
How the Chinese See Us

While browsing through the activity logs for the blog, I ran across a referring link that aroused my curiosity. When I followed the link, I found myself looking at our blog in Chinese! Apparently, Babel Fish, a service of AltaVista offers a universal web page translator.

It won’t translate words in images or Flash™ and it leaves unknown words as they were. Fun to try in a couple of different languages.

2996 Makes the Goal

Our friend D.C. Roe deserves some real credit for this:

On August 28, 11:19 PM EDT the 2,996th name was assigned

Howard (Barry) Kirschbaum, age 53, a resident of New York, N.Y., will be honored by El Rider at the blog Flying Debris.

There will be more to come. But every name will be honored. It took exactly 90 days, and more hours than I’d care to count–and not just from me.

But for tonight I’ll take this victory and sleep well.

2996 Tribute Blogger Support

I almost forgot!

I just added a link to the Never Forget Graphic (seen on hundreds of blogs) encouraging bloggers to sign up for 2996 tribute on September 11, 2006. When I got the email from DC Roe I was going to “get around to it,” but promptly forgot until I saw a reminder on MVRWC this morning.

Check out the 2996 link under the graphic.

Update: We signed up for our 9/11 victim today. Less than half of them have been spoken for, so c’mon bloggers and sign up (click the link under the graphic).

We will be posting about this victim on 9/11/2006:

Marc Scott Zeplin, age 33.

Place killed: World Trade Center. Resident of Harrison, N.Y. (USA).

Marc Scott Zeplin will be honored by Cap’n Bob & the Damsel. This was the 1205th blogger to sign up for the 2,996 Tribute project.

Firearms Discussions in the Blogosphere

A recent topic seen in the blogosphere deals with how to own and bear arms. The topic surfaced after threats were made against bloggers exercising their first amendment rights, and one blogger asking how he might act to exercise his second amendment rights. Here are my thoughts on the subject.

Remington Model 870 Express® Shotgun

Why have guns? Well, first, there is the growing concern over illegal aliens and violent groups including terrorists like MS13 and Hisb’Allah. Both factions have gangs and cells throughout the country, with intent to do harm to the United States and it’s citizens. And you certainly can’t ignore the garden-variety domestic creeps among us. With these potential threats and with law enforcement spread too thin, having an in-home defense plan makes a lot of sense.

Given the premise that owning guns is a good idea, let’s discuss firearms, what to get, how to get and how to operate guns safely. First, choose a firearms dealer (one with an indoor shooting range is good). Once you select a dealer, make your purchase. In California, there is a ten-day waiting period for your initial gun purchase. You must be given a handgun safety quiz (mostly common sense answers) and briefed on the answers to questions you missed. 70 percent is a passing score. I’m not sure about other states/territories rules, but those should be similar.

To ensure safety (yours and others around you), be sure to take private or group instruction. The National Rifle Association website has links to affiliated training and instructors. For advanced learning you ought to consider taking some tactical training in home defense — seriously, you should be trained for, and prepared to use, deadly force if faced with a life-threatening encounter.

Now, let’s discuss gun selection. For most home defense, a simple shotgun will often fulfill the role. A 12 or 20 gauge model (like the Remington 870 pictured above) with number four or six shot cartridges will discourage most threats. A shotgun is easy to operate, but has a considerable recoil — smaller people should consider the 20 gauge version since the 12 gauge has a larger “kick.”

A good entry choice for a handgun is a .357 revolver. The short-barreled Smith and Wesson model 686 is pictured to the left. The advantages of this type of gun is that it’s compact, easy to point and shoot and uses either .38 special or .357 magnum ammunition. The .38 loads produce less recoil than the .357 loads. One disadvantage is after six or seven shots, you’re done until you can manually unload brass and insert six or seven unspent rounds into the cylinder. Some of us remember the drama from western movies while John Wayne or Audie Murphy would reload their Colt revolvers.

Often, a semi-automatic pistol is a good choice. The Smith and Wesson model 908S nine millimeter semi automatic pistol pictured at the right is a reasonable choice. Advantages of this type of gun include the ability to quickly reload the 8-round magazine with a standby magazine, compact size, light weight and easy to use. The disadvantages are that 9 millimeter loads have a greater recoil than .38 special and the magazine mechanism can become worn and will need replacing from time to time. Another possible disadvantage is the ejection of spent shells or “flying brass.” (Damsel actually considers this a positive effect!)

Acquire your guns, learn about them and shoot them often. Keep them clean and for goodness sake keep them away from where kids or strangers can get them. When you have this type of home protection, with the proper training, you may have confidence that you and your family will be secure. I place emphasis on recurrent training, regular use and proper maintenance of your protection investment.

The Evil Glance of ALGOR

I see that I’m not the only person that thinks ALGOR is a weirdo. I discovered this article on Ken Jennings‘ blog (remember Ken, the all time Jeopardy Champ?)

ALGOR, you’re creeping us out!

Looook into my eyes!

I’m a little late on this, since it took a few days for my copy to get forwarded from my old address, but what the @#$% is up with the cover of the new Entertainment Weekly?

The cover story is a profile of The New Cool Al Gore, and no matter what you personally think about Gore, there’s no getting around one fact: he looks creepy!

Most people gain weight and look friendlier. Jolly, even. But in this photo, Gore looks like Satan! Yeah, no wonder the icecaps are melting. It’s the heat from the swirling hellfire of His Satanic Majesty here.


Missing from the Media

I’ll bet that NONE of the mainstream media will publish emerging evidence that the events that took place at Haditha, Iraq involving the U. S. Marines have been highly distorted by both the media and partisan Democrats, Jack Murtha, in particular.

Read this article from NewsMax: New Evidence Emerges in Haditha Case

In the aftermath of the brutal mutilation and murder of two U. S. Soldiers, the terrorists responsible for these atrocities have been tracked down by the Military. Why is this largely overlooked by the press?


Where was the press when the Clinton Administration sat around and did little in the aftermath of the Khobar Towers terrorist attack that killed 19 U. S. Airmen and wounded scores of others?

From Opinion Journal: Khobar Towers

And finally, did you know that the Bush Administration never rejected the Kyoto Accords? Did you know it was unanimously rejected by the U. S. Senate when Bill Clinton was still in the White House? Probably not — the press was too busy demonizing Ken Starr for investigating presidential philandering.

From Right Thinking from the Left Coast:More Kyoto Idiocy

How can you possibly trust the major media when these important facts are largely ignored by them?