I can’t exactly send this card in an envelope, but it goes out to two people that helped me when I was having troubles with my Para Ordinance Warthog .45 ACP compact pistol.
First of all, to Michael Bane, who took an interest in my problems and referred me to someone who could help solve them.
Merry Christmas, Michael!
Secondly, to Kerby Smith, of Para’s Communications and Public Relations, who got the gun into the shop and saw to it that it got the attention it needed. Kerby also sent me an instructional Todd Jarrett video showing techniques to be used when shooting short-barreled .45s. Kerby also gave me some advice on cleaning and lubrication.
Merry Christmas, Kerby!
As you can see from the video, I’m enjoying shooting my Warthog instead of agonizing over the next misfeed or stovepipe. Thank you guys for all the help!