
Solar Activity Then and Now

Old Sol continues to increase in activity, moving toward the eleven-year peak. Solar activity affects climate, auroras, (possibly) the electric power grid and radio propagation. For an impressive animation of this comparison, play the video below. To view the full-sized video, click here.

From SOHO Pick of the Week:

A side-by-side comparison of the Sun from precisely two years ago (left, from SOHO) to the present (right, from Solar Dynamics Observatory) dramatically illustrates just how active the Sun has become (Mar. 27-28, 2011). Viewed in two similar wavelengths of extreme ultraviolet light, the Sun now sports numerous active regions that appear as lighter areas that are capable of producing solar storms. Two years ago the Sun was in a very quiet period (solar minimum). The Sun?s maximum period of activity is predicted to be around 2013, so we still have quite a ways to go.

Nocturnal Neighbor – The Great Horned Owl

horned-owl.jpgThis beautiful Great Horned Owl perched herself on the corner of the garage last evening while I was on the patio. I called to Cap’n to bring my camera so I could get this photo before she took off.

I conclude that this is a female from the description of the owl’s call in a WikiPedia article:

Their call is a low-pitched but loud ho-ho-hoo hoo hoo; sometimes it is only four syllables instead of five. The female’s call is higher and rises in pitch at the end of the call.

This highly adaptable bird ranges all over the Americas, so it’s no surprise to see them here in the high Arizona desert. Some of the species they prey upon are snakes and lizards, so I’m very glad that they are here. Desert reptiles creep me out. 😮

After I clicked off the first shot with my camera, she turned to look at me while I clicked off several more images before she decided to fly away, this being the best one of them. Click on the image to enlarge.

Perigee Moon


Maybe if the cloud cover burns off here this evening, we will be able to see the perigee full moon. I looked at the weather maps for here and the old house in California and it appears that we may not get to see much of it, if any. We did see it big and bright last night when it was at 92% of full, though. It sure was pretty.

We are planning to depart tomorrow morning for the old house. We have some business there this coming week. The weather report says that we’re going to encounter rain, perhaps along the entire route. We’re not looking forward to driving in the rain, but c’est la vie.

Moon widget lifted from moonconnection.com

Synthetic Palms and Actual Snow

We crossed from California to our new home in Arizona today. When we drove through the San Bernardino area in the “inland empire,” we passed miles of snow capped mountains. Damsel caught this image of the mountains along with a couple of those ridiculous phony cell palms. This is another case of beauty being obscured by an eyesore or two (sort of like the Wind Turbines in Banning Pass). Click on the image to enlarge.


For Your Viewing Pleasure

I cannot believe that I saw this billboard just a quarter mile from the acres and acres of these ugly wind generation machines. Where are the enviro-nuts when the viewing pleasure of those gorgeous snow capped mountains is being obstructed by these monstrosities? There are roughly twenty-five miles of these inefficient, expensive and eye-offensive whirling obscenities from Palm Springs, CA to Cabazon, CA along Interstate 10 in the Banning Pass between Mount San Jacinto and Mount San Gorgonio. Click on the image to enlarge.
