Second Amendment

New NRA Website

There is a new website up to address the political views of Barack Obama. The NRA makes information available that highlights Obama’s anti-second amendment views and the lies he tells to ‘make them go away’. From the new site

“So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them….” — Barack Obama, April 2, 2008

Barack Obama has made it clear – he believes gun owners are dangerous and that guns should be banned. If he is elected President, he could name new Supreme Court Justices who will try to overturn the recent court decision and strip our rights away.

I like the good photos they posted of the Democratic Presidential Candidate:


Today’s Mail

ccwmap.gifThe postman delivered a couple of things in the mail that weren’t the usual ‘opportunities’ for low-interest credit cards, ‘answer this important survey and send money’ or ‘call now for information on cremation.’ Yes, those came today, as usual, but today I received two items I actually enjoyed getting.

First, my Utah CCW permit came in the mail today. Not that it does me any good in California. It’s sort of like when Ralphie of the classic “A Christmas Story” gets his long-awaited “Little Orphan Annie Decoder Ring” only to find out that the decoded messages were only “crummy commercials.” At least my “decoder” works in a lot of other states that I visit. We generally plan our vacations to places where we can carry.

nra-life-member.jpgThe second item was a packet of materials and a certificate declaring that I am now a Distinguished Life Member of the National Rifle Association. The last time I renewed my membership, I only renewed for two years since it would only take that long to become eligible for the “Distinguished” part of the membership. You see, “distinguished” means that you have to be over 65 years old.

Maybe “Extinguished” would be a better word . . .

. . . just kidding. I’m proud of my age and proud of my continued vitality. I still feel 25 years old most of the time without the associated reckless abandon and that’s a good thing.

Reading Material

Mandatory reading – paperweight optional.

I’m enjoying reading “Effective Handgun Defense” (ISBN: 0-87349-899-2), by Frank W. James, who points out in the book that he is no kin to the 19th century outlaw brothers. The book is more than just tactics and has a very interesting history section. It’s amply illustrated and filled with plenty of good information.


First on My Block

heller-kitty.jpgWoo Hoo! I’ll bet that I’m the first kid on my block to have a nice new HELLER KITTY Tee shirt! (Image, right – click to maxify.)

We ordered it as soon as we saw it after the Heller/DC SCOTUS Decision in June. It showed up yesterday from Image In Media. I promptly washed it and took this picture (click to enlarge). I’m going to wear it to the range on Sunday when we go shooting.

Thanks to Michelle at Image In Media for the personal service and prompt delivery. I hope she sells a million of them! 🙂

The Remington 870 Security Shotgun

We always have fun when we go to the range on Sundays. Fun, but with some serious business thrown in – we have a security gun that we keep handy just in case of (God forbid) intruders or home invaders. It’s important that we both can handle this weapon and we regularly take it to the range for practice.

Our Remington 870 Security Shotgun meets our requirements. This gun has an eighteen inch barrel with a magazine capacity of six 12 gauge rounds plus one round in the chamber.

Sunday, Damsel took her turn with this gun as shown in the video to the right. She makes the most of the seven rounds by knocking the target off of the tee bar with the last round.

You go, girl!

I’d be glad to have her at my six with this weapon any time, baby. had this information about the Remington security guns:

Remington 870 “Wingmaster” was introduced by Remington in 1950, and since then it has become one of the most popular USA-made pump action all-purpose shotguns. Beginning it’s life as a versatile hunting shotgun, available in many different configurations and gauges, in early 1970s the Remington 870 was adopted by US Military – in 1966 US Marine Corps purchased some thousands of the Remington 870 Mk.1 shoguns (along with Mossberg 590 and Winchester 1200). Military shotguns have extended magazines for 7 or 8 rounds, bayonet mounts, heat shields around the barrels and non-glare, protective and rust-resistant finishes.

Remington 870 also is very popular police/security shotgun, available with extended magazines (up to 8 rounds), fixed or folding butt stocks or with pistol grips. Usually, police Remington’s have 14 in. or 18 in. barrels with cylinder or improved cylinder chokes, capable of firing buckshot, slugs and special purpose munitions (tear gas grenades, non-lethal rubber bullets etc.). M870 may be equipped with rifle-style or ghost-ring (peep) sights, with tactical flashlights and lasers etc.

Technically, Remington 870 is a pump-action shotgun with dual action bars and tilting breech block, that locks directly into the barrel extension. Barrel may be swapped (changed) within minutes to fit the situation.

My Precious

The Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s ruling today, that the Washington DC gun ban is unconstitutional. Five justices got it right that the constitution and the Bill of Rights are precious. So to honor the good court’s precious decision, I present you with my precious . . .


Pins and Needles

I guess that SCOTUS is saving the best for last. The Court, once again, did not announce the DC vs. Heller opinion.

The following is from ScotusBlog:

Guns is not being decided today. Last opinion coming now.


We can now predict that in addition to Justice Scalia likely writing Heller, Justice Alito is likely writing Davis v. FEC.

The Chief Justice has announced from the courtroom that the Court will issue all of its remaining opinions tomorrow at 10 a.m. Eastern.

To recap for those watching the Heller decision, it will definitely be decided tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow, the Court will issue its remaining three decisions: Heller (DC Guns), Davis v. FEC (campaign finance), and American Electric Power (energy contracts).

Clarification: while it appears that Justice Scalia has the principle [sic] opinion in the Guns case, it is not necessarily a majority opinion. It could be a plurality opinion.

What does that last one mean? (Gulp!)

UPDATE: HELLER AFFIRMED! (6/26/2008 10:12 EDT) Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm. Justice Scalia wrote the opinion. Justice Breyer dissented, joined by Justices Stevens, Souter and Ginsburg. The vote is along idealogical lines, left and right.