
Moon PI

PI, the ratio of a circle to its diameter is about 3.14 and for some neo-cultural reason we now celebrate “PI Day” on March 14th of each year. Those of us who score very well on the Nerd Test, can appreciate this nerdy quasi-holiday.

As it turns out, we had sort of a coincidence overnight when the Moon became obscured by the Earth’s shadow (umbra). Damsel and I observed the phenomenon after midnight just before hitting the hay. posted the image below on their website of the Moon, as seen from Earth and the Earth as seen from the Moon during the eclipse. The Blue Ghost lunar lander took the earthward image seen on the right side of the composite image.

Astronomy Picture of the Day posted the explanation that when an eclipse of the Moon occurs the angle between the Sun and the Moon from Earth’s perspective is approximately 3.14 Radians (180°).

Happy Moon PI Day!

First Full Moon of 2025

Well, this (clickable) photo taken this evening is not technically the actual full moon which occurs sometime tomorrow afternoon, Arizona time, it looks full enough to us to qualify as the January “Wolf Moon.” The naming of the wolf moon supposedly comes from the howling of wolves that occur at this time of the year. All we get here, is the occasional coyote pack serenading the neighborhood.

Since this is the first post of 2025 on this blog, let me wish everyone a happy and prosperous new year. And for those displaced persons in the Carolina/Tennessee hurricane and California fire areas, Godspeed and prayers. We’re supporting those charities which will direct help to those areas despite the efforts of government bureaucracies to hinder their efforts. More power to those organizations and to the volunteers working the problem areas.

The image you see above will probably be one of the last taken by me, using my trusty Canon Rebel EOS SL1 camera, since I ordered a new Canon EOS Rebel SL3 to replace the old one. The new camera has several features which will enhance my ability to take and render photos. A couple of new features (which I cannot describe before using them), including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. I’m sure they will be handy for me with the apps that Canon provides.

The lunar photo specs follow: Canon EOS Rebel SL1 with EF-S55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS Lens. Settings: 1/640 sec, F9.0, ISO 800, Focal Length 250mm using the camera’s Normal Program automatic mode. Click on the image to enlarge.

The old camera is likely to wind up being used by my eldest granddaughter, who will be putting it to use in her professional photography endeavors. Our three grandkids (all girls) all live in Northern California. Our youngest granddaughter will be giving birth to her first child, our fifth Great-Grandchild sometime in February.

Eclipse Day

What we anticipated to be a dismal forecast for the weather on Eclipse Day, turned out to be not so bad, especially during the totality phase. Clouds passed between us and the sun often, but then opened up for partial phase glimpses and during totality, most of the four minutes of darkness, we were able to see the corona and in the image below, a couple of prominences at two-thirty and five-thirty on the disc. The 5:30 prominence was huge.

I wasn’t very well-prepared to take photos given the woeful forecast, which affected my motivation, but I was able to attach the big 100-400mm telephoto lens and shoot bunches of photos hand-held (no tripod) and had a few fair results including the one above. Damsel had similar results and captured the “Diamond Ring” at the end of the totality show:

As I’m blogging this, we are getting some moderate to heavy thundershowers with lightning and thunder, but, Praise the Lord, no tornadoes. The precipitation knocked out the satellite TV a few times, but it is up and running now.

We’re here until Wednesday and then off to other parts of Texas south of us towards the Gulf of Mexico and thence via westerly routes heading back to Arizona over the next several days.

2024 Total Solar Eclipse

The (clickable) panel below shows the details of the eclipse as expected here in our RV campground located near Waco, TX. I cropped the image from a screenshot taken from the Time and Date website.

The right side of the panel shows our approximate location in the RV park (green area), The left side of the panel shows times for events associated with this eclipse. It also shows the expected weather of overcast with scattered thundershowers. That’s sub-optimal for eclipse viewing, of course, but we’re optimistic that we will see some of the spectacle, regardless.

At a minimum, the daylight will diminish to darkness if overcast, and I may be able to take a video the lunar shadow as it approaches our site at 1500 miles per hour. Likewise, four minutes later, I may be able to take a video of the shadow’s departure.

We just learned that there is a tornado watch for this area after the eclipse. We probably could use some prayerful help with that. Stay tuned.

Winter Solstice 2023

Image – an unusual snow day in Wickenburg (2014-12-31)

Solstice Notes

The first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere is marked by the winter solstice, which occurs on Thursday, December 21, 2023, at 8:27 P.M. Arizona time or 0127Z if you’re into Greenwich mean time. Today is the shortest day of the year with only 9 hours and 53 minutes of sunshine at our latitude here in Wickenburg.

We’re not expecting any snow of the magnitude depicted above this season. The snowfall in Wickenburg on New Year’s Eve 2014 was the most snow we have ever seen in town since we moved here in early 2011 when our house was finally completed. As a matter of fact, we can count our snow days on one hand over our nearly 13 years of living here.

Music Notes

The 61-key digital keyboard shown below is the replacement for an older version of the same thing that I’ve had since March of 2010 (and there were many before that). This one has much more capability and I have been enjoying exploring the different voices, songs and styles included in the unit.

I have been playing keyboards (without much formal training) since age 5 or so. I have messed with MIDI quite a lot although that isn’t my peak interest now. I’d much rather play favorites and try to compose some things now and then.

The new keyboard is a Yamaha PSR E373 which is still considered an entry level unit, but it has a lot more features than I probably can figure out how to use. I have an app for the Smart Phone which allows me to record sound and video from the unit. Maybe I will post some of it on social media and link it here one of these days.

Here is the new unit in my studio (a.k.a. Master Bedroom):

This is Yamaha’s Blurb about this keyboard:

The PSR-E373 features a newly developed tone generator that delivers stunning improvements in sound quality as well as high-quality effects. You can enjoy a comprehensive library of 622 instrument Voices perfect for playing in any genre you choose, as well as unique Super Articulation Lite Voices that reproduce the subtle nuances of stringed instruments such as the cello and mandolin that are typically difficult to emulate on a keyboard instrument, delivering realistic and authentic performances.

The old keyboard will be retired to the Motorhome for practice when we’re on the road.

Annular Solar Eclipse Day

Above, first order of camping business is to show the RV parked at the American RV Park taken after the day’s festivities. This is the third time we’ve camped at this particular park – once in 2017 and again in 2019.

Now, in 2023, we’re back again to witness one of God’s spectacles, to wit, the great annular solar eclipse of 2023. Without going into a lot of detail, this is an image of the annularity taken by Damsel this morning at 10:37 local time.

Click on either image to enlarge.

Tomorrow, we will be headed to the Texas Panhandle.

Solar Astrophotography

In anticipation of the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023, I got out the Canon SL1 camera and associated accessories to photograph the solar disk. I used the Canon EF 100-400mm lens along with a Thousand Oaks Optical threaded SolarLite® filter to get the (clickable) image above. I had to experiment with the camera settings to get the image and further had to adjust it using a photo processing app.

The setup resolved the solar disk and a couple or three sunspots currently visible; the two larger sunspots visible are 3297 and below that 3294. Those numbers are according to

As I mentioned above, I had to experiment with the camera settings a bit. Using the camera’s Programmed (P) setting, the images were overexposed. I switched to the shutter speed priority setting and tried several exposure times from 1/1000 second, 1/2000 second, and 1/4000 second. The latter, which is the fastest shutter speed on the camera, captured enough of the details needed to produce the image seen above and will certainly be good enough for the annular eclipse. For the total eclipse in April of 2024, it will be necessary to remove the attenuating filter during totality in order to capture the details of the solar limb and the spectacular appearance of the solar corona.