of North Korea and Iran in their respective run-up to nuclear weapons. In his role as chief of the IAEA he consistently gave both rogue nations leeway to continue their efforts.
  • Finally, Al Gore has peddled falsehoods in the name of saving the planet from a highly-exaggerated climatological disaster. In his recent testimony before congress, he misrepresented the truth by declaring that “droughts are becoming longer and more intense” which has clearly been disproven by actual science.

The Nobel Peace Prize has been a joke for years. Consider the following with regard to the discretion of the prize award selection committee:

  • Why did they award Mikhail Gorbachev the Peace Prize for ending the cold war when Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had more to do with it?
  • In keeping with their penchant for rewarding cowardice and deceit, why did they not award Bill Clinton for his retreat from Somalia after the Blackhawk Down incident? And for refusing to capture or kill Usama Bin Laden?

They should rename the prize to something like the Nobel Anti-American Prize and be done with it.

Assemblyman Ted Lieu – Greenbat

lieu-mug.jpgOur Democratic State Assemblyman, Ted Lieu, California 53rd District, is distributing an invitation to hear one of Al Gore‘s minions expound on the Inconvenient Truth at a town hall meeting.

I emailed Assemblyman Lieu and got no response to my invitation for him to take advantage of the Climate and Global Warming Resources on this website as well as the numerous resources therein.

Given the political nature of the climate debate, I ask if it’s appropriate for this to be funded by the State of California and the City of Torrance?

Images from Lieu’s Webpage.

Here’s a portion of Lieu’s flyer:

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Worth A Thousand Words

green-graph.jpgWe’re adding a new item to our Global Warming Resources page. The National Center for Policy Analysis has compiled a Global Warming Primer in PDF format that illustrates in graphical form some of the concepts of Global Warming that are often misunderstood or not understood at all by many people with opinions about climate change.

At the right is a pie chart illustrating that greenhouse gasses are less than 5 percent of the atmosphere. A subsequent pie chart shows that 95 percent of that small wedge is harmless water vapor!

The primer is an easy read since most of the pages are graphs and pie charts with annotations to clearly explain to the reader what concepts are being presented. The primer is based on a review of available scientific research. The NCPA received no money and no input from any private company or government agency.

The primer is a welcome change from the myriad of complex and often daunting data on the subject. All that engineering and scientific stuff is fine for some of us, but try and explain it to your kids and others without the background and you get blank stares.

Hat tip to Planet Gore – A Global Warming Primer: A Graph is worth 1,000 words.

Recent Developments in the World of Climate Science

This post has been condensed and abridged from Mark Alexander‘s excellent essay, Debunking the gullible warming Gorons. Mark is the publisher of The Patriot Post and I encourage you to read his complete article and to visit his website.

Correcting the Record

Recent analysis shows that many domestic climate monitoring stations have issues that affect their accuracy. That, coupled with NASA’s recent admission that there was an ‘error’ in calculations performed under the supervision of NASA scientist James Hansen, a Democratic activist and climate warming alarmist, shed further doubt on what we’ve been told. In fact, the warmest year of the 20th century was actually 1934, not 1998 like Hansen, et al, would have us believe. Several of the warmest years of the 20th century occurred prior to the rapid vertical component of alarmist’s favorite “hockey stick” temperature graphic.

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Newsweek Rebukes Newsweek

R. J. Samuelson, a Newsweek contributing editor, calls Sharon Begley, Eve Conant and Eleanor Clift’s “Denial Machine” article “Highly contrived.”

Samuelson goes on to put some reality in perspective by pointing out the prohibitive costs of ‘immediate and positive measures’ to control the ‘runaway greenhouse effect.’

The Senate EPW Minority Blog posted an article on Newsweek’s quasi-retraction:

Washington DC – Robert J. Samuelson, a contributing editor of Newsweek, slapped down his own Magazine for what he termed a “highly contrived story” about the global warming “denial machine.” Samuelson, writing in the August 20, 2007 issue of Newsweek, explains that the Magazine used “discredited” allegations in last week’s issue involving a supposed cash bounty to pay skeptics to dispute global warming science and he chided the Magazine for portraying global warming as a “morality tale.” (LINK) Samuelson’s article titled “Greenhouse Simplicities,” also characterized the “deniers” cover story as “fundamentally misleading.”

“Unfortunately, self-righteous indignation can undermine good journalism. Last week’s Newsweek cover story on global warming is a sobering reminder,” Samuelson wrote.

