70 Search results

For the term "catalina".

Catalina’s Casino at Night

Damsel usually gets all the good photo shots we post here, but this is an exception. Last Saturday night while we were in our hotel room, I snapped this picture of the Casino, a famous landmark where the annual Avalon Ball is held. There was an event in the ballroom this night, hence the lights were on in the upper level. This was a definite photo opportunity. Please click the image to see the 1024 x 768 pixel version in the viewer.

Casino at night

Canon A710 ISI used my compact Canon A710 IS camera mounted on a Gorillapod wrapped around a patio chair on the balcony where we stayed. I had the camera set to Shutter Priority (automatic aperture) and an exposure time of 1.3 seconds. I used the shutter delay feature to let the camera motion stabilize after I pressed the shutter button. I did some minor image processing to balance the light levels.

Casino and Catalina Yacht Club

We took a hike up the road to the Avalon Chime Tower today and enjoyed the views looking down on the bay. The Casino and the Catalina Yacht Club are prominent in this image. Click to enlarge.


On Catalina Island

Today is our anniversary. We were married in the city of Avalon on Catalina Island. We would be blogging more about our excursion, but unfortunately, the laptop is malfunctioning and we’re unable to download our photos. That will happen later this week when we are home again.

Meanwhile, we will be going out to seal rocks today to visit our piniped pals. Enjoy this picture Damsel took last year from the boat.


Off to Catalina Again

It’s our anniversary week and later today, in our tradition, we’re off on a pilgrimage to the place we got married – the city of Avalon on Catalina Island. We will be crossing the Catalina Channel on the Island Express helicopter, which takes about fifteen minutes. I shot this video last year on the helicopter trip over to the Avalon Heliport.

Our plans are to visit some of our favorite places like the shops on Crescent Avenue and the botanic gardens in the hills behind the town. We plan to do a bit more hiking this time, and will probably climb the hill up to the Chime Tower. We’re looking forward to this trip. We will try and update the blog from the island with some photos and posts about the island.

Catalina Island Thanks the Firefighters

enginesThe Catalina Island Chamber of Commerce reports that there was no damage done to the city of Avalon in last month’s near-disastrous wildfires. They also report that things are mostly back to normal and encourage a resumption of tourism to the island. In a tribute area on their website, the Chamber posted a photographic tribute to the Firefighters that beat back the flames in mid-May.

As a family that enjoys our Catalina visits (we were married in Avalon and go back often), we thank the firefighters also.


Catalina Interior Sunrise

Last week we posted several panoramic views of the May, 2007 Catalina Island Wildfire that were imaged by the Catalina Interior WebCam. This morning, I took a look at the webcam image, I saw the morning sunrise greeting me as it rose above the marine stratus layer. The webcam, which is on a peak on the island, happened to be above the temperature inversion which often traps the low clouds and fog beneath along the California Coastline. This dramatic image of the rising Sun is the result.


Catalina Fire

UPDATE: New Panoramas added at the bottom.

There is a wildfire on Catalina Island this evening. Near real time pictures are available on the Catalina Interior Webcam from Los Angeles Coastal Monitoring Network “interior webcam.”

I made this composite panoramic view of the fire at just after 7:20 PM (Pacific Daylight Time) this evening. Click on the panoramas for a full-sized view.


Update – 7:50 PM:


More updates below the fold.

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