
The All American Eclipse is One Year from Today!

Commemorative Eclipse ShadesOne year from today, we plan to be in Casper Wyoming to observe the August 21, 2017 total eclipse of the sun. We have been getting ready for the event for over four years.

“Ready” includes making reservations at a campground near the centerline of totality, planning the trip to include some optional, scenic side excursions and purchase of a couple dozen commemorative eclipse shades from Rainbow Symphony. We are also preparing to use the camera and telescope to record this spectacular event.

Image: August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Commemorative Shades. Click to enlarge.

This post from May of 2012 has a map of the path of totality and some details about the eclipse. I also did some on-line research and found Eclipsophile.com/Wyoming which forecast a 75% chance for clear skies in August. We’re hoping that it will be so.

Road Closure

Road Closure

Damsel snapped this photo of one of the ADOT highway advisory signs a couple of miles south of Wickenburg, AZ on US 60/93 Northbound. I thought this was interesting since the section of I-15 that is closed is over three hundred road miles from this point. I presume the Interstate 15 closure is due to one of the California wildfires currently raging out there.

We were returning from a urology appointment in the Valley. The urologist had a little bad news when he inspected the interior of my bladder and found a small, non-invasive tumor. This is not as serious nor as invasive as the tumor he resected three years ago, so it will only involve an office visit down in Litchfield, AZ to resolve. Sedation, similar to that given to colonoscopy patients, will be applied during the trans-urethral procedure. This will not take place until October, since we have plans for much of September.

It’s a bummer that there is a recurrence, but we likely won’t have to endure more than the office procedure. Good thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Anti-Sunset Rays

Anti-Sun Rays

Late this afternoon, just before dusk, we took a walk down the road to witness this rare phenomenon of anti-crepuscular rays. This image is looking toward the opposite horizon from where the sun was setting. Clouds and atmospheric particles contributed to this glorious array of sun rays that had to travel from horizon to horizon to get this effect. Click on the image to enlarge.

Tropical Moisture Headed for Arizona

TS JavierTropical Storm Javier, currently over Cabo San Lucas on the Baja California Peninsula, is sending lots of moisture northward in its wake as it slowly meanders north-westward along the Baja Coastline. The storm is forecast to diminish into a post-storm depression in a couple of days, but will continue to churn up tropical moist air which will find its way to the southwestern US.

Infrared image: Tropical Storm Javier (Credit NOAA)

The effect we expect here, according to the National Weather Service, is monsoon activity starting tomorrow (Tuesday, 8/9) and lasting through next weekend. The NWS has issued flash flood watch for our area over the next couple of days.

We have an appointment Tuesday afternoon in Sun City West with a specialist who is supposedly going to render a second opinion on an MRI test I had way back in April. Why I have to be present for that opinion is unclear, but we’re going to go. Besides, it gives an excuse to write off the IRS medical mileage which will conveniently include a stop at the Walmart in Surprise. Damsel already has a shopping list for that.

We think that we will be back home before any serious rainfall takes place, but if it does start up while we’re on the road, we know enough to find high ground and stop to wait it out.

Glorious Sunbeams

Glorious Sunbeams

The monsoons bring lots of cumulus clouds when they come. Sometimes, the clouds line up to form sunbeams late in the day. This image is from last evening when we got this nice display of Arizona sunbeams before dusk. I took the picture from the road in front of our house. Click on the image to enlarge.

Moderate Monsoon Rain

Moderate Monsoon Rain

Late this afternoon, a moderate shower fell on our little patch of the desert and elsewhere in the area, of course. We have been needing the rain for a while, although, a couple of weeks ago, we had a little shower that lasted only a few minutes. Today’s shower fell at a moderate rate over a period of forty minutes or so, typical of the monsoon showers we usually get.

I took a photo looking through the patio at the RV drive at the time when the rainfall was at a rate suitable for a little runoff, but with a lot of it soaking into the water table. This rate of rainfall is much preferred to the millennial event we got a year ago when five inches fell over the area in 90 minutes. Most of that ran off and down the Hassayampa river via the numerous local washes flash flooding as it went downstream.

It would be nice if we get a couple more of these moderate events this summer without the massive rain we have seen in the past. Click on the image to enlarge.

Monsoon Sky

Monsoon Sky

Damsel took this photo of the mountains to the north of town on our way home from the optometrist today. This view is of a giant cumulonimbus buildup over the Weaver Range between here and Prescott. Click on the image to enlarge.

Monsoon season is here. We have had several minor rain showers over the past week with lightning shows and the works. We enjoyed a brief rain shower this evening to wet the dust down a bit. The shower wasn’t particularly heavy, but it did block the satellite TV feed for a couple of minutes. It is still hot and sticky outside – feels like 80% humid, but that’s probably an over estimation.

We’re expecting more of this weather through Saturday (20-30% chance of showers), but it should clear for Sunday and Independence Day – we’re planning to cook out of doors all weekend. The cooking will involve the smoker, the steamer and the grill, all of which keep the heat and humidity OUTSIDE of the house where it belongs.