Who would have thought that Newsweek would debunk its own embarrassing cover story a week later in the very next issue? This kind of reversal does not happen very often in journalism. [Note: It previously took Newsweek 31 years to admit its 1970’s prediction of dire global cooling was completely wrong. See October 24, 2006 article: Senator Inhofe Credited For Prompting Newsweek Admission of Error on 70’s Predictions of Coming Ice Age – (LINK)]

Speaking of prohibitive costs, NRO’s Planet Gore notes that higher taxes such as those proposed by Greenbat Congressman John Dingell, D – Michigan, chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, when he released his plan to fight global warming: a 50 cent gas tax increase and elimination of the mortgage deduction for homes over 3,000 square feet – the average American home is 2,400 sq. ft.

Dingell’s proposal was met by a deafening silence from the climate alarmists, since they know that reckless taxation damages their already weak chances of winning their arguments about climate change.

As for Dingell, he self-righteously wants to pass the costs on to consumers and in typical Democrat fashion, wants to punish success by laying more taxes on people who work hard to succeed. Why, you ask? Because Dingell represents Detroit’s automotive workers and manufacturers, and would rather that you and I pay for cleaning up their act.

Solar Spicules

Huge spikes of plasma fly out of the Sun’s surface all the time, according to scientists studying observations made by SOHO and STEREO spacecraft. This week’s SOHO Pick of the Week discusses these spikes in scientific terms, although there is still considerable question as to their nature and effects, especially about how they affect the planets — ours in particular.

I’m thankful for the ongoing study of the Sun. The more we learn about it, the more we will be able to refute the hysterical Greenbat nonsense about man-made global warming .

Breaking News! James Hansen’s Fake Temperature Algorithms

From SOHO Pick of the Week:

spiculesA close up view of the top of the Sun as seen in profile shows thousands of little spurts, like small blow torches, shooting out all over the Sun. The movie shows just an average day’s worth of this kind of activity as seen from the STEREO spacecraft (Ahead) in extreme ultraviolet light (August 3, 2007). These spurts are called spicules. With STEREO’s 2048×2048 image resolution and an image every 10 minutes, we can zoom in on features like this with no distortion. Spicules are plasma jets that shoot through the Sun’s atmosphere or corona at about 90,000 kilometers per hour. Discovered in 1877 by Angelo Secchi, they remain largely unexplained, in part because observations are difficult for objects with a brief life (about 5 minutes) and relatively small size (diameters of just 300 miles / 500 kilometers). They are caused by shock waves formed when sound waves at the solar surface leak into the solar atmosphere. More than 100,000 spicules occur at any given time on our star’s surface.

Watch the video below for a dynamic look at Solar Spicules.

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Newsweek and the Denial Machine

newsweak.jpgNewsweek is a magazine whose name is only half right. They publish each week, but their content? News? Not so much . . .

This time, Newsweek (a part of the far left MSNBC media) published an article proclaiming that those of us who challenge the ‘consensus’ that the planet is doomed, are in fact part of a massive ‘Denial Machine.’ In the article, the authors claim that there is yet another ‘vast conspiracy’ funded by the oil companies and pushed by research groups like the Competitive Enterprise Institute. They claim that this ‘machine’ is well-funded, but wait! The promoters of the ‘consensus’ are funded way more than the ‘deniers.’

Senator James Inhofe (R – Okla), on the Senate EPW Minority Blog, points out that Newsweek ignored his statistics on relative funding levels of both sides of the issue:

The only problem is — Newsweek knew better. Reporter Eve Conant, who interviewed Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the Ranking Member of the Environment & Public Works Committee, was given all the latest data proving conclusively that it is the proponents of man-made global warming fears that enjoy a monumental funding advantage over the skeptics. (A whopping $50 BILLION to a paltry $19 MILLION for skeptics – Yes, that is BILLION to MILLION . . .)

The ‘Planet Gore‘ blog also published some interesting things about this Newsweek article:

Newsweek: “The Denial Machine”
. Newsweek tries to marginalize global warming opposition by coining the phrase “the denial machine” in this week’s issue.

Newsweek Clueless: How the Tail Wagged the Dog. Newsweek’s cover story, by Sharon Begley and three colleagues, purports to be an expose of the global-warming “denial machine” and how it keeps America Kyoto-free.

More on Newsweek Cover Story. Marlo and Henry have commented well on the Newsweek cover story, and especially the lead item referring to the crazy story out a few months ago involving me and AEI in supposedly trying to “bribe” scientists to undermine the IPCC.

This is the same Newsweek magazine that predicted an ice age was coming in the 1970’s. Can anyone doubt the left-wing agenda of publishers like Newsweek?