
Spiffy Google Gadget

Jim Geraghty at NRO’s Campaign Spot forwards this interesting Election Year Dynamic Trend Map from Google:

This shows states senate race trending at the present time. The redder a state is the better for Republican candidates, the bluer states go to Democrats and yellow is a toss-up as of today.

You can change the mode to senate, house or governor races. You can also change the source of polling (limited to a few liberal sources).

Try it yourself.

As Geraghty says, “If your map just keeps getting redder and redder, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s broken.”

Ohio Goes to Obama

ohio.gifWell, the state of Ohio has just gone over to the Democratic Nominee.

What does that mean to us? Very unlikely that the Republicans hold the White House.

What do we do now? For starters, we have to figure a way to be vocal about our convictions. Keep the pressure on the Congress about the traditional conservative issues. We have to figure a way to make them hear the majority of citizens in the country when we insist on keeping second amendment rights, keep law and order important, have a strong military and a diplomacy that stands up for the American way.

All is not lost, far from it. To pull this off, the Democrats had to make America believe that their platform was friendly to the conservative cause. And, with the assistance of the heavily-biased media, it would seem that they accomplished their deception. However, they must now appear to hold to the promises and claims made during the campaign. We need to be vocal when they try to make those hard-left turns.

Down to the Wire


Special Election Day Message From
Wayne LaPierre And Chris Cox
Vote November 4

This long campaign season is down to its final days. Next Tuesday, the American people will make their choice. It is more important than ever that every gun owner and everyone who values our liberties, takes action to protect the future of our Second Amendment rights. The threat is real, and the consequences of this election will be felt for years to come.

In 2000 and 2004, American gun owners rose to the occasion and defeated tough, seasoned opponents of the Second Amendment — Al Gore and John Kerry. And those opponents got craftier each election cycle in camouflaging their true beliefs about gun ownership.

Today, we face a different challenge. Barack Obama has such a long, openly anti-gun record that he cannot hide his true stance. All he can do is try to paper it over with platitudes. “If you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it,” Obama says on the campaign trail, although he voted in Illinois to do just that. And he goes on to admit the real obstacle: “Even if I wanted to take it away, I couldn’t get it done. I don’t have the votes in Congress.”

In contrast, we have John McCain and Sarah Palin. Make no mistake about it, the best hope to protect the Second Amendment is the election of John McCain. Sen. McCain has a strong record of supporting the Second Amendment, and Gov. Palin would be a stellar new voice for gun owners in Washington.

The record is clear. Barack Obama, with his career of supporting every gun control scheme he’s ever encountered, would be the most anti-gun president in American history.

Our mission — and our duty to protect the Second Amendment — is to defeat Barack Obama, now.

We must ensure that Obama never has the chance to push the radical schemes he promoted in Illinois, or voted for in the U.S. Senate, or funded through the Joyce Foundation. And we must ensure that the Congress, the governors and the state legislatures all stand against Obama and those who think like him. The only way we can do this is by voting for candidates endorsed by the NRA Political Victory Fund. Go to and identify your pro-gun candidates. They need your support this Tuesday!

John McCain and Sarah Palin — and all the NRA-PVF endorsed candidates — need your vote. And they need the votes of your family, your friends and your fellow sportsmen as well.

Take action. Vote. Make sure that everyone you know who supports freedom votes on Tuesday.

Now is the time to make “Vote Freedom First” a reality. On November 4, defeat Barack Obama and Joe Biden, by voting John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Dispatch from Michael Yon

A war correspondent in a position to know about both the Afghan and Iraqi conflicts, passes on these important concerns about electing an inexperienced ‘dove’ to the White House. In addition to Senator Obama’s liberal positions on the Second Amendment and his connections to terrorists and race-baiting activists, we must not forget how disastrous the international situation can become.


YonThe outcome of the upcoming U.S. elections will have a profound impact on the war. Meanwhile, the day to day fighting continues. If Senator Obama is elected, I expect to spend a great deal of time covering the fighting. Judging by his words, Senator Obama must be watched closely or we might see some terrible decisions. I expect 2009 to be the worst year so far in the Af-Pak war, which has serious potential to eventually become far worse than Iraq ever was. If Senator McCain is elected, I’ll breathe easier in regard to the war.

For a short dispatch, please click, “Are you Connected.”

Very Respectfully,

Michael Yon

RNC Best Quotes

RNCHere’s some of what we consider the best quotes from the podium during the Republican Convention.

Mike Huckabee:

Let me make something clear tonight: I’m not a Republican because I grew up rich. I’m a Republican because I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life poor, waiting for the government to rescue me.

Mitt Romney:

I spent 25 years in the private sector. I’ve done business in many foreign countries. I know why jobs come and why they go away. And I know that liberals don’t have a clue. [Democrats] think we have the biggest and strongest economy in the world because of our government. They’re wrong. America is strong because of the ingenuity and entrepreneurship and hard work of the American people.

