
Lord Deliver Us


. . . because SCOTUS will not. What has CJOTUS Roberts been smoking? A TAX !?!

Image: Bumper sticker seen at the bank today.

From The Liberty Counsel Website:

Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare Individual Mandate as a Tax

Jun 28, 2012

Today, in a surprising 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court upheld the “individual mandate” of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as “ObamaCare,” ruling that while the law exceeds Congress’s authority under the Commerce Clause, it is authorized under the Taxing and Spending Clause.

The largest and most unfair tax in United States history.

Festering Turd of Healthcare Reform


I think the president made a thinly-veiled threat against the Supreme Court today at a joint press conference with a couple of America’s other enemies – Calderon of Mexico and (to a lesser extent) Harper of Canada.

The president, adopting what he described as the language of conservatives who fret about judicial activism, questioned how an “unelected group of people” could overturn a law approved by Congress.

“I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,” Obama said.

Strong majority? This festering turd of a healthcare law was passed by a 219-212 margin in the House of Representatives. His “strong majority” characterization is just another example of how out of touch with reality the president is. Fifty-six percent of Americans reject the mandate – there’s the “strong majority” on this issue.

Cartoon via The Patriot Post. Click to enlarge.

Sliming the Constitution


From Power Line:

Conservatives have long said that the day would come when liberal judges declare the Constitution unconstitutional. That happened today, when a gay federal judge in San Francisco, relying on the opinions of mostly-gay “expert” witnesses, ruled that an amendment to the California constitution, which was adopted in perfectly proper fashion by a substantial majority of voters, is “unconstitutional.” In this context, unconstitutional means “unpopular with me and my friends.”

Just A Bump In The Road

blind justiceLast week, Judge Susan Bolton, the judge hearing the Arizona Immigration Law case, said this:

“Why can’t Arizona be as inhospitable as they wish to people who have entered or remained in the United States?” U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton asked in a pointed exchange with Deputy Solicitor General Edwin S. Kneedler.

“How is there a preemption issue?” the judge asked. “I understand there may be other issues, but you’re arguing preemption. Where is the preemption if everybody who is arrested for some crime has their immigration status checked?”

Yet in a ruling today she noted this:

[T]he United States has demonstrated that it is likely to succeed on its claim that the mandatory immigration verification upon arrest requirement contained in Section 2(B) of S.B. 1070 is preempted by federal law. This requirement, as stated above, is likely to burden legally-present aliens, in contravention of the Supreme Court’s directive in Hines that aliens not be subject to “the possibility of inquisitorial practices and police surveillance.” 312 U.S. at 74. Further, the number of requests that will emanate from Arizona as a result of determining the status of every arrestee is likely to impermissibly burden federal resources and redirect federal agencies away from the priorities they have established.

That last part (highlighted) is a crock. Everyone knows that the Feds are NOT doing their job. How is doing the job going to overload them?

The judge, a Clinton appointee, is using judicial fiat to reinvent the law. Moreover, she invokes a 1941 SCOTUS ruling – Hines -which is an entirely unrelated decision regarding immigration. I wonder what (or who) caused her to reverse what she was saying just last week?

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer promised to appeal the decision in the Ninth Circuit court (which will probably agree and rule for the injunction) and to the Supreme Court if necessary. Governor Brewer said “It’s just a “bump in the road.” and “This is far from over.”

Preemption? What Preemption?

azjobs.jpgFederal Judge Susan Bolton who is presiding over the hearing on Arizona SB 1070, the immigration enforcement law, wonders why the DOJ would ever pursue the law as a Federal preemption case.

“Why can’t Arizona be as inhospitable as they wish to people who have entered or remained in the United States?” U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton asked in a pointed exchange with Deputy Solicitor General Edwin S. Kneedler. Her comment came during a rare federal court hearing in the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona and Gov. Jan Brewer (R).

Bolton, a Democratic appointee, also questioned a core part of the Justice Department’s argument that she should declare the law unconstitutional: that it is “preempted” by federal law because immigration enforcement is an exclusive federal prerogative.

“How is there a preemption issue?” the judge asked. “I understand there may be other issues, but you’re arguing preemption. Where is the preemption if everybody who is arrested for some crime has their immigration status checked?”

Captain Ed at Hot Air speculates that the Feds will get laughed out of court sooner than later.