Law and Order

Mel Gibson McClintock Endorsement

Despite what you may have heard about Mel Gibson‘s critical remarks regarding the Republican Administration, you can be sure that his political leanings trend toward conservative values. Recently, a letter arrived at our household from the McClintock for Lieutenant Governor organization. The letter itself was from Mel Gibson who endorsed Tom McClintock to be California’s Lieutenant Governor.

Excerpts from the letter:

When I find that rare politician who will stand his ground for what is right–no matter what the pressure or consequences–I take notice.

During the recall election in California, I saw such a person. He stood solidly for principles that might not be politically correct — but that were right and true. And because he stood his ground, millions of Californians heard his message and recognized that it was the direction California needed to take. And even though he didn’t win their votes, he won their hearts and minds.

[ . . . ]

I am convinced that there is no one on the political scene today who can articulate these positions more clearly and compellingly. Tom McClintock proved in the recall election that he can reach voters across a wide political spectrum — by the end of that campaign, he had the highest approval rating of any of the candidates among ALL voters!

And here’s some of Tom McClintock’s conservative credentials from his website:

First elected to the California Assembly at the age of 26, McClintock quickly distinguished himself as an expert in parliamentary procedure and fiscal policy. He served in the Assembly from 1982 to 1992 and again from 1996 to 2000. During these years, he authored California’s current lethal injection death penalty law, spearheaded the campaign to rebate $1.1 billion in tax over-collections to the people of California, and became the driving force in the legislature to abolish the car tax. He has proposed hundreds of specific reforms to streamline state government and reduce state spending.

In 2000, McClintock was elected to the California State Senate, where he has continued to develop innovative budget solutions such as the Bureaucracy Reduction and Closure Commission and performance based budgeting, and to advocate for restoring California’s public works.

The Language Barrier

The Senate passed a bill that would make English the “common and unified” language of the United States. Now, perhaps, states like California can stop all this bilingual publishing at taxpayer expense. (I know — that would be too much to expect from the bunch of liberals in Sacramento.)

CHP to Buy New Guns

For about $700 each, the California Highway Patrol will acquire nearly ten thousand new American-made Smith and Wesson semi-automatic weapons to replace aging armament; some of these aging weapons having delivered over one hundred thousand rounds.

CHP will buy 9,700 new guns –

The California Highway Patrol is buying 9,700 semi-automatic pistols from gun maker Smith & Wesson Corp. in a deal the CHP says is worth $6.6 million. Delivery of the .40-caliber firearms will start in June and be completed over the next 18 months, Smith & Wesson Vice President Liz Sharp said. The new firearms will replace older Smith & Wesson pistols that CHP officers have carried as their primary service weapon since the 1990s, Sharp said.

Leland Nichols, Smith & Wesson’s chief operating officer, said the Springfield, Mass.-based company was “honored” that California’s premier law enforcement agency had decided to stick with his company’s guns.

“They are happy with the brand and happy with the reliability and durability,” Nichols said. “They have some units that have fired over 100,000 rounds.”

We’re happy to see that the CHP is buying American and buying much needed replacements for our first responder patrolmen and women.

Mother’s Day

Well, just what shall I get Damsel for Mothers Day? BLING-BLING? Naw, she has plenty of that already. This time she needs BANG-BANG!

Photo: Damsel fires her new piece at the indoor range.

As usual, I met with the boss last week to discuss current activities, progress and problems. When it came time to discuss planned absences, I mentioned that I needed some time off that afternoon to go and pick up Damsel’s Mothers’ Day gift.

“That’s fine,” he said, “What are you going to get her?” he asked.

“A Smith & Wesson 686-6 three-fifty-seven magnum revolver,” I answered.

“No, really . . .” he chuckled.

“Seriously,” I replied, “that’s what she wants. You should have seen her face light up the first time I suggested such a thing. You would have thought I offered her a pair of 200 karat diamond-encrusted slippers and a coach ride to the Prince’s Ball.”

“The Damsel takes pride in our home and garden,” I said, “and home security is definitely on her list of essential ‘housewares.'”

“Right,” the boss said slowly as he mused, as though to ponder how his spouse might consider such a concept, “that’s important these days.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Inset: Not a bad first firing group – five of seven rounds in the “stop zone.”

Conflicting Terms

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (Dim, CA) has been depositing her smack graffiti all over the media recently about the Republican “culture of corruption.” Well, not to mince words, but if her idea is to associate “culture” with “corruption,” it seems she has a pretty good oxymoron going.

First, define culture – a high level of taste and enlightenment as a result of extensive intellectual training and exposure to the arts.

Next, corruption – impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle, decay, decomposition, inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means, a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct.

Now, it’s clear to me that “culture of corruption” refers to “enlightened putrifaction” – a sickening and stark contrast in terms.

It seems to me that this Democratic crone-drone strikes a dischordant tone with many Americans.

Let’s propose another slogan or set of slogans that sounds cutesy like their slogan, but offers complimenting words, meaning essentially the same thing. Here’s a few suggestions along with a couple of recent examples to which they may be applied:

Democrats of debauchery
Democrats of decadence
Democrats of degeneracy
Democrats of degeneration
Democrats of degradation
Democrats of demoralization
Democrats of doom
Democrats of d’oh!

Recent Examples

The Nada Bus

When it comes to the rights and privileges that illegal aliens think they “deserve,” I propose giving them a ride on the Nada Bus – a ride straight back to wherever they came from. We were disgusted by last week’s demonstrations, and decided to have an Itialian and Chinese food weekend – to hell with celabrating “cinco de Mayo.”

Bottom line: the bus says it all – illegals – remember, illegal means they’re breaking the law – deserve exactly NADA – zero, zip, zilch, nunca, nil, goose-egg, the big donut!

Charlie Daniels – Must Read

Over at Palos Verdes Blog, Bill has posted Charlie Daniels’ reaction to the illegal immigrants demonstration. This is an excerpted paragraph:

What disturbs me about the demonstrations is that it’s tantamount to saying, “I am going to come into your country even if it means breaking your laws and there’s nothing you can do about it.” It’s an “in your face” action and speaking just for me I don’t like it one little bit. If there were a half dozen pairs of gonads in Washington bigger than English peas it wouldn’t be happening. Where are you, you bunch of lilly livered, pantywaist, forked tongued, sorry excuses for defenders of The Constitution?

Photo: Charlie Daniels in Iraq

And I just love the last paragraph:

I don’t blame anybody for wanting to come to America, but if you don’t respect our immigration laws why should you respect any others. And by the way, this is America and our flag has stars and stripes. Please get that other one out of my face.

Please read the whole article at: Palos Verdes Blog: Mexican Standoff.