
Clinton’s Nose Just Keeps On Growing

During the recent interview of former president Bill Clinton by Chris Wallace of Fox News, Clinton asserted that he “left a detailed plan” for the Bush administration for dealing with terrorism:

When I failed I left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy and the best guy in the country, Dick Clarke!

I want to know how many people in the Bush administration you asked why didn’t you do anything about the Cole. I want to know how many you asked why did you fire Dick Clarke.

During an interview yesterday, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said this about Clinton’s remarks:

“What we did in the eight months was at least as aggressive as what the Clinton administration did in the preceding years,” Rice said Monday during a meeting with editors and reporters at the New York Post.

Rice took exception to Clinton’s statement that he “left a comprehensive anti-terror strategy” for incoming officials when he left office.

“We were not left a comprehensive strategy to fight Al Qaeda,” she told the newspaper, which is owned by News Corp., which also owns FOX News Channel.

Rice said Clarke “left when he did not become deputy director of homeland security.”

Once again, the Clintons attempt to rewrite history and sweep their dirty little business under the carpet. (Emphasis added by Damsel.)

Photoshop of Clinton by David Lunde via Michelle Malkin.

Update: Rewriting History Clinton Style (Cox & Forkum):

The Farce at Turd Hole Bay

The true character of the persons speaking at opening of the General Assembly of the United Nations became evident as they delivered their remarks. President Bush was eloquent and visionary, speaking the truth about the nature of the enemy and what must be done. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke like the deluded power-hungry despot he is, and Hugo Chavez went beyond the pale with his insane and hateful rhetoric accusing the United States of seeking to dominate the world. Indeed, Chavez’ remarks seemed humorous to the president of the General Assembly.

If you care to indulge the insanity, Ahmadinejad’s complete rant is translated at Vital Perspective.

Allahpundit has a video of Chavez’ melt-down, in which he calls President Bush “the devil.”!

I still stand beside my assertion that the most dangerous people in the world congregate in sanctuary at the United Nations — these recent developments should convince all of us that the UN is completely worthless to the United States and we need to withdraw NOW.

Organized Labor Crime

Apparently, we’re not the only ones who know the truth about unions. My opinion? The only difference between organized labor and organized crime is the way the second word is spelled. From CNS News:

Unions Have Embraced Anti-War Extremism, Report Says.

( – Labor leaders have established a close relationship with anti-American, anti-war activists as part of a move to the political left that began more than three decades ago, according to a recent report produced by a conservative think tank.

“Prominent self-styled ‘peace activists’ such as Cindy Sheehan, Leslie Cagan and Ramsey Clark rarely waste an opportunity to portray America as the number one obstacle to world peace,” said Carl Horowitz, author of the report “Common Cause With America’s Enemies: How Labor Unions Embraced Antiwar Extremism.”

Ralph “Bucky” Phillips in Custody

Live blogging the press conference:

Wayne Bennett, NY State Police Superintendent was asked by the press what the arresting officers said to the fugitive upon his capture. “They said, ‘Get on the ground!'” was the Superintendent’s answer.

The Fox affiliate reporter asked the Superintendent “What would you say to him if you could speak to him now?” “Nothing I can discuss with you here,” was the answer.

What great answers to those moron’s questions. Worse than a bunch of paparazzi – jeez!

CARROLL, N.Y. — Ralph “Bucky” Phillips suspected of shooting three New York state troopers — one of whom later died — was captured Friday night after more than five months on the run, New York State Police Inv. Gary Colon said.

Phillips surrendered to police around 8 p.m., walking out of a cornfield with his hands up. The end of the state’s largest manhunt came after a frantic day of searching that started with troopers firing at Phillips then squeezing him into a tighter and tighter hole just over the Pennsylvania state line.

Cheers went up at two state police barracks, one in Pennsylvania and one in New York, as news of Phillips surrender spread.

