
CO2 Global Warming: Proven or Unproven?

Unproven wins hands-down.

From CO2 Science:

Anthropogenic-CO2-Induced Global Warming: Proven or Unproven?

The fact that there has been little to no net warming of the earth over the past dozen or so years, in almost all of the global temperature databases that are maintained by the various research groups that study this important subject, has led many people to suggest that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are not having the large global warming effect the world’s climate alarmists assign to it. And this fact has led many climate alarmists to devise complex explanations for this dilemma.

On 12 August 2011, for example, Science published Solomon et al.’s contribution to this effort, which begins with the statement that “understanding climate changes on time scales of years, decades, centuries, or more requires determining the effects of all external drivers of radiative forcing of earth’s climate, including anthropogenic greenhouse gases and aerosols, natural aerosols, and solar forcing, as well as natural internal variability.” The result of their effort in this undertaking was the finding that “near-global satellite aerosol data imply a negative radiative forcing due to stratospheric aerosol changes over this period [since AD 2000] of about -0.1watt per square meter, reducing the recent global warming that would otherwise have occurred,” although they emphasize that additional contributions to global climate variations of the past and future decades such as from solar variations, natural variability, or other processes “are not ruled out by this study,” which pretty much means that the study does not mean very much, and that it can thus be forgotten within the context within which it was conducted.

. . .

Clearly, the weight of real-world evidence continues to suggest that it is the recurrent millennial-scale cycling of earth’s mean global air temperature that has been responsible for the bulk of the warming of the 20th century, which could yet continue its upward course, level out, or begin a slow decline; for this phenomenon has created such warmings and subsequent coolings time and time again without any help from mankind. And if it’s done so before – innumerable times, in fact – it can do it again. In fact, it has actually got to be expected that it would do so, and at about this point in earth’s history.


Solar Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)

cme-still.jpgI just love these 3D colorized graphics that depict the motion of solar events in space. This one shows a CME directed almost directly toward Earth and Mars. Click on the image at right to view the animated CME path as forecast.

From SpaceWeather.com:


A coronal mass ejection (CME) launched from the sun on Feb. 24th appears set to hit both Earth and Mars. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud should reach Earth today, Feb. 26th around 1330 UT, followed by Mars two days later. Click to view the CME’s animated forecast track.

Challenging the AGW Scam – Do the Math (Again)

I’m re-posting this article from September of 2010. Yesterday, the gentleman that sponsored the billboard contacted us for permission to use the post and our remarks in connection with an upcoming book. Here is the comment that Paul left . . .

Requesting permission to use your comments and observations of our Billboard, posted on Cap’n Bob & the Damsel on September 13, 2010, in promoting our soon to be published book, “AN ALARM WENT OFF When I Heard ‘G.D. America’”. Please read IT’S REALLY SIMPLE on our website, www.psnorac.com. You are doing a great job. We thank you for it. Paul

My answer was in the affirmative, of course. Follow the link to check out his new book.

Here’s the original post . . .

green signDuring our return trip to California over the weekend, we passed this billboard on Interstate 10 near Quartzsite, AZ. The sign admonishes readers to “DO THE MATH” with regard to greenhouse gasses. I checked out the website www.psnorac.com and navigated to the Greenhouse Gasses write-up. In the lengthy treatise, the author breaks down the numbers of the composition of the atmosphere and in layman’s terms, explains the extremely small part of the atmosphere that can be considered as greenhouse gasses.

Image: billboard – click to enlarge

We did some research and found some graphics from the National Center for Policy Analysis and posted them in February of 2008. If you read the greenhouse write-up on psnorac.com, you will be able to visualize the numbers in the graphics in our post from 2008. You can download the National Center for Policy Analysis pamphlet (PDF), “A Global Warming Primer,” at this link. There is a lot of other information in the pamphlet that relate to the AGW issue.

Planning for the 2012 Annular Solar Eclipse

path.jpgAs Jack Horkheimer used to say (before passing) “keep Looking Up.” That’s why we’re starting to plan for a fairly short trip in May to witness an annular solar eclipse. The path of maximum eclipse extends from Asia, across the Pacific and then through the western United States. The path in Arizona will pass over Page and continue into New Mexico to Albuquerque.

Image: Path of maximum annular eclipse. Click to enlarge

Our target destination will be to go to Chinle, AZ, adjacent to the Canyon De Chelly National Park. In the image, you can see that the red path goes right over Navajo land and just along the southern part of the national park. Our plan is to tow a travel trailer to the area and find a place to camp after the eclipse that will occur on May 20, 2012.

I’m ordering some eclipse shades and a solar filter for each of our two cameras for the event. We are hoping for some excellent pictures of one of the most spectacular events to happen on Earth.