McCain Off the Short List

Once upon a time, I thought I could support John McCain as the next Republican presidential candidate. We had him on our short list of favorable candidates. Over the last couple of years, however, he has eroded our support for his candidacy because of his positions on several key issues:

And now there’s this:

John McCain, applauding Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for taking on the “compelling issue of global climate challenge,” pledged Wednesday to make California’s global warming fight the model for a national effort to curb greenhouse gases.

Appearing with the governor at the Port of Long Beach, the Arizona senator said he will fight in the Senate — and if elected president — to adopt low carbon standards for vehicle fuels to cut pollution blamed for climate change.

McCain sharply criticized the Bush administration for only belatedly acknowledging the global warming threat and for failing to come up with solutions.

I would assess this administration’s effort on global warming as terrible,” McCain said.

He called for a national program based on two efforts already begun in California.

It sounds as though the Senator has finally found a religion of sorts – a belief in intangibles founded in rumor, innuendo and superstition rather than in fact.
