
Good Weekend

Lots of football, food and family. Nothing to post other than to wish that you had a good weekend too.! 🙂

Blogging Holiday

football.gifNo blogging today. We had a great day of football and cooking one of our favorite steamed Chinese chicken and rice with veggies meals.

If you missed the Notre Dame at Michigan football game, well that’s your loss. It wasn’t over until it was over with Michigan getting the victory they deserved.

Super Sunday

pulled-pork.jpgDamsel and I prepared our Superbowl Sunday meal today – we decided on pulled pork sandwiches served with blue cheese broccoli slaw and a dill pickle, a traditional Memphis pit BBQ meal.

I started the picnic roast (pork shoulder) in the crockpot early this morning, throwing in some pepper, fruit juices, chopped onion and garlic cloves. We let it cook all day. When I pulled the pork it was literally falling off of the bone. I used a couple of forks to shred the meat and separate the lean stuff away from the fat.

Damsel came up with a wonderful home made barbecue sauce with that tart southern cooked taste. She placed a scoop of the shredded pork on a bun and topped it with the sauce. It was the best.

We chowed down during the pregame show and took our after dinner walk at halftime. It was a great meal, a good football game and an all around great day – really a Super Sunday.

Gore-Effect Game of the Week


The Buffalo Bills defeated the Indiana Colts in Gorechard Park, NY, by a score of 30 to 7. While the outcome of the game had no effect whatsoever on the post-season playoffs, it did punctuate the fact that it still gets cold and blizzards still happen.

Oh, I forgot . . . Global Warming sometimes makes it colder.

Uhhh – right.

First Snowfall of the Season

First Southern California SnowWay off in the distance in this photo (about 40 miles), are the San Gabriel Mountains and the Angeles National Forest. Yesterday, and the night before, precipitation came to our area and was billed by the local weather reporters as the ‘first major storm’ of the season.

After the storm passed, it got quite windy. The wind caused a short power interruption here, inconveniently, right in the middle of the Green Bay Packers vs. Baltimore Ravens Monday Night Football game. The power was only out for a few tens of seconds, not really enough time to get the emergency flashlights turned on (we always keep one at each of our desks and on the table next to where we sit to watch TV. The game came back on after the DirecTV receiver re-acquired the signal. We watched the remainder of the game without any other power interruptions.

You can click on Damsel‘s image above to see the 1024×768 pixel version. Damsel was happy that Green Bay won the game.

Revised Sunday Schedule & Rib Roast

rib-roast.jpgDamsel and I decided to stay home from the range today. We wanted to watch football (we have the DirecTV NFL SuperFan package in HD). We also wanted to relax and prepare our Sunday dinner without the shooting and cleaning sessions. We’re going to move the shooting to another weekday, now that I’m retired.

For dinner, we grilled up a prime rib cut an inch-and-a-half thick. We also had a couple of twice-baked stuffed potatoes and steamed broccoli on the side. What a great meal – we had to walk it off afterward like we do most Sunday dinners.

Not to brag, but I nailed the grilling of the rib on the barbecue. We prepared the roast by rubbing it with olive oil and coarse black pepper. I then took it to a very hot grill and seared it on both sides. After browning over the high temperature, I backed the fire off and roasted the meat for about a half hour, turning it halfway through. I took it off of the grill when the internal temperature got up to 130°F. It was nice and pink when we cut into it. Damsel and I split this one cut and still had leftovers for a steak salad later this week.

Please stop drooling on your keyboard. For a closer drool, click on the image above.