We only took four firearms to the range today: Damsel’s Para Ordinance Warthog .45ACP, my Glock 30 .45ACP, Damsel’s Remington 870 “Junior” 20 gauge shotgun and our Remington 870 Express Magnum Security 12 gauge shotgun. We left the .357 magnum guns at home since we did not have as much reserve .38 special or .357 ammo as we did .45. So, we grabbed a hundred rounds of .45ACP plus 25 rounds each of 12 and 20 gauge sport loads and headed to the range.
This video shows Damsel doing what she loves to do. The four clips in the video show her shooting, in turn, all of the firearms we brought today – the Warthog, the Glock 30, the 20 gauge Junior and the 12 gauge Security gun.
I got an inquiry from reader drjim, about how I record and publish the videos on our site. I use a Canon A710IS in the movie mode. It produces an AVI file which I then edit with Windows Movie Maker to crop and to add titles. Then, I use a flash tool to convert to the Flash® format. It’s a little work but produces a video compatible with most browsers. It’s all home grown and does not use You Tube or any other social networking parasites. I like it that way. What you see here generally comes from here. Once in a great while, we will link to one of those sites, but only if it’s *very* important and as a last resort.