
Yeah, What Jon Said . . .

Jon at GOP Bloggers seems to be as fed up with the United Nations as much as we are. I take it a step further and include regimes like Venezuela and North Korea in the mix along with Iran and Syria. All insane, all terrorists, all the time.

GOP Bloggers :: The UN Is Nothing More Than an Enabler of Violent Islamists, So America Must Withdraw

If the UN ever served a useful purpose, that role is now gone. Its peacekeepers are manifestly not effective at peacekeeping, whether as spectators for mass slaughter in Rwanda and Bosnia or observing a terrorist group’s massive arms build-up, but they are clearly adept at mass rape of children. So the “peacekeeping” function of the UN is no reason to keep it around and there is little else of value the organization does that cannot be handled through other multilateral arrangements.

Read the whole article — it’s a treasure trove of references to just why we should kick the whole lot of them out of Turtle Bay and do something good with our support.

Balls — I Like Balls

When it comes to masculinity, the French always seem to fall short of the mark.

There is a dispute in the recent Tour de France (the Cap’n says “Turd duh Fwance”) with regard to high testosterone level in the winner of the race, Floyd Landis. This indicates that he is, indeed, masculine — an attribute that the average Frenchman seldom seems to possess. Landis produces testosterone naturally, unlike most EUnachs, I guess.

Image: Floyd Landis

From Little Green Footballs:

Landis Says He’s Clean

Floyd Landis said the high testosterone levels that caused him to fail a drug test at the Tour de France are the result of his natural metabolism — not doping of any kind — and he will undergo tests to prove it.

Read the rest of the article.

The Real Disproportionate Response

Cox and Forkum nail it . . .

Why the hell do these various entities reject Israel’s response to Hamas and Hezbollah aggression? Anti-Semitism is the reason. C’mon Vatican — get real about this! To the rest of you anti Semites — why don’t you take a look at your own human rights records, oil-for-food involvement and over-the-top socialist policies?

Get US out of UN and vice versa.

A Win for Kim

As I predicted in a previous article, the UN resolution passed today to censure North Korea had no teeth in it and in “record time” (according to US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton), was rejected by the North Korean delegate. Nothing — NOTHING — will get the attention of Kim Jong Il short of vaporizing his missiles and the launch and engineering facilities — nothing short of that.

Once again the UN proves itself to be completely useless.

Iraqi Milestone

Breaking news from CENTCOM

BAGHDAD — Iraq witnessed a historic event today with the transfer of security responsibility in Muthanna Province from the Multi-National Force – Iraq (MNF-I) to the Provincial Governor and civilian-controlled Iraqi Security Forces. The handover represents a milestone in the successful development of Iraq’s capability to govern and protect itself as a sovereign and democratic nation. Muthanna is the first of Iraq’s 18 provinces to be designated for such a transition.

CENTCOM Photo: Iraqi Soldiers Assume Authority

One Province down, 17 to go . . . Don’t forget the President’s Exit Strategy.

Diplomatic ADD

My guess is that Kim Jong Il wasn’t getting the attention he needs as one of the premier candidates for the world’s worst case of Diplomatic Attention Deficit Disorder. Right up there competing for the title is Hugo Chavez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Right now, the United Nations Security Council is meeting to decide what wording to use in a stern letter to Kim. That’ll do the trick for sure, just like the retarded effort of the Clinton Administration to prevent Kim from getting nukes. In other words, useless.

See previous article The Four Most Dangerous Men.