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For the term "catalina".

Shuttle Tydirium

star-wars-shuttle.jpgWell, not actually, but this little “Butterbug” perching on one of Damsel’s Zinnias reminded me of the Star Wars shuttle craft when it folds it’s wings back for a landing on the flight deck of the Death Star.

To get the inset Shuttle Tydirium photo, I did an Internet search on “star wars shuttle” and found reference to it on WOOKIEPEDIA, the Star Wars Wiki Site. I never saw Wookiepedia before, although I’m sure many readers have.

NOTE: Due to a transition in my work assignment, you will be seeing less content and more pictures for the remainder of this week. Next week we will be blogging from romantic Catalina Island for our annual anniversary pilgrimage.

Damsel took this picture over the weekend.


Old Guys Rule

old-guys-rule.jpgWhen we visit Catalina Island (once or twice a year) we always shop along the main drag (Crescent Avenue) and some of the side streets and mini-malls. I like to get “Old Guys Rule” merchandise, since I pretty much identify with that thought process. OGR stuff is sold throughout Southern California, but is especially abundant on the island. damsel-ogr.jpgThere are Old Guys Rule t-shirts, license plates, coffee mugs, beer mugs, picture frames, towels, boxer shorts, hats and more.

Once in a while, an “Old Guys Rule” article will shrink (a lot of my stuff seems to shrink in the closet these days) and Damsel will appropriate it ’cause she likes the stuff too. It makes me feel good when she wears it since she lets me rule sometimes and I think it looks cute on her.

A Short Odyssey

trump-flagA few days ago, we took a ride over the Palos Verdes Peninsula to check out the blustery conditions along the coast. I used my new Canon A710 PowerShot camera to capture some video of what we saw.

The video starts with Damsel pulling out of the neighborhood (she was going to pick me up after I took my wheels in for maintenance). We stopped at Point Vicente to check out the surf and wind. I panned across the cove to capture a video of the restless sea. We then headed down toward Portuguese Bend where the roadway is under constant repair since that entire part of the peninsula is literally sliding into the sea. I made an attempt to record the semi-rough ride over the sliding segment of Palos Verdes Drive South. We then fade to Donald Trump’s disputed flagpole where the wind is briskly rippling Old Glory with Catalina Island seen through the haze across the channel.

Continue reading…

Blustery Day

We had to do a few personal chores today, not the least of which was to get Damsel’s sutures removed. After that, I took my wheels to the shop for maintenance, so while we were waiting for the work to be finished, we jumped in Damsel’s convertible and went over the Palos Verdes Peninsula to look at the waves and feel the gusting winds blowing at near gale force. She got this nice shot of the Point Vicente Lighthouse with Santa Catalina Island in the distance. Whitecaps and choppy seas can be seen in the Catalina Channel.


Midweek Lighthouse

The Cap’n has been scrambling at work to get successful certification of one of the products, so he asked me to post one of the nice photos we took last weekend. This is a view of the Point Vicente Lighthouse on the grounds of the Coast Guard Station there. With Catalina Island visible in the background, this is one of the many very photogenic lighthouses in California.


January Weather Report

New York is seeing temperatures in the 70’s today and in Washington, the cherry blossoms are blooming. Meanwhile, in Colorado, avalanches plummet down slopes onto the interstate and ranchers can’t find their cattle for all the snow. Six hundred miles to the southwest, along the Southern California coastline, mild weather and sunshine prevail. There, the seagulls perch atop fence posts while the sun turns the ocean into millions of tiny twinkling diamonds across the Catalina Channel. What’s up with the weather? Nothing, actually, it’s just business as usual as the Sun dominates all major weather on Earth like it always has and always will.


Oh, and before you decide to rush off to California, don’t forget to consider that we’re long overdue for the next major quake along the San Andreas.