Law and Order

FPC and SAF File Lawsuit on
 Post Office Carry Prohibition

The Firearms Policy Coalition and Second Amendment Foundation plus some individual plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit in the 5th Circuit Federal District Court regarding the prohibition of carrying a concealed firearm into or on the grounds of any US Post Office. They seek to have the court declare that such a prohibition is unconstitutional under previous Supreme Court Decisions. This is good news for us since we rent a PO Box at the local facility and it is a pain to have to disarm to merely stroll in and get our mail.

Cam Edwards at Bearing Arms reports on a previous ruling against the prohibition:

As FPC and SAF point out in their initial complaint, at least one other district court judge has already determined that making postal facilities “gun-free zones” violates the Constitution. In United States v. Ayala, a postal worker was indicted for possessing a handgun after he carried his concealed pistol inside a postal facility in Tampa. Emmanual Ayala has a valid Florida carry license, and says he had his pistol with him while hauling packages in a semi. Rather than leave the gun behind in his vehicle, Ayala kept it secured inside a fanny pack when he would enter postal facilities, but in September of 2022 he was stopped by postal inspection officials and was ultimately arrested by the Tampa police for bringing his gun into the facility.

In January of this year, however, U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle threw out the charges against Ayala, ruling that the government had not demonstrated a historical tradition of barring guns in postal facilities.

This issue will probably be kicking around in the courts over the course of a couple of years. Keep in mind that it is VERY IMPORTANT to get the anti gun Democrats out of the Whitehouse and congressional majorities or this may never be resolved. Support the SAF and FPC and, most of all, support pro-gun choices for elected office at any level of government.

Yes – we’re back to blogging about our rights as Americans more frequently, we hope.

Continue to pray and support those who need it.

New Anti-ID Theft AZ Drivers Licenses

New License Format

Effective this week, Arizona drivers licenses will have a new look. Ours don’t expire until 2015, but we can expect to get this format when we renew. I like the fact that the word “VETERAN,” if appropriate, is prominently displayed on the face of the license.

Via Arizona Highways Blog and ADOT:

Effective this week, Arizona has a new driver’s license that our bosses at the Arizona Department of Transportation say will offer better protection against identity theft.

Among the most notable changes: a new font for the word “Arizona” at the top of the license; a larger portrait, along with a duplicated “ghost” portrait; an Arizona-shaped laser perforation; and a new background image.

On the latter, gone is the Grand Canyon panorama that defined Arizona’s previous driver’s license. In its place is a collage of unique Arizona features, such as geologic formations, a saguaro and a ringtail (the state mammal). The image employs a technique called Guilloché innovative symmetry; an ADOT release says the technique consists of “intricate, repetitive patterns that are interwoven to guard against counterfeiting, altering or other fraudulent use, making for a more secure credential.”

There’s no need to rush out and get a new license; your old one will still be good until it expires.

Breaking News

roadblock.jpgThe local (Los Angeles) TV stations are all breathlessly covering the Dorner case. This is a very important news story, especially for people in the immediate San Bernardino County area where the manhunt continues.

At this time, they believe the suspect is still inside a cabin near Big Bear. The cabin appears to be on fire and the law enforcement resources are said to have the cabin surrounded.

They are not sure Dorner is still inside the burning structure.

As I write this. it is a half hour before the SOTU. If the drama in the mountains continues into the next hour, I hope that Fox LA has enough sense to stay with the breaking news rather than switching coverage to some bloviating, gun-grabbing socialist inside the beltway.

UPDATE: No way of knowing for sure until forensics clears the scene, but it appears Dorner is probably dead.

The Path to Citizenship

The Path to Citizenship

I am embarrassed that BOTH Arizona senators are behind this sham immigration reform deal:

Via Michelle Malkin:

According to a five-page document provided to POLITICO, the sweeping proposal — agreed to in principle by eight senators — would seek to overhaul the legal immigration system as well as create a pathway to citizenship for the nation’s roughly 11 million illegal immigrants. But establishing that pathway would depend on whether the U.S. first implements stricter border enforcement measures and new rules ensuring immigrants have left the country in compliance with their visas. Young people brought to the country as children illegally and seasonal agriculture industry workers would be given a faster path to citizenship.

That part about enforcing the borders is, of course, total bullsh!t.

“Contemptible Ray” Nagin Indicted

Contemptible Ray, the anti-gun mayor of New Orleans has been indicted on a host of charges. You remember Nagin, who confiscated legally owned weapons from New Orleans citizens in the wake of hurricane Katrina. Despite a court order to return the weapons, he and his police squad stored them in barrels and squatted on them until being found in contempt of court. By then, many of the guns were rusted and rendered non-functional.

Now, he may finally get the jail time he so richly deserves . . .

From The Patriot Post:

Ray Nagin Indicted

Former New Orleans Mayor Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin was indicted last week on 21 counts of fraud, bribery, money laundering and tax falsification related to kickbacks he took from businesses looking to rebuild the city after Hurricane Katrina. The indictment accuses Nagin of using his office to enrich himself and business associates through wire transfers, free travel and other illegal means. Nagin’s indictment is no surprise, considering the corrupt history of New Orleans politics and Nagin’s own reputation. It’s also no surprise that only one major news outlet reporting of the event identified Nagin’s party affiliation. In case you were wondering, he’s a Democrat, through and through.

No Blog Today

We are saddened by the events in Connecticut today. Pray for the families affected by today’s tragedy.

Brace yourselves for the knee-jerk calls to remove guns from the respectable and not the despicable.