Thanks For The Rain
We played ‘tourist’ today and went to the Desert Caballeros Western Museum in the downtown area. We bought some books on the history of the museum, desert flora and fauna and one about Arizona railroad history. I took this photo of a sculpture of a cowboy kneeling by his horse. The bronze sculpture is called “Thanks for the Rain.” Click on the image to enlarge.
Saint Anthony’s of Padua
This is one of the prettiest buildings in town. Saint Anthony’s of Padua was established in the early days of Wickenburg, having started out as a wooden structure near the beginning of the 20th century. Finally, after the tough days following mine failures and the great depression, the congregation eventually constructed this beautiful brick sanctuary on Tegner Street in the Old Historic Downtown area. Click on the image to enlarge.
Petroglyphs Along US 60
For as long as we have been traveling back and forth between California and Arizona, today marked the first time we stopped to see these Native American petroglyphs along US 60 near Salome, AZ. According to a guide book we bought in a NPS visitor center, some of these could be as old a 1,700 years. Click on the image to enlarge.
What a Load of Bull
Not talking about the left media but really a load of bull – or possibly steer. We saw this drive by during the Wickenburg Gold Rush Days parade this morning. We don’t know how the suspension in this highly modified Cadillac could take the tons of beast down the road without sagging. Click on the image to enlarge.