Recent Developments in the World of Climate Science

This post has been condensed and abridged from Mark Alexander‘s excellent essay, Debunking the gullible warming Gorons. Mark is the publisher of The Patriot Post and I encourage you to read his complete article and to visit his website.

Correcting the Record

Recent analysis shows that many domestic climate monitoring stations have issues that affect their accuracy. That, coupled with NASA’s recent admission that there was an ‘error’ in calculations performed under the supervision of NASA scientist James Hansen, a Democratic activist and climate warming alarmist, shed further doubt on what we’ve been told. In fact, the warmest year of the 20th century was actually 1934, not 1998 like Hansen, et al, would have us believe. Several of the warmest years of the 20th century occurred prior to the rapid vertical component of alarmist’s favorite “hockey stick” temperature graphic.

New Climate Reports

There is new science to indicate that temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska are decreasing. The result was that the contiguous 48 states experienced a colder influx of Arctic air than in several prior years.

Another clue is the recent discovery of an undersea current near Australia that looks to be a part of the ocean conveyor belt that has a profound effect on world climate.

So, if the science is ‘settled’ and we have ‘consensus,’ then why do these pesky new discoveries keep popping up?

Climate Modeling

Scientists Scott Armstrong, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and Kesten Green of New Zealand’s Monash University examined the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, and, at the 27th Annual International Symposium on Forecasting, they concluded, “Claims that the Earth will get warmer have no more credence than saying that it will get colder.”

The Warming Solar System

Examination of data collected from other non-SUV polluting planets in our solar system show temperature increases and phenomena that indicate higher solar energy output during the same period that Earth experienced a warming trend. Mars, Neptune, Jupiter and Pluto have all experienced an increase in temperature, and in the case of Jupiter, a new super-storm “red spot.”

The Climate Inquisitors

In the scientific community, there has always been a spirit of information sharing. Yet in this new age of activists preaching a doctrine that can’t be enforced by actual science, activists will try to defame those who have opposing viewpoints.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a hypocrite himself, calls for charges of treason to be brought against those ‘deniers’ of the ‘consensus.’

The Weather Channel’s Dr. Heidi Cullen is demanding decertification of weather reporters who dare question global-warming orthodoxy.

The list goes on.
