January 2010

Big Waves at the Point

Damsel and I drove to Point Vicente on the Southwest side of the Palos Verdes Peninsula to check out the waves after our Pacific storms last week. I caught this short video of the breakers crashing onto the rocks at the point.

After we relocate, we won’t miss the taxes and politics in California, but we will miss the seashore. But – where we’re going has its unique beauties too.

California Brown Pelican

These beautiful birds were on the endangered species list, but their numbers are now plentiful along the coastline ranging from Cabo San Lucas to Eureka and beyond. This handsome specimen flew so low and close to my camera today that you can practically see the whites of its eyes. Click on the image below to see the glorious extra-large close-up.


(Cap’n Bob: “I believe this is the best photo Damsel has ever taken of a California Brown Pelican.”)

Apache Junction

apache-junction.jpgWhile on our recent vacation to Arizona, we noticed that most of the campers were from cold places – classic snowbirds – most of which appeared to be retired. We felt right at home among them – they were friendly, and in some cases, helpful. As I was hitching the trailer, one nice gent offered to give me a welcome hand.

Image – Camping in Wintertime Arizona – Click to enlarge.

This picture shows our campsite in the Apache Junction KOA. Apache Junction is a community just on the eastern edge of the Phoenix Metroplex. The Superstition Mountains are just east of the campground, providing a spectacular view.

I can see why lots of retirees invade this place in the winter months. Arizona has a very mild climate in the southern half of the state. The camping is nice and the people – both locals and other campers – are great.

Charlie Still Plays a Mean Fiddle

charlie.pngDespite having a mild stroke, Charlie Daniels can still play his guitar and fiddle.

“I can still play my fiddle. I can play my guitar. One of the first things I did when I came home from the hospital in Denver was to pick up my guitar and make sure my fingers still worked on it.”

Daniels, 73, suffered the stroke Friday just outside Durango, about 230 miles southwest of Denver. He was treated at a local hospital then airlifted to a Denver hospital, where he was released on Sunday. Daniels has returned to his Durango home, where he goes in the winter to enjoy snowmobiling and winter sports.

Damsel and I are big fans and we wish Charlie all the best for a quick and complete recovery.

In Like a Lamb, Out Like a Lion

That describes our trip across the Golden State today. We entered California in Blythe along Interstate 10 in cool, but bright sunshine weather, and arrived in our home town, Torrance, where a full-on winter rainstorm was in progress. You might say it was raining torrents in Torrance.

Click on the image to enlarge. Photos courtesy of Damsel and her perpetually clicking camera.


Santa vs. the Government


Calvin and Hobbes: Calvin’s impeccable logic reveals the mindset of the Congress and Administration in Washington. One of the comments under this comic strip notes “the elves take kickbacks and give them to the big guy.” Another says “Is he talkin’ about Santa or Obama?”

Calvin’s right. Where does that leave our kids and grandkids?

Note that Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes cartoonist, created this strip twelve years ago during the Clinton Administration.

Mini-GBR in Apache Junction

gbr-phx.jpgLast week, we contacted the proprietor of Ballseye’s Boomers, Glenn B. to see if we could arrange a get together, since we were going to be in the same area. We threw a couple of ideas back and forth, and settled on a pizza place near the RV park where we’re camping.

I found the pizza place on Google and assumed it would have an informal eating area, where we could sit to enjoy the pizza and conversation. When we got there, it turned out to be a take-out only place. Luckily, there was a little Mexican food place just across The Apache Trail. We went on over and ordered food and sat down to eat and talk.

We chatted about our Arizona adventures and various other topics. Firearms got into the discussion, but didn’t dominate. We had a nice visit. Like most of our like-minded bloggers, it was a pleasure meeting Glenn B. and we look forward to possibly meeting again.

My Canon A710IS took this image of the three of us just after coming out of the café. Click on the image for the big picture.