
Sign the Petition


The above screenshot from THE WAR ON GUNS is from a post acknowledging Arizona Citizens Defense League’s endorsement of an effort to call the Whitehouse’s attention to an egregious error in the on-line description of the Second Amendment. A petition has been created to call for a change to correct the wording about how 2A doesn’t ‘give’ our inherent rights to arms. AzCDL points out the error shown below. This was likely put on line by the Obamination whose deep state remnants still contaminate the current administration.


Since this is an easy fix that can be done by an aide in a few seconds, David has set up a White House petition to call their attention to this oversight. 97,658 signatures are required by July 27 to get a response from the White House. To add your signature, click on the link below.

Please sign the electronic petition and please pass it on to others you know who will do the same.

QOTN Rescue Now Has Flower Buds

QOTN Flower BudsThe Queen of the Night cactus (peniocereus greggii) cutting we rescued from up on the hill several years ago is showing a couple of flower buds. This cactus was brought down after a palo verde branch collapsed in a wind and rain storm back then. Damsel put it in a pot and has nurtured it in the courtyard with weekly waterings since that time.

A couple of years ago, the cutting sprouted a new branch which is where the new flower buds are located. That branch and the main stalk have both shown little buds over the past couple of years that never amounted to much. Now, it seems, we have a good thing going. Click on the image to enlarge.

This will be, if all goes well, the first year that these beautiful flowers will bloom in the courtyard. Having them that close is to our great advantage since when they bloom at night we won’t have to go out into the dark (it is very dark here at night) to see, smell and photograph the flowers.

We have summertime plans to get in the RV and head to Colorado and whatever sightseeing we can do along the way, but that might have to be postponed until we see our little courtyard flowers blooming. It’s a good thing we don’t have too many constraints on our ability to flex our plans as we see fit these days.

Tombstone Freedom Days June 28 & 29, 2019

I got a dispatch from the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL) announcing the third annual Tombstone Freedom Days. I am posting some of it here:


The Third Annual Freedom Days celebration in Tombstone will be held on Friday and Saturday, June 28 & 29. A schedule of events for this two day celebration can be found at

This year’s events include a Celebrity Town Hall panel discussion at 7 PM, on Saturday, June 29 featuring:

  • Mark Walters of Armed American Radio
  • Baseball Legend Curt Schilling
  • Actress Morgan Brittany
  • Second Amendment journalist Dr. AWR Hawkins
  • Also on the agenda is Patrick Henry, co-author of the Bill of Rights, as portrayed by Lance Hurely.

Panel discussion tickets are now available for only $12 and can be purchased in advanced by calling (520) 226-5024. Seating is limited. Doors open at 6 PM. All proceeds benefit the Tombstone Lions Club.

Don’t delay, get your tickets today!

While at the celebration, stop by the AzCDL booth and visit with our volunteers.

Unfortunately, we’re tied up with a medical procedure that Friday and won’t be available to travel to Tombstone for the event.

Memorial Day 2019

From Michael Ramirez:

Memorial Day 2019

From The Patriot Post:

In his 1868 call to celebrate Decoration Day as a national holiday, Maj. Gen. John Logan stated eloquently: “Let us then, at the time appointed, gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with the choicest flowers of springtime. Let us raise above them the dear old flag they saved from dishonor. Let us, in this solemn presence, renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the nation’s gratitude—the soldier’s and sailor’s widow and orphan.”

In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968, which changed Memorial Day from its traditional May 30 date to the last Monday in May, creating a 3-day “holiday weekend.” That significantly diluted the original purpose of this solemn and reverent day. Recent polling indicates that only 28 percent of Americans understand the true meaning of Memorial Day. Many confuse it with Veterans Day (honoring Veterans of all wars, living and deceased) and Armed Forces Day (honoring active duty and reserve military personnel).

Today, Memorial Day provides a stark contrast between the best of our nation’s selfless Patriot sons and daughters versus the worst of our nation’s selfish culture and consumerism. Astoundingly, some businesses actually promote a “Memorial Day Sale.” But Memorial Day is NOT for sale. Millions of Patriots have already paid the full price.

Our prayers go out to the friends and families of those who perished defending our liberty. May God bless them and their honored dead.

Supporting The Wickenburg High School Rifle Team

I received the following from AZCDL in a email this evening. I had read about this item elsewhere but now it’s in my inbox. Our local High School (The Wickenburg Wranglers) has possibly the ONLY public school shooting sports team of its kind in the entire US of A. Plus a couple of the team members are invited to shoot in a national event coming up.

I’m not printing the entire AZCDL blurb here, but the full story and support information can be found in the linked article at the Wickenburg Sun.


Supporting the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team

Two members of the Wickenburg (Arizona) High School (WHS) Rifle Team, which may be the only recognized public high school high-power rifle team in the USA, have been invited to join the United States F Class National Under 25 Team. WHS teams have earned four national records in F Class.

Since the team is a public-school activity, donations are fully tax-deductible to anyone in the USA. However, Arizona residents get a deal that’s hard to refuse: you can write off the full amount of your donation against your state income tax liability… not just as a deduction, but as a tax credit.

To clarify, if you usually owe the state of Arizona $200 for state income tax each year, you can make a donation of $200 to the Wickenburg High School Rifle Team and owe the state nothing next April ($400 for couples). If those taxes have already been withheld from your paycheck, you will actually get a refund from the state!

It’s also a terrific way to send a message to both the school system and to the state tax authorities about where their priorities should be. Some years back, the Wickenburg school board took official notice in their minutes that the Rifle Team was neck and neck with the football team for the most popular recipient of tax credit funding. It was that sort of community acceptance that caused them to upgrade the school rifle “club” to a recognized “sport.”

Donations can be made immediately online – you no longer have to cut a check or even lick a stamp. Visit:

Damsel and I are proud to contribute to THE WICKENBURG HIGH SCHOOL RIFLE TEAM.

Armed Forces Day 2019

The Nation takes the time today to honor those members of The Armed Forces. The Airmen, Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Guardsmen sacrifice daily to protect our nation. We proudly honor them today.

Here is a throwback pertaining to the armed forces of WW2 which had a personal impact on our family as I was growing up in those times. This is the USS Brooklyn, CL-40 with Palisades Park in the background, as she cruises along the Hudson River near New York City. My Dad, Jack, was an Electricians Mate, First Class, on this vessel.


The Brooklyn departed from Norfolk for the Mediterranean on 24 October 1942. My 20 month old brother, Billy, and Mom, Kate, were in Norfolk, Virginia to give the Brooklyn and Dad a send-off. Mom and Billy then took the train back to California, where I was born about 9 months, or so, afterward.

Dad did not meet me until I was over a year old, since he and the Brooklyn were engaging the Axis in the Mediterranean. Rommel was there, Montgomery was there, Patton was there and the USS Brooklyn’s 5 and 6 inch guns were there helping the Allies to victory.

May God guide and bless our Armed Forces.

Cherry Red Cactus Flowers


Last October, Damsel and I separated the individual stalks from our Cherry Red (Trichocereus Grandiflorus) cactus and planted them in various pots with the hope that they would survive and produce more of the wonderful hot pink flowers that the original produced. Well, we are pleased and amazed that nearly every one of the pups and the mother all have flowers or flower pods this weekend.

Judging from the number of immature flower buds, we should be enjoying Cherry Red flowers for days to come, if not weeks. This cactus (even though we may have overpaid a bit for it) has been a joy in that it reliably produces the attractive flowers each spring. Click on the image to enlarge.