We’re glad to see this degenerate scumbag is in custody (apologies to bags with scum in them). God bless the cops — now I hope they go after the other scumbags that were helping Phillips hide.

Photo and story courtesy Fox News and Associated Press.

Plamegate Demoted to “Dwarf Scandal”

Unlike Pluto, which deserves respect, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame’s allegations against the administration have been reduced to the status of a fart in a windstorm.

Now that the left-wing WAPO has dismissed the outing of Valerie Plame’s “secret identity” by the Administration, we can gloat that our previous article, Truth in Aerial Advertising, is apropos to this latest revelation. Here’s the graphic we used in that article:

Of course, these Wilson people will continue to demonstrate their undying bias by taking their suit to its ultimate demise. They will continue to drag it through the muck trying to achieve some sort of moral victory, but will eventually succumb to its own infection. I can just hear Joe Wilson as he says (like Cartman would say) “Screw you guys, I’m going home!

Terror Insurance

Why does the UN, along with western politicians and questionable diplomacy continue to guarantee that terrorists will always prevail in the Middle East? Hezbollah did not wait for the UN resolutions to go into effect before declaring victory. This is just sad — letting history repeat itself in spite of knowing what actually must be done.

From Cox and Forkum:

Hezbollah did not wait for the official UN Security Council announcement on a ceasefire and launched its own media campaign declaring it had ‘won the war against Israel.’ In the latest video aired on Al-Manar TV the terror group says it ‘defeated the invincible army’ and ‘July-August 2006: Legend shattered.’ The new video clips show thousands of supporters waving Hezbollah and Lebanon flags.

A Pop Quiz

Mark Alexander has written a terrific article addressing the nature of the terrorists who want to destroy us. To present his analysis, he writes a series of multiple-choice questions. An enjoyable read for me and I hope for you too.

Image: The 19 Terrorists from 9/11 — click image for more from WorldNetDaily which carries an interesting frightening article about British Islamists

I selected only a sampling of Mark’s quiz — click on the title below to see the complete article:

Anyone for Terrorist Profiling?

To ensure we Americans never offend anyone — particularly fanatics intent on killing us — law enforcement and security screeners are not allowed to “profile” people in public places or security checkpoints. However, they will continue to perform random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, Secret Service agents who are members of the President’s security detail, 85-year-old congressmen with metal hips and even Medal of Honor recipients. But targeting Middle Eastern male Islamists between the ages 17 and 40 constitutes “ethnic profiling.”

Let’s pause a moment and review….

In 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by: (a) A salesman from Utah (b) An construction worker (c) A college student on Spring Break (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1972, 11 Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics by: (a) Your grandmother (b) A Midwest auto-parts dealer (c) A mom and her 6-year-old son visiting from Indiana (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by: (a) A pizza delivery boy (b) The UPS guy (c) Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a U.S. Navy diver was murdered by: (a) A Marine officer with two weeks leave (b) A plumber going to visit his mom (c) A Catholic nun (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by: (a) A college-bound freshman (b) A cardiac surgeon on his way to Houston (c) A waitress (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed by: (a) A starving actress (b) A mom with a newborn (c) Twin six-year-old boys (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1995, a plot to blow up U.S.-bound international flights over the Pacific was attempted by (a) Hawaiian school kids (b) An decorated Vietnam Veteran (c) Twin sisters on their way to Paducah (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 2000, 17 sailors died in an attack on the USS Cole (DDG 67) in Yemen by: (a) A child in a stroller (b) A high school class on their way to visit Washington, DC (c) Newlyweds on their way to Miami (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked — two flown into the World Trade Centers, one into the Pentagon and one into the ground in rural Pennsylvania. They were hijacked by: (a) A retired police officer on a mission trip to Haiti (b) A firefighter going to Maryland for training (c) An paramedic on his way to vacation in Hawaii (d) Middle Eastern Islamist males between the ages of 17 and 40.

I left out a bunch of Mark’s clever questions — it’s worth your time to read the rest.