Plamegate Demoted to “Dwarf Scandal”

Unlike Pluto, which deserves respect, Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame’s allegations against the administration have been reduced to the status of a fart in a windstorm.

Now that the left-wing WAPO has dismissed the outing of Valerie Plame’s “secret identity” by the Administration, we can gloat that our previous article, Truth in Aerial Advertising, is apropos to this latest revelation. Here’s the graphic we used in that article:

Of course, these Wilson people will continue to demonstrate their undying bias by taking their suit to its ultimate demise. They will continue to drag it through the muck trying to achieve some sort of moral victory, but will eventually succumb to its own infection. I can just hear Joe Wilson as he says (like Cartman would say) “Screw you guys, I’m going home!
