Image above — A Curve-Billed Thrasher was perched atop our big Saguaro Cactus singing its spring songs this morning. I took this shot this morning with my Canon EOS Rebel SL1 and a 250mm lens. Click on the image to enlarge.
Other than celebrating holidays and preparing the feasts associated therewith, we have had a relatively calm early spring with no outstanding chores nor appointments. As of this week, however, that will change as it seems that we made a lot of appointments all in the same week.
Tomorrow, Monday 4/24/23, we’re going to have to get the dogs to the Vet for their annual immunizations; the licenses are due in May and the County Animal Control Bureaucrats will be requiring current Rabies vaccinations for both dogs.
On Tuesday 4/25/23, I have an appointment with the Ophthalmologist for a regular follow-up exam. Both eyes received cataract lens replacements in 2020 and the Doctor wants to admire his work, I guess. Or maybe he wants to check up on things like eye pressure, floaters, retina etc.
On Wednesday 4/26/23, we have our standing appointment at the Pet Groomer for both dogs. Tucker, our little Long-Haired Chihuahua mix pup will be getting a trim which we think will make him more comfortable in the desert heat this summer. He really is a fluffy little guy and won’t need that fur coat when the indoor thermostat is set to 80° and the outside temperatures will be in the low 100° range.
On Thursday 4/27/23, I have a Dermatology appointment. Last visit, the Doctor removed a suspected basal cell lesion from the back of my neck and will probably want to do a follow-up procedure for it by applying Liquid Nitrogen to kill off any remaining basal cells. Plus, I have a couple of other suspicious spots he needs to examine. Wear your sunscreen, kids!
Finally, on Friday 4/28/23, our landscape crew will be reporting to tend to some needed yard work including tree and shrub trimming, weed control and renewing the courtyard quarter minus ground covering. I don’t expect that I will need to help them do their job, but I know some things will come up that we may not have anticipated and we need to be there to authorize additional work.
But wait! There’s More! On Monday May 1st, I have to report to the clinic for blood work as a precursor to my Nephrology appointment in May and on Tuesday, I need a haircut.
This retirement business can be less restful than one might think.
Getting old is not for sissies.