Wayne La Pierre, Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association, continues to report “what they didn’t tell you today.” This article tells a story about a home defense incident that would never have happened if the Chicago-area criminal justice system had done it’s job. As Wayne points out, the mainstream media would probably sweep this latter fact under the carpet.
Law and Order
Abandon All Hope
California residents are abandoning the state in favor of other nearby states according to the Department of Finance. Associated Press and other media outlets will be quick to blame the trend on the cost of housing here, but there are other reasons as well.
California is a state where:
- income taxes are extremely high
- sales taxes are extremely high
- property taxes are extremely high
- gasoline taxes are extremely high
- courts are generally soft on criminals
- immigration laws are not enforced
- a half-million illegals and supporters clogged the streets of Los Angeles
- vehicle emissions controls are unreasonably severe
- congressional districts are gerrymandered to assure Democrats stay in power
- judges make rulings for political reasons rather than upholding laws
- unreasonable environmental laws cripple business and industry
- a jury acquitted OJ Simpson of murder despite compelling evidence he was guilty
- extreme firearms laws exist that violate citizens’ second amendment rights
- cities like San Francisco attract and cater to degenerates
Of course these are just a sample of things wrong with California.
A Visit from Santa
Last night in our neighborhood, Santa Claus came to visit. Thanks to our Police Department and the Police Officers Association, Santa goes to almost all residential areas of the city starting late in November (we’re almost first on his list) and continues through Christmas Eve. He is preceded by an entourage playing Christmas Songs over a mobile music system and several police cars with red/blue lights and sirens — pretty impressive, not to mention that it gets your attention. Lots of kids show up curbside to see Santa and collect a candy cane or two.
Home Defense
Coconut Commando, “currently enjoying an extended, all inclusive vacation package to Iraq,” composed a very good article on home defense. I especially liked this recommendation for a home defense weapon. Here’s the excerpt:
Generally, the best choice for home defense, tactical movement inside buildings, firepower, low cost and pure fear factor is a shotgun. They’re easy to use and criminals, as well as insurgents, dread getting anywhere near the business end of a shotgun. It has been my first hand experience, through years of training and multiple combat tours, that a shotgun is the top choice for home defense. The 12-Gauge Remington 870 “Youth Model” makes an excellent choice because of it size, dependability, ease of use, and cost. It is also best suited for women due to their smaller frame.
Prayers Needed
Retired Geezer and Mrs. G at Blog Idaho have a tragedy on their hands. Please offer your thoughts and prayers for their son and his passenger.
UPDATE: From Retired Geezer . . .
Mrs. G just got off the phone with Flyin’ Brian.
He sounded really old cause he is drugged up with pain meds.He has a compound fracture of his leg, broken nose and multiple cuts.
He got choked up when he told us that if it wasn’t for the other people on the ground, searching for the woman, they both would have died because they crashed in the river. The other searchers pulled them out.
We’re going to drive to SLC tomorrow.
Brian comes under the heading of Praise but please continue to pray for Kevin Orr.
What They Didn’t Tell You Today
Not only do conservatives have to filter the BS out of print and broadcast media, but so do firearms enthusiasts and second-amendment rights advocates. And when we’re not filtering, we have to “fill in the gaps” where important news items have been editorially omitted.
Wayne LaPierre, Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association, determined to bridge the media gap, is now offering an online weblog to bring the views of gun owners and enthusiasts to the fore, as well as exposing those stories that go unreported in the mainstream media.
Doing my part, I now have an animated sidebar widget that takes you to the NRA News site. You can read Wayne LaPierre’s eMail announcement below the fold.
We’re the 43rd-Safest City – No Thanks to Democrats
Our city is ranked as the 43rd safest, but that’s little consolation when you consider we’re virtually surrounded by very dangerous places. Nearby Compton is fourth most dangerous and Inglewood to the North is 62nd.
From our local newspaper:
How safe is your city? If you live in Torrance, smile
The city ranks 43rd nationally on a list of 371 U.S. cities. If you’re reading from St. Louis, lock your doors.
Take a deep breath, Torrance: You are the nation’s 43rd-safest city.
The new rankings, released today, peg Brick, N.J., as the safest city in the land, and St. Louis as the most dangerous. Torrance came in just behind Warwick, R.I., at 42nd, and ahead of Clifton, N.J., at 44th. Torrance is the second-safest city in L.A. County, behind Santa Clarita at 34th.
When it comes to being safe in our homes, we’re comfortable with our home defenses and know how to apply them should the need arise. That’s why we’re voting for Republicans next week since there is not one single Democrat on our ballot that supports our right to own and bear arms. Diane Feinstein once indicated that “everyone should just turn in their guns” and disarm. Of course, there are many other reasons not to vote Democratic.