
ALGOR and the Enviroloons

We’ll all be roasted! The Earth is going to overheat and we’re DOOOOOOMED! Quick — someone call ALGOR and the Enviroloons!

Al Reuters on Al Gore:

Al Gore hopes to train a thousand messengers he hopes will spread out across the country and present a slide show about global warming that captures the essence of his Hollywood documentary and book.

The former vice president, a Democrat Moonbat (ed.), said on Monday that by the end of the summer he would start a bipartisan education campaign to train 1,000 people to give a version of his slide show on global warming featured in the film “An Inconvenient Truth” and book of the same name.

If you’re not particularly panicked by this, then you may already have seen our archive of articles on the environment.

Coalition Forces Kill Al Zarqawi

VIDEO UPDATE: Little Green FootballsCandygram for Zarqawi

Maybe this is only symbolic since there is almost certainly going to be another Zarqawi terror clone, but it’s good news for the Military and for progress in the war on terror. It looks like cooperation between Iraqi security forces and the Coalition is finally starting to kick in.



Coalition forces kill Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Multi-National Force-Iraq Commanding General, Gen. George W. Casey Jr., announced the death of al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi in the following statement during a press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad June 8:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, Coalition forces killed al-Qaida terrorist leader Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi and one of his key lieutenants, spiritual advisor Sheik Abd-Al-Rahman, yesterday, June 7, at 6:15 p.m. in an air strike against an identified, isolated safe house.

“Tips and intelligence from Iraqi senior leaders from his network led forces to al-Zarqawi and some of his associates who were conducting a meeting approximately eight kilometers north of Baqubah when the air strike was launched.

“Iraqi police were first on the scene after the air strike, and elements of Multi-National Division – North, arrived shortly thereafter. Coalition forces were able to identify al-Zarqawi by fingerprint verification, facial recognition and known scars.”

Images: Al Zarqawi — Before and After (courtesy CENTCOM)

Hot Damn! The only good terrorist is a DEAD terrorist!

UPDATE Excerpt from President Bush’s statement this morning:

“Now Zarqawi has met his end, and this violent man will never murder again. Iraqis can be justly proud of their new government and its early steps to improve their security. And Americans can be enormously proud of the men and women of our armed forces, who worked tirelessly with their Iraqi counterparts to track down this brutal terrorist and put him out of business.”
. . .

“We have tough days ahead of us in Iraq that will require the continued patience of the American people. Yet the developments of the last 24 hours give us renewed confidence in the final outcome of this struggle: the defeat of terrorism threats, and a more peaceful world for our children and grandchildren. ”

UN — A Danger to America

Just who do these %$@#!? people think they are?

United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan’s deputy, Mark Malloch Brown (a Briton), assailed the United States yesterday for “withholding support from the United Nations, encouraging its harshest detractors and undermining an institution that,” he said, “Washington needed more than it would admit.”

Well that’s a crock — we really do not need the UN nor any of the crap they spew!

US Ambassador John Bolton strongly rebuked Brown’s remarks. He said further that “to mitigate the damage to the United Nations” was for Annan to “personally and publicly repudiate this speech at the earliest possible opportunity.”

I have a better idea — just get us out of the UN and kick their freeloading asses out of the United States!

(Ahem!) The theme of this post gives me the opportunity to call attention to our revamped “Four Dangerous Men” animation, usually seen in the bottom of the sidebar.

UPDATE: More proof that Kofi and the entire kit and kaboodle needs to just get the %$@#!? out!

From Annan’s spokesman:

“The secretary-general stands by the statements made by his deputy. So there is no question of any action to be taken against the deputy secretary-general.”

Screw the UN and the hearse they ride out on . . .

Pushover Parents and Freeloading Kids

I was awakened this morning by one of the neighbor’s “kids” starting up his souped-up hot rod. Now it wouldn’t be a problem if he would get in it and drive away, but he leaves it curbside for about 15 minutes while it “warms up” making a terrible racket the whole time. I can’t get back to sleep, so I get up and go downstairs to wake up and try and get in a good mood.

Now this “kid” isn’t a kid at all — not any more. He’s about 22 or 23 years old and still lives at home with Mom. He and his friends used to throw wild parties and carry on when Mom was out of town until the Cap’n and I hauled Mom into mediation and threatened litigation. I still don’t understand why she hasn’t kicked his butt out.

