
The Amnestybill Horror

UPDATE: June 28, 2007 – Shamnesty goes down to defeat – 46 yea to 53 nay. HOORAY!

Support from Americans most certainly drove this outcome. So many calls were received that the phone system crashed! Now is the time to thank those senators who voted against this monstrosity and remind them that the borders still need to be made secure.

amity.jpgThe Amnestybill Horror is back and working it’s way through the Senate.

The film “Amityville Horror” was a box office success despite being given poor reviews by critics such as Leonard Maltin and Roger Ebert, who described it as “dreary and terminally depressing.

The past few weeks have been “dreary and terminally depressing” for those of us who oppose this terrible legislation. It’s as if our Senators have gone totally deaf.

While President Bush, key Republicans and most Democrats in the Senate embrace this turd, seventy percent of Americans see it for what it is – a badly cobbled together morass of pork, inadequate security and abundant entitlements for illegal aliens. Yep – illegal means they broke the lawillegal means they should be punished, deported and get in the back of the line.

I’m told that there’s still time to do something about it . . .

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Secure Borders Blog

secure-borders.jpgWith the important issue of immigration reform before the United States Senate, Senator Jim Inhofe and friends have established a new blog, Secure Borders Now. The primary focus of the new blog is to “Secure Our Borders. No Amnesty.”

The Secure Borders Now Petition (link at the top of the left sidebar) has been rather successful over the last several days. The map at the left depicts the signatories in a demographic — red flags are signatures placed on the map at the point of origin.

If you haven’t done so, sign the petition now. Also visit the Secure Borders Now blog.

This is off-topic, but important to point out that Senator Inhofe, as you may or may not know, also has a common-sense, rational approach to Global Warming and Climate issues. The Senate EPW Blog is Senator Inhofe’s official minority website.

Mark Steyn on the Amnesty Bill

Mark Steyn writes this interesting piece regarding ‘fast-track’ legalization for illegal aliens. The ‘Kathryn’ Mark is speaking to is KJ Lopez who also blogs on NRO‘s The Corner.

Great news! The terrorist Z-visas will take 48 hours! [Mark Steyn]

steyn.jpgKathryn, that [Senator John] Cornyn amendment is a good example of the kind of final “bipartisan compromise” Congress may settle for: The 12-20 million illegal immigrants will get legal residency in the United States by the end of the next business day (and, incidentally, I’d love to see a list of other US agencies which guarantee full service within 24 hours – or is the express line only available to lawbreaking foreigners?), but terrorists will have to be subjected to what Sheila Jackson-Lee described to me as an “ongoing background check”.

The more you look at this bill the more it seems just the usual Beltway kabuki. Secretary Chertoff says in a time of war we need to know who’s in the country. Okay. But is dumping a gazillion new applications on a sclerotic immigration system the way to do that? Mohammed Atta was the second most famous terrorist in the world and on the front page of every American newspaper but the then INS still sent him a valid US visa six months to the day after he died, and without even updating his address from that Florida flight school to Big Hole In The Ground, Lower Manhattan. And the excuse the agency made was, oh well, we’re only issuing visas to dead terrorists not living ones – which Americans pretty much had to take on trust and which seems a distinction far less likely to be maintained once there’s another 15 million in the system entitled to next-day service. If I were Mullah Omar, I’d apply for a Z-visa. The odds have got to be better than even.

So it will be a fraud on “conservative” enforcement grounds. As for “liberal” fast-track-to-citizenship grounds, I would be surprised if most of those “undocumented” choose to go beyond limited legalization. If you’re remitting vast percentages of your income back to your village in Mexico every month, US citizenship is only going to complicate your life, given that the IRS is one of the few revenue agencies on the planet to claim global jurisdiction. Some things are best left “living in the shadows”.

“Comprehensive” reforms usually backfire in spectacular ways: the “war on poverty” gave us ongoing cross-generational poverty, etc. “Comprehensive” immigration reform will metastasize illegal immigration, embed the “undocumented” support networks as a permanent feature of American life, expand identity fraud, and make it even more impossible for Washington to know which aliens are in the country at any one time.

Un-American Gothic

uagothicWon’t these two ever stop playing politics with the security of our country?

Excerpt from Fox News:

Democrats need to make a decision to fund the troops or continue to play politics, said Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.

“I think what they’re going to have to do is make a decision. Look, are we going to continue down the road playing politics or do we really care about those men and women in uniform? And if they do, then they’ll come back and we’ll send the president a clean supplemental,” Chambliss told FOX News.

Chambliss called Reid’s “war is lost” comments from last week “almost un-American.”

“I think it’s almost un-American to come out and tell the enemy that they’ve won and we’ve lost. It’s pure politics and I hope the American people really let the Democrats know that it’s the people fighting this war that really do deserve our support,” Chambliss said.

The New York Times reported that some Democrats want to send Bush a bill that he will sign, without the timetables for withdrawal but others push for standing firm behind the antiwar message from Congress.

What do you mean “almost,” Saxby? They’re full-on un-American on this one.

More apologies to Grant Wood.

A Rational Voice in the Senate

imhofe.jpgSenator Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) is one of the few rational voices in the Senate when it comes to addressing the global warming issue. The Senator and his staff have established a weblog on the website of the Environmental and Public Works Committee where they don’t pull any punches when it comes to taking on the hype and misstatements by the Congress or the public in general. When Heidi Cullen, host of the Weather Channel’s weekly global warming program “The Climate Code” called for the American Meteorological Society to decertify any TV weatherperson who exhibits undue skepticism about climate warming, the Senator and his staff wasted no time in publishing a rebuke.

Kudos, Senator! We have added the “Senate EPW Blog” to our blogroll.

Kimberley A. Strassel wrote the following in her article in Opinion Journal:

As the former Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Republican Jim Inhofe was a coruscating critic of climate change alarmism. Now in the minority, he plans to make sure his voice is heard over the din of the media-savvy environmental groups through a new blog. His team even intends to make a bit of Congressional history by conducting the first-ever live Senate blog during the president’s State of the Union Address tonight. Watch out, National Review Online.

Six Democratic “Accomplishments”

Since the Democratic majority congress has been in session, they have made some “accomplishments.” From a conservative viewpoint, these several pieces of legislation are transparent in their real accomplishments and their worthlessness to most of the citizens of our country.

Right: Democratic leadership animation — turn the sound up for this.

Thanks to Tom Delay for providing the bulleted analysis seen below. I provided the lines with numbers.

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