70 Search results

For the term "catalina".

A Panoramic View of Catalina Island

I took this photo (actually five photos stitched together) from Del Cerro Park, one of the highest points on the Palos Verdes Peninsula in Southern California. The panorama sweeps from the Southeast (San Pedro Hill is the high point on the left) across the horizon where Catalina Island can be seen below the clouds in the distance. The sweep continues to the West-Southwest toward Santa Barbara Island which can only be seen on an exceptionally clear day. Somewhere near the center, you can see Damsel taking photos of Portuguese Bend. Click on the image for a larger version.


Damsel Sends You Catalina Island

This is a nice wide shot of the entire island of Catalina. The island is about 22 miles from end to end, and that entire span is visible in this view. This shot was made from a vantage point on the Palos Verdes Peninsula at elevation 800 feet above sea level. It was so clear that day, we could see Santa Barbara Island at a distance of 40 or so miles to the west. The view of Catalina was so clear that we could discern the famous Casino at the far east (left) end of the island with the naked eye from the mainland. You can see it as a white speck in the inset from another photo taken without a telephoto lens.

Visit to Point Vicente

Point Vicente Lighthouse

After doing chores and some business at the old house in Torrance, we decided to get some fast food and take the short drive over the Palos Verdes hill to Point Vicente and have a late lunch. There is a nice park there overlooking the Catalina Channel with picnic tables, shade and a place for us and the dogs to walk.

Image: Point Vicente Lighthouse as seen from the park

The park wasn’t crowded and we enjoyed our lunch while a gentle pacific breeze kept things cool on a nice end of summer day in Southern California. It was very relaxing until our little boy dog got out of his harness and we had to chase him down. He finally slowed down and stopped running long enough for me to pick him up and get him back in the harness.

Shoreline Discovery Trail

Pelican and CatalinaToday was an extraordinarily clear, cool day along the shoreline of the Palos Verdes Peninsula. We visited the recently opened Discovery Trail at the Terranea Resort.

The path is open to the public so we took a walk out to the first viewing area. I took several photos while we were there including this one of a California Brown Pelican with Catalina Island in the distance across the channel. We normally don’t see the island in this much detail due to the marine haze which was blown out by a weather front that passed here yesterday. Click on the image to see full-sized.