I can see that I’m not the only person who is disturbed by an apparent trend for young adults to remain at home with parents rather than getting out on their own. This great article by Betsy Hart roots out the problem nicely:

Kick the Kids Out of the Nest, for their Own Sake

Ah, the season of college graduations is upon us. Many newly minted graduates have donned their caps and gowns, marched to “Pomp and Circumstance” and now they are headed back home.

That’s the problem. Too many of them just won’t leave.

In a hilarious episode of “Seinfeld” (and weren’t they all), Jerry is doing his stand-up routine. He asks the audience to imagine a grown fellow saying, “Boy, my life is great. I just got a promotion at work, my bowling score is going up and next month I might even be moving back in with my parents!” The audience laughs uproariously, because even back in the 1990s, such a move was for losers.

But today, fully 20 percent of “adults” between the ages of 22 and 26 live with Mom and Dad. That percent has doubled since 1970. Now let’s be clear. These kids typically have money and jobs. They are buying cool cars, flat-screen TVs and going out several nights a week. Often, they pay no rent. They are having a great time. Only, they are not growing up.

[ . . . ]

Here’s a suggestion: This college graduation season, go ahead Mom and Dad, and give the kids a party. A few good meals. A lot of guidance. But please, sometime between now and the end of summer — do yourself, your children and all of us a favor: Kick the kids out of the family nest.

Betsy Hart, author of It Takes a Parent: How the Culture of Pushover Parenting is Hurting Our Kids — and What to Do About It. She can be reached through or

Racist Wins the Race

I understand why voters in California vote the way they do — they continue to elect liberals and get higher taxes and liberal social programs. I blame that on voter ignorance and union-sponsored political commercials filled with lies and deceptions. What I don’t understand is why the voters in New Orleans reelected the incompetent Ray Nagin to another term as mayor. I would think that they would be smart enough to see through all the post-Katrina rhetoric and send Nagin packing after his dismal performance in crisis and the racist rhetoric that followed. I guess I was wrong.

Image: Nagin sleeping on the job.

Read Michelle Malkin’s post-mortem on the New Orleans mayoral race, The Definition of Insanity.

LAX Hijacking Airport Revenue?

Already with a reputation of having the worst airport security, the worst airport management and named by the Airline Pilots Association‘s as one of the worst operational airports in America, LAX Management now reaches a new low — they are planning to divert an estimated 3.3 million dollars of annual airport revenues to unauthorized social programs — programs that are likely to be managed as poorly as the airport itself.

From the South Bay Daily Breeze:

FAA questions LAX use of airport funds to pay for job training

Federal authorities raise concerns about a pledge by Los Angeles International Airport to spend millions of dollars on job training and recruitment programs in nearby neighborhoods.

Those programs were supposed to help low-income people living with the noise and hassle of the airport find jobs there. They were an important element of recent deals that eased community opposition to the airport’s modernization plan.

But the regional office of the Federal Aviation Administration warned in a letter this week that the airport does not have authority to spend money that way. The job programs, it wrote, are not directly related to airport operations or air transportation and therefore cannot be funded with airport revenue.


The giveaway at LAX to the surrounding area amounts to a “bribe” for allowing airport expansion and improvements. I think the whole thing stinks and ought to be investigated by federal authorities.

Conflicting Terms

House minority leader Nancy Pelosi (Dim, CA) has been depositing her smack graffiti all over the media recently about the Republican “culture of corruption.” Well, not to mince words, but if her idea is to associate “culture” with “corruption,” it seems she has a pretty good oxymoron going.

First, define culture – a high level of taste and enlightenment as a result of extensive intellectual training and exposure to the arts.

Next, corruption – impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle, decay, decomposition, inducement to wrong by improper or unlawful means, a departure from the original or from what is pure or correct.

Now, it’s clear to me that “culture of corruption” refers to “enlightened putrifaction” – a sickening and stark contrast in terms.

It seems to me that this Democratic crone-drone strikes a dischordant tone with many Americans.

Let’s propose another slogan or set of slogans that sounds cutesy like their slogan, but offers complimenting words, meaning essentially the same thing. Here’s a few suggestions along with a couple of recent examples to which they may be applied:

Democrats of debauchery
Democrats of decadence
Democrats of degeneracy
Democrats of degeneration
Democrats of degradation
Democrats of demoralization
Democrats of doom
Democrats of d’oh!

Recent Examples