66 Search results

For the term "greenbat".

Special Features

These Special Features Pages are a repository for miscellaneous items. We may grow the number of topics in the future as our whims dictate.

The Great Climate and Global Warming Hoax — A living repository for resources pertaining to climate change and the ever-expanding hoax about what causes change. A good place to point your GREENBAT® friends when they tell you you’re doomed.

Upgrading from Blogspot — A treatise on how easy it is to dump Blogspot and start blogging with WordPress. Just do it.

Ephemeris. An ephemeris widget for solar events and a lunar phase widget.

McCain Off the Short List

Once upon a time, I thought I could support John McCain as the next Republican presidential candidate. We had him on our short list of favorable candidates. Over the last couple of years, however, he has eroded our support for his candidacy because of his positions on several key issues:

And now there’s this:

John McCain, applauding Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for taking on the “compelling issue of global climate challenge,” pledged Wednesday to make California’s global warming fight the model for a national effort to curb greenhouse gases.

Appearing with the governor at the Port of Long Beach, the Arizona senator said he will fight in the Senate — and if elected president — to adopt low carbon standards for vehicle fuels to cut pollution blamed for climate change.

McCain sharply criticized the Bush administration for only belatedly acknowledging the global warming threat and for failing to come up with solutions.

I would assess this administration’s effort on global warming as terrible,” McCain said.

He called for a national program based on two efforts already begun in California.

It sounds as though the Senator has finally found a religion of sorts – a belief in intangibles founded in rumor, innuendo and superstition rather than in fact.

Caving to the Myths

As Damsel and I sat watching the State of the Union address Tuesday night, I winced and groaned when President Bush made the following remarks:

the-prez.jpg“America is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that will enable us to live our lives less dependent on oil. And these technologies will help us be better stewards of the environment, and they will help us to confront the serious challenge of global climate change.”

I said to Damsel something to the effect of “Dammit! I hope he’s not caving in to the Greenbats“!

Apparently, I’m not the only one bristled by the President’s remarks; Tom DeLay had this to say on his weblog:

tom-delay.jpgI have long been a skeptic of the ‘global warming’ doomsday set, and the President seems to be caving in to the politically correct but scientifically questionable arguments in favor of man made ‘global climate change’ in his speech. The discussion of energy policy is best left in the realm of scientifically proven fact – and I wish he had made his argument on decreasing our energy consumption as a means to lessen our dependence on foreign oil, rather then framing the discussion by using unproven theories about the forces affecting the earth’s climate.

Now don’t get me wrong. I liked most of the things the President said, but I think he’s getting some bad advice on several of the policies and initiatives he advocated during the speech. Read Tom Delay’s complete critique of President Bush’s address: “A Grander Vision.”

Major Solar Flare

A major solar flare associated with a new, giant sunspot, indicates increasing solar activity as our Sun approaches its 11-year peak (maximum is forecast to occur in 2011). If the sunspot count is particularly high this cycle, we can expect increasing global temperatures as the predominant climatological change generator (the Sun) heats up the planet.

From SpaceWeather.com:

Earth-orbiting satellites detected a major X9-class solar flare this morning at 1035 UT (5:35 a.m. EST). The source: big, new sunspot 929, which is emerging over the Sun’s eastern limb. GOES-13 captured this X-ray image of the blast:

Because of the sunspot’s location near the limb, the flare was not Earth-directed. Future eruptions could be, however, because the Sun’s spin is turning the spot toward Earth. Sunspot 929 will be visible for the next two weeks as it glides across the solar disk.

Al Gore and his band of Greenbats ought to get a clue about actual climate science. How dare they compare anthropogenic climate effects to those of this giant stellar monster? HOW DARE THEY?

Climate Clues

I recently read a report on the CO2 Science website in which the author analyzed a paper published in Space Science Reviews about solar influence on the climate over the past several thousand years.

The study provides more evidence of the actual effects taking place as a result of solar fluctuations; it completely disarms the notion of the “hockey stick” climate model and discredits politically-motivated and disingenuous individuals and groups who claim that warming is largely the result of human industrial activities.

In spite of each additional Climate Clue, global warming alarmists remain clueless. Read on . . .

Continue reading…

Kallyfoania Kyoto

How many times must I say to Arnold, “Tell me it ain’t true!?!?”

Last week, the Governor of California signed legislation aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the state. What this means to businesses and taxpayers is an increasing burden amounting to hardship proportions. The Governator, who is running for reelection on a no new taxes plank, now imposes this burden on EVERY Californian — indirectly, it IS a new tax!

From World Climate Report, we get some objective analysis of the motivation behind this recently-signed, whacked-out, drive businesses-out-of-the-state Greenbat legislation:

California Retro

For nearly 100 years, Californians have claimed to be the innovators that the rest of the United States and the world ultimately follow. Not so on global warming. Instead, the California Legislature and Governor Schwarzenegger have just passed and signed global warming legislation that is an awful lot like a watered-down version of the failed Kyoto Protocol. That’s sooo 1990s.

That Protocol was supposed to reduce our emissions of Carbon Dioxide, the main human-generated global warming gas, to 7% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012. Nationally, emissions are up about 18% since then. Recognizing this failure, the California law merely cuts back California emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, a 25% cut.

Why on earth did they do this, and what will it accomplish?

In a word, politics.

[Read more]

California Constitutional Clumsiness

Reports of the Governor of California entering into an international accord have brought forth criticism based on the constitutionality of such an accord. That’s not what bothers me though, it’s the insane topic of this accord.

Say it ain’t true, Mr. Governor . . .

From NRO:

Schwarzenegger and Blair versus the US Constitution [Iain Murray]

The sovereign nation of California has done a deal with the government of Her Britannic Majesty:

British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger — in an apparent end run around a Bush administration that has stubbornly resisted addressing global warming — signed a partnership Monday to share technology and scientific research aimed at fighting the effects of worldwide climate change.

The nonbinding accord is the first between the United Kingdom and a U.S. state on global warming, establishing what officials said would be a continuing commitment to focus on the issue.

I wonder how they square this with the Compact Clause of the Constitution:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, …enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power

As I understand it, the Constitution was designed deliberately to remove the powers states had under the Articles of Confederation to deal with foreign powers. By initiating this process, Blair has just stuck two fingers up to the US Congress and the US Constitution. Funnily enough, I hold him to a higher standard than the Governor of California.

“Give me the old Greenbat head butt Mr. Prime Minister”, “Right-O, Arnie.”

(Picture me sadly shaking my head at this one . . .)