
Shaggy Dog Stories

I read a funny post today called “Relative Dog Motion” on science blog “Uncertain Principles.” Not to be confused with a seriously heavy treatise on the theory of relativity, the story puts relativity in perspective – from a dog’s point of view.

This gives me the opportunity to post Damsel’s weekend portrait of “Bear,” who chooses to be our guardian, friend and faithful companion . . .


Hat tip Club For Growth – Superfast Timeslowing Squirrel-catching Dynamics.


Damsel takes photos of our arsenal before, during and after the weekly cleaning and maintenance session. She took a photo of the Remington 870 trigger plate assembly; when I looked at the photo, it reminded me of something completely unrelated.

Is it just me, or does the assembly resemble the profile of an airborne Canadian honker?

trigger plate assembly and Canadian goose in flight

Rite of Spring

In addition to flowers blooming and warmer weather, the birds that live in the area around our home begin showing their spring behaviors. This mockingbird sits atop a power pole in back, or a nearby tree and does his imitation of countless bird calls while flapping and flitting, doing his mating song and dance.

From early in the morning until the last light of evening, his chirps and warbles can be heard throughout the neighborhood. Mockingbirds are very pretty birds as well.


Not Exactly an Irish Setter

Bear celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by briefly posing with this shamrock headgear. I say briefly because each time I put this on her, she would quickly manage to get it off.

not an irish setter

Clean Your Screen

UPDATE: Moved to the top since our servers were messed up yesterday and folks may not have seen this.

Just move this window around until this cute li’l pug gets all of it.

Seriously – this just made us both go with big smiles and chuckles. Enjoy.

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Bored to the Max

yawnListening to both the Democrats and Republicans is pretty boring stuff. It starts out with every candidate’s over use of the personal pronoun – me, me, me – I, I, I.

Especially boring is the empty rhetoric from the Obama campaign . . .

  • we need change . . .
  • Washington broke . . .
  • this administration . . .
  • Iraq war . . .
  • change we can believe in . . .
  • real leadership . . .
  • clean environment . . .
  • save our schools . . .
  • healthcare reform . . .
  • get guns off the streets . . .
  • get that woman some water . . .

Paleeeeze, Barack – say something with some substance! You’re even boring my dog!

California Brown Pelicans

We took a ride down to Point Vicente today to visit the Interpretive Center and maybe spot some whales migrating along the coast. We didn’t see any spouting whales this time, but were treated to several flights of California Brown Pelicans as they soared along the cliffs. As this bird flew by, he was only a few yards away from the path where I stood to take this picture.


As the flight continued southeastward, I snapped another shot as they (almost effortlessly) followed the cliff line toward the lighthouse. Please click on the image to open the viewer and see them in full panorama.
