
Abraham Lincoln

Abe Lincoln“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” — Abraham Lincoln

Today is the 201st anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, one of the nation’s greatest presidents.

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States, 1809 – 1865

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin County (now LaRue County), Kentucky. He rose from humble origins and less than a year of formal education to become the 16th President of the United States, and one of the great men of American history.

Lincoln was elected President on November 6, 1860, and led the United States through the nation’s greatest crisis, the Civil War (1861-1865). He is credited with saving the Union from disintegration and eliminating slavery in America.

On the evening of April 14, 1865 Lincoln was assassinated as he watched a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C. He was the first American President to be assassinated. Thousands of mourners lined the tracks as his funeral train moved him from Washington to his final resting place in Springfield, Illinois.

Pearl Harbor Day

Today, we honor the men and women who died in the attacks on Hawaii late in 1941. In the photograph below, the Officers and Crew line the flight deck of the USS Ronald Reagan, CVN-76, as they salute the war memorial at the resting place of the USS Arizona.

More than ever, we must honor our Veterans and those who serve today in the best military in the world. God Bless them in this holiday season and always.

USS Ronald Reagan at the Arizona war memorial

Patriotic Holiday Decorations

It’s that time of year when we start to put up our Christmas decorations. Over the past few years, we have been putting a red white and blue emphasis on the color coordination. I got some red poinsettias and some white mums for the planters out on the front porch. To add the blue color, I placed a couple of small American flags in the planters. Click on the image to enlarge.


Homesick – For Our NEW Home

Sheesh – my last day at the office is tomorrow and I’m already homesick for a place where we’ve never lived. Now that retirement is imminent, I can’t wait to get to the new place. This wave of yearning was brought on when I looked at a photo of a sunset in a place we stayed last April in west-central Arizona. Click image to enlarge. Photo credit: Damsel.


Gun Blogger Rendezvous – Recap

This is a slideshow recapping our great time at the GBR-IV in Reno. We met so many nice folks and made new friends. It was truly a great experience for us, and we have already been in touch with some of our new buddies. Thanks to Mr. C and Kee Wee for throwing one of the best events we’ve been fortunate enough to attend.

Major Chuck Ziegenfuss did a presentation for Project Valor-IT, so we included a tribute to that in the slideshow. If you want to learn more please visit About Project Valour-IT on-line.

Blogs and others represented at GBR-IV:

Thanks also to the event sponsors: Para USA, Hi-Point Firearms, GLOCK, Dillon Precision, Lucky Gunner Ammo, The Silver Legacy, Brownell’s, Natchez Shooters Supply, Midway USA, Remington, Crimson Trace, Bison Armory, Cheaper than Dirt, National Rifle Association and the National Sports Shooting Foundation (thanks Bill!)

If I missed anyone, please tell me, so I can make it right.

Photo credits (most of ’em) – Damsel.

2996 Project – Patriot Day 2009 – Remembering Zep

Damsel and I are very proud to be able to honor Marc Scott Zeplin on the eighth anniversary of the Islamic Terrorist Attacks against America on September 11, 2001 and to be part of the 2996 Project. This is the fourth year we have posted about Marc Scott Zeplin.

Zep” is what his friends called him. Zep was one of the 2996 victims who perished in the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Marc Scott Zeplin, age 33.

Place killed: World Trade Center. Resident of Harrison, N.Y. (USA).

Marc Zeplin worked in the World Trade Center offices of Cantor Fitzgerald, a financial services company. Reading what Marc’s friends and family have written about him, Marc was well-liked and respected by peers, friends and others who wrote words about him following his death.

The following is from Zep’s tribute at the memorial site that his company set up to remember their employees that were lost in the attack:

Date of Birth: January 12, 1968

Department: Equity Sales

A group of friends named and registered a star in the heavens in memory of Marc Zeplin. How fitting as he was a star in the eyes of so many.

Successful as an equity trader, he formed close relationships with his clients but he was foremost a family man. Marc was very caring and devoted to his wife Debra, sons Ryan (3 yrs old) and Ethan (10 months), parents, sister and in-laws. He adored his children and treasured the time he spent with them. Marc was very proud of the new home he and his wife built in Westchester and enjoyed the change from urban to suburban living.

Raised in Long Island, Marc attended Oceanside High School and the University of Michigan where he also continued to earn a master’s degree in the acclaimed business school. Marc’s first career calling was sports casting. He loved sports of all kinds and enjoyed broadcasting games in Michigan during his college years. However, when he returned to New York, he found immediate employment in the financial world and soon after started at Cantor Fitzgerald where he became a partner.

Marc was truly a “master of the word.” He knew how and what to say in order to put you at ease, make you laugh or help you resolve a problem. Marc loved people. He had many friends and demonstrated a zest for living life to the fullest. He was tops in every way. He even worked at the top. The right position for so many years unfortunately was wrong on only one day – September 11, 2001.

Debra Zeplin and Leora Zeplin, Marc’s Wife and Mother.

Please join us today as we remember Marc Zeplin and the rest of the victims of those attacks, and please, NEVER FORGET.

Project 2996 – Patriot Day is Coming Soon

armsofproject2996.jpgPatriot Day – September 11th – commemorating the victims of the terrorist attacks on America in 2001 is coming soon. We must Never Forget.

If you have a blog, please consider signing up to honor a victim of the attacks. D. C. Roe, the original 2996 organizer, has renewed the call for patriots to sign up to honor the victims on September 11th. Go to the Project 2996 Sign-up Page and select your honoree.

Project 2996 started on the fifth anniversary of the attacks in 2006. Each year since that time we have honored Mark Scott Zeplin, a victim of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. We signed up for that honor again this year.

We also are going to insert a link in the Never Forget Tribute to the Project 2996 Sign-Up Page. The tribute is seen on hundreds of websites world-wide and this will help to spread the word.