
Solar Flare

I watched this short video of a solar flare captured by SDO on New Year’s Eve. The video was on today’s APOD. They compared the prominence to a ballet:

Of particular interest is the tangled magnetic field that directs a type of solar ballet for the hot plasma as it falls back to the Sun.

The sun is approaching solar maximum sometime soon. In some circles, scientists believe we may already have passed the maximum which will prove to be a disappointment to greenbats. It will also disappoint some Ham radio operators who delight in ionospheric radio propagation which is enhanced by solar activity.

Frost Alert

Frost Alert

We don’t remember having several nights of sub-freezing weather last winter, at least not six consecutive days in a row. Fortunately, we took precautions for possible freezing weather starting as early as November, draining the spa, and flushing the motor home plumbing. No sense in waiting until the last minute. We got this image of the birdbath next to the RV drive yesterday morning (about 10:30 AM) still frozen solid – one big ice cube.

The forecast is for warmer conditions returning by mid-week or so. Not so much sub-freezing nights and warmer days (up to the 60s or so). Click on the image to enlarge.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl

I went outside just at dusk looking for a nice sunset photo, but was surprised to see this handsome great horned owl perched on the roof above our courtyard. It flew silently away shortly after I took this photo. Click on the image to enlarge.

Sky-on-Fire Sunset This Evening


We get so many spectacular sunsets, especially in monsoon season, late fall, and winter. This evening, the sky went through several stages of pinks, flame orange and red. I took this image at a time when the sky looked like it was on fire. Click on the image to enlarge.

Second Spring Cactus Flowers

Thimble Cactus Flowers

These tiny flowers appeared on my thimble cactus today. They are pale yellow and only a quarter of an inch across. This is one of the cacti we brought from California and is doing very well here in Arizona. I guess they like our “second spring” that occurs in late October and early November. Click on the image to enlarge.