Catalina’s Casino at Night

Damsel usually gets all the good photo shots we post here, but this is an exception. Last Saturday night while we were in our hotel room, I snapped this picture of the Casino, a famous landmark where the annual Avalon Ball is held. There was an event in the ballroom this night, hence the lights were on in the upper level. This was a definite photo opportunity. Please click the image to see the 1024 x 768 pixel version in the viewer.

Casino at night

Canon A710 ISI used my compact Canon A710 IS camera mounted on a Gorillapod wrapped around a patio chair on the balcony where we stayed. I had the camera set to Shutter Priority (automatic aperture) and an exposure time of 1.3 seconds. I used the shutter delay feature to let the camera motion stabilize after I pressed the shutter button. I did some minor image processing to balance the light levels.