Fred Thompson:

We need a president who understands that you don’t make citizens prosperous by making Washington richer, and you don’t lift an economic downturn by imposing one of the largest tax increases in American history. Now our opponents tell you not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they are not going to tax your family. No, they’re just going to tax “businesses”! So unless you buy something from a “business”, like groceries or clothes or gasoline… or unless you get a paycheck from a big or a small “business,” don’t worry… it’s not going to affect you. They say they are not going to take any water out of your side of the bucket, just the “other” side of the bucket! That’s their idea of tax reform.

Rudy Giuliani:

We agree with Joe Biden. Tough times require strong leadership, and this is no time for on-the-job training. Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy.

Sarah Palin:

Though both Senator Obama and Senator Biden have been going on lately about how they are always, quote, ‘fighting for you,’ let us face the matter squarely. There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you… in places where winning means survival and defeat means death… and that man is John McCain.

John McCain:

I’m not running for president because I think I’m blessed with such personal greatness that history has anointed me to save our country in its hour of need. My country saved me. My country saved me, and I cannot forget it. And I will fight for her for as long as I draw breath, so help me God.

Hat Tip and image credit to The Patriot Post

Watching the Palin Speech

I’m busy enjoying Rudy Giuliani’s speech at the RNC. I didn’t think anything could top Fred’s speech last night, but Rudy’s giving it a go.

Meanwhile, while we will be watching Sarah Palin, you can enjoy this nice panoramic view of Damsel looking into Canyon de Chelly . . .


Click to see the panorama full size.

Palin – Why She’s a Good Choice

Sarah PalinShe’s attractive to conservatives for her apparent views on ANWR, second amendment rights, abortion and pork. She’s attractive to feminists and supporters of HRC because she’s a woman.

Obama and Biden will now have to depend on the liberal media to be the attack dogs – and indeed the media will.

Image right – Alaska Governor Sarah Palin (via FNC)

VDH applies his impeccable insight to McCain’s choice for veep – Via NRO Corner:

A Maverick Choice [Victor Davis Hanson]

The wisdom or error in selecting Palin will be determined later, when the public gets to know her, hears her speak and debate, and the mad-dog, in-the-tank press goes after every detail in her bio. She will have a very thin margin of error as far as gaffes go, in as much as the Quayle syndrome will be quickly invoked at the slightest slip.

But in political terms today, right now, one can appreciate the political brilliance of her appointment, which — given Obama’s doctrinaire liberal laundry-list speech — turns the attention to the McCain camp and will hinder the Democratic convention bounce.

1. The pick appeals to the Hillary independent voter and forces Obama to go easy, since he doesn’t want both a primary and general election in which liberal women thought he and his MSNBC media henchmen took the sexist, mean-spirited low road. Given McCain’s 72 years, women will realize that the role and future of this VP is no token appointment.

2. Conservatives and the base will be OK with both her positions and her life narrative; no defections as threatened with a Lieberman pick.

3.On energy, she will either blunt McCain’s unreasonable opposition to ANWR, or, in fact — as an Alaskan pro-driller — give him the opening necessary to “evolve” on the issue into a support for drilling there.

4. In a Zen way it raises the inexperience issue, inviting Obama to critique a fresh VP as “inexperienced” and thereby automatically turn the same scrutiny to his as-thin-or-even-thinner resume for the more important job.

5. McCain can keep running those Biden-attacking-Obama ads, with little worry that he would get the same back had he nominated a primary rival with a Biden-like campaign trail.

6. One governor, even with brief executive experience, still contrasts with three Senate legislators in the race.

7. Obama’s “change” mantra and sermons on Washington insiders are suddenly null and void due to both VP picks: McCain went for an outsider, Obama went for the classical Uber-insider.

8. As any one who has met her can attest, Palin has a charismatic presence and winning personality that could help whittle away at Obamania.

9. Much of the arsenal of the left-twing critique of the last eight hate-Bush years is starting to evaporate. Both McCain and Palin have or will have sons in Iraq; both are not easily identified as hard-core insensitive Republicans; McCain’s eroding maverick status is rejuvenated with this running-mate pick.

10. Let us hope that energy now becomes the key issue. Given Obama’s sorta sorta not references to gas, nuclear, and coal — and not much about drilling, McCain-Palin can really hit hard on natural gas, oil, nuclear, and coal as the perfect U.S.-dominated, at-home transition to alternative fuels that save the treasury and our national security — all much more appealing than Obama’s quixotic windmill and solar-panel melodramas.

For today, the timing and choice were inspired; now we await how Gov. Palin fares when the “new,” “transcendent” — and vicious — leftwing political attacks come.