Law and Order

No Guns for Cho – What Then?

no-guns.jpgKeep in mind that Cho Seung-Hui is the only one responsible for the massacre at Virginia Tech. Nobody else was involved. He was absolutely determined to cause death and pain to those whom he had come to despise, including himself.

So, what would Cho have done if nobody were to have sold him a gun? My thoughts are that he would have gone to the dorm, bludgeoned the woman to death with a legally-purchased hammer or other trauma-inducing “weapon,” and then proceed to engineering classes with a home-made explosive device (again, made with legally purchased materials) and proceed to blow himself and an unknown number of students to kingdom come. After all, the latter method is used almost daily by homicide bombers in the Middle East — why not by Cho as well?

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Why Isn’t Nagin in Jail?

Nagin in JailContemptible Ray Nagin, along with ex-Police chief of New Orleans Warren Riley, have been found in contempt of court in Louisiana for failing to provide disclosures to the discovery phase of legal action for illegal confiscation of firearms from legitimate gun owners after Hurricane Katrina. In a ruling by Judge Carl Barbier, the city attorney was ordered to compensate the National Rifle Association’s attorneys “for wasted time and money.”

What I want to know is why aren’t Nagin, Riley and their attorney paying fines for contempt? Why aren’t they being prosecuted for their illegal actions?

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The Wait Is Over

Well, it was over last Friday, actually. The new Remington 870 18″ BBL CAP7 Security Gun went with us to the range Sunday. We had a terrific shoot and are very pleased with this gun. Damsel’s youth 870 is still her favorite choice for home defense (it has a shorter stock and she’s petite) but she manages to work the action on this one just fine. Watch closely as she shoots the silhouette man off the hook. Press > to play. You can mute the volume too by clicking on the speaker icon.

The Contemptable Ray Nagin

The Mayor of New Orleans may find himself in contempt of court for his lack of cooperation in the case brought before the federal court that involved the City’s confiscation of firearms from legally-authorized citizens after Hurricane Katrina. Ray Nagin, who is perpetually stuck on stupid, will now at last, (we hope) finally get justice that this dangerously inept pinhead needs. The National Rifle Association‘s attorneys will be back in federal court to file petitions to find the Mayor and Police chief of New Orleans in contempt for failing to produce discovery evidence in the case.

Read the story from NRA News:

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How Many Times Can You Trap A Fox?

fox.jpgAn old, trite expression, “Sly as a Fox” was put to the test by a group of scientists and students in the Pacific Northwest several years ago. They baited and set humane traps in a forested area known to be a Kitt Fox habitat. When a fox was trapped, it was tagged and released.

The group ran their experiment for several weeks during a time when foxes were known to forage for their winter stores. When the results were compiled they discovered that not only were individual foxes trapped multiple times, but most of the repeats were trapped in the same traps as their prior entrapment. What aren’t they learning one might ask? These foxes didn’t quite live up to the “sly” parameter — or did they?

If you look at it from the perspective of having been trapped, fed, tagged (a non-invasive process), and then released again and again, it seems like a good deal for the fox. The fox knows that he gets fed and released each time so why not take the bait? Seems like a “sly” way to deal with the system.

That brings us to regard how Illegal Alien Criminals in America are working the catch and release system; the process is described in the article below. Read also how only a handful of agencies get 70 percent of Federal Funds for Immigration Enforcement and read how some of those actually offer sanctuary to illegals:

From the Washington Times — Criminal aliens set free on the streets of America:

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The Essence of Democracy

Friday, December 15, 2006 marks the 215th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, the very essence of our democracy.

The National Archives Experience Website says that during the debates on the adoption of the Constitution, its opponents repeatedly charged that the Constitution as drafted would open the way to tyranny by the central government. Fresh in their minds was the memory of the British violation of civil rights before and during the Revolution. They demanded a “bill of rights” that would spell out the immunities of individual citizens. Several state conventions in their formal ratification of the Constitution asked for such amendments; others ratified the Constitution with the understanding that the amendments would be offered.

On September 25, 1789, the First Congress of the United States therefore proposed to the state legislatures 12 amendments to the Constitution that met arguments most frequently advanced against it. The first two proposed amendments, which concerned the number of constituents for each Representative and the compensation of Congressmen, were not ratified. Articles 3 to 12, however, ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures, constitute the first ten amendments of the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights.

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