January 2010

TSA Goons Nab Cub Scout

Leave it to Federal Agencies, like the Transportation Security Administration, to embody the epitome of political correctness gone wrong . . .

From the NRA-ILA:

Sleep Easy, America — Feds’ Terrorist Watchlist Nabs Cub Scout

tsa-goons.jpgAs we’ve reported before, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), encouraged by New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, wants to prohibit anyone on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist from possessing a firearm. Yet, the list and its criteria are secret, and Lautenberg’s bill would criminalize the exercise of a constitutionally protected right while denying a person the opportunity to clear himself of accusations in a fair and open hearing before a court of law. Even today, thousands of people who aren’t terrorists cannot prevent the list from misidentifying them, causing them delays and embarrassment when trying to board commercial aircraft.

It’s one thing when an adult gets the run-around at an airport, because he or she has a name identical or similar to someone the FBI is watching. As the American Civil Liberties Union has pointed out, the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) “automatic selectee” list — its list of people who are not permitted to board an aircraft without being given the once-over by the agency’s machines and uniformed, latex-gloved personnel — is based on people’s names, not on physical factors like age.

But when the system is so unorganized that it cannot distinguish a kid from a terrorist, what’s going on here? Yesterday, the New York Times reported that for the last six or seven years, one of Lautenberg’s constituents — eight-year-old New Jersey Cub Scout Michael “Mikey” Hicks — hasn’t been able to get on a plane without being patted down like your average neighborhood hubcap thief with his palms on the hood of a police cruiser and a nightstick between his legs. Repeatedly mistaken for someone on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist since he was two years old, Mikey’s encounters with the federal government have consisted of, as his mother puts it, “Up your arms, down your arms, up your crotch, someone is patting your 8-year-old down like he’s a criminal.” [more]

Now, don’t you feel safer?

Sundown in the Campground

When we stepped out to walk the dog, this was what we saw looking toward the last sun rays falling on the Catalina Mountains near Tucson, AZ. All those big, beautiful motor homes and fifth wheelers, a palm-lined road, and our little rented 24 foot trailer, one corner barely visible at the extreme right (not to be confused with the imaginary extreme right that the Democrats hallucinate about). The trailer may be small, but it’s quite comfy.

Click image to enlarge – not the trailer, the photo.


Superstition Mountains

East of Phoenix, AZ, the Superstition Mountains dominate the skyline. The legendary Lost Dutchman Mine just may be somewhere up in them thar hills. We woke up this morning and saw these scenic mountains. Click image to enlarge.


Saguaro Solar Eclipse


We’re back in the land of the Saguaro Cactii. Tonight, we’re near Phoenix, AZ. After we set up camp, I walked around the RV Park taking pictures of some of the plants and birds. I liked this one that I snapped just as the sun was directly behind. Click to enlarge.

Brainless Health Care Reformist Gergen Gets Sniped


Via The Corner:

In Monday night’s senatorial debate in Massachusetts, David Gergen, the moderator, looked straight at Scott Brown, the Republican nominee, and asked him this question:

GERGEN: You said you’re for health-care reform, just not this bill. We know from the Clinton experience that if this bill fails, it could well be another 15 years before we see health-care reform efforts in Washington. Are you willing under those circumstances to say, I’m going to be the person, I’m going to sit in Teddy Kennedy’s seat and I’m going to be the person who’s going to block it for another 15 years?

Brown, in what I call his ‘Nashua moment,’ responded with what’s become the remark that’s defining this race:

BROWN: Well, with all due respect, it’s not the Kennedy’s seat, and it’s not the Democrats’ seat, it’s the people’s seat. And they have the chance to send somebody down there who is an independent voter, and an independent thinker, and going to look out for the best interests of the people of Massachusetts. And the way that this bill is configured, I’d like to send it back to the drawing board because I believe people should have insurance — [just not] this particular bill because it’s not good for the entire country.

I heard Brown in an interview last week with Sean Hannity. I am impressed with this guy. He seems to be self confident and is clearly his own man, refusing to be stereotyped as having this or that kind of political leanings. California could use a couple folks like this to run against the two batty democrats currently occupying the California people’s Senate seats.

Global Warming Strikes Europe, Northeast America

A satellite image shows a snow-covered Britain; record snowfall and cold weather wreaks havoc with the European Continent, Northeastern U.S. and Canada.

Via SpaceWeather.com:

uk-snow.jpgISLAND SNOW

Last week when NASA’s Terra satellite orbited over Europe, it saw something very unusual. The normally temperate British Isles were completely covered by snow. From an altitude of 420 miles, Terra’s MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) camera snapped the picture to the right.

It’s not only Britain. Heavy snowfall and record-low temperatures have spread across Europe, closing schools, paralyzing airports, and downing power lines. Much of North America and parts of Asia are experiencing the same brutal cold.

The cause of the phenomenon could be the Arctic Oscillation (AO). The AO is a seesawing strengthening and weakening of semi-permanent areas of low and high atmospheric pressure in the Arctic and the mid-latitudes. One consequence of the oscillation’s negative phase is cold, snowy weather in Eurasia and North America during the winter months. The extreme negative dip of the Arctic Oscillation Index in December 2009 was the lowest monthly value observed for the past six decades. [