
His ‘n’ Hers

A little belated, but now that the waiting period is over, I finally have my anniversary present. We took it to the range today, and had a lot of fun firing his’n’hers pistols at the 25 foot targets. We’re still getting used to the new firearms, so nothing to brag about – well, not yet at least.

Depicted is our pair of pistols. My new one is the black double-action S&W 908 on top. Damsel’s is the S&W 908s shown below. The guns are identical mechanically, but Damsel’s is “prettier” according to her.

My assessment of this gun is that it is a very good value for a compact double-action pistol. Even though I just fired it for the first time today, it seems to have a smooth action and a modest recoil for a 9mm. The design is simple and straight forward. Field stripping and re-assembly is a snap; cleaning it is a breeze. Oil it up, reassemble, wipe it off and it’s ready to go again.

My first shots:

The Other New Toy

As I alluded to yesterday, Damsel got another new toy. This is a smaller, lighter version of Remmington’s model 870 shotgun that she shot for the first time today.

Damsel takes aim after cleaning her new toy

Update: Video of the first outing to the indoor range. I think she likes it!

Sunday Shoot

Not much blogging today – we had some chores and then went for our Sunday Shoot at the indoor range. We shot our .357 magnums and I sent a few cartridges through my antique Ithaca 20 gauge.

Below is a silhouette target before the shooting, after the 20 gauge and after damsel emptied a couple cylinders worth of .38 special rounds. I like to think the first panel is “intruder,” the second two are “intruders after encountering us.”

Here’s a short video of the Damsel sending a tight grouping through a 25-yard pistol target.

Balls — I Like Balls

When it comes to masculinity, the French always seem to fall short of the mark.

There is a dispute in the recent Tour de France (the Cap’n says “Turd duh Fwance”) with regard to high testosterone level in the winner of the race, Floyd Landis. This indicates that he is, indeed, masculine — an attribute that the average Frenchman seldom seems to possess. Landis produces testosterone naturally, unlike most EUnachs, I guess.

Image: Floyd Landis

From Little Green Footballs:

Landis Says He’s Clean

Floyd Landis said the high testosterone levels that caused him to fail a drug test at the Tour de France are the result of his natural metabolism — not doping of any kind — and he will undergo tests to prove it.

Read the rest of the article.

Owens Won’t Return to Eagles

I applaud Philadelphia Eagles Head Coach Andy Reid for sacking hot-shitshot Terrell Owens for his on-going bad attitude and behavior.

From – Reid: Owens Won’t Return to Eagles

PHILADELPHIA — Terrell Owens can take his touchdowns and dance somewhere else.

The tempestuous star receiver won’t return to the Philadelphia Eagles this season — or probably ever — because of “a large number of situations that accumulated over a long period of time,” coach Andy Reid said Monday.

Owens was suspended for Sunday night’s 17-10 loss at Washington, and will remain suspended for three more games without pay. After that, the Eagles plan to deactivate him for the rest of the season.

It’s about time – the gutless San Francisco 49ers staff let Owens’ bad antics go on for years.

Reid said the outspoken player “had been warned repeatedly about the consequences of his actions.”

“We gave Terrell every opportunity to avoid this outcome,” he said.

Owens was suspended Saturday, two days after he said the Eagles showed “a lack of class” for not publicly recognizing his 100th career touchdown catch in a game on Oct. 23. In the same interview with on Thursday, Owens said the Eagles would be better off with Green Bay’s Brett Favre at quarterback instead of Donovan McNabb.

The NFL in general should take a critical look at deteriorating sportsmanship in the league. Every week lately, Damsel and I are appalled at the shenanigans and antics performed by many so-called professional athletes.

Update: As you might expect, the NFL Players Union has filed a grievance in the Owens case. This is just another example of organized labor taking the wrong side of an issue; instead of demanding excellence, they condone bad behavior.

Lazy NFL Sunday

Well, not exactly altogether lazy – I mowed the lawn. But since the weather was less than spectacular, Damsel and I stayed inside most of the day watching the games and cooking Chicken Kiev with rice pilaf. The food was excellent and somewhat comforting in that none of our favorite teams did for shit and the weather was sucky.

TV’s left to right: Raiders vs. Chiefs, Dolphins vs. Falcons, Chargers vs. Jets and Lions vs. Vikings.

We were also entertained by listening as our phonebot took a dozen or so political phone spam messages. We’ll be glad when the election is over.

Now This is a First for Football

Performance of an unnatural act to draw the offense offside.

About in the middle of the first quarter of the ESPN Sunday Night Football Game between the Buffalo Bills and the New England Patriots, a penalty was called on the Patriots, to wit: Performance of an unnatural act not normally seen in the course of a football game, in an attempt to draw the offense offside.

Made us laugh out loud. Couldn’t they put that in a different way? Made me think that they might have had a sheep on the field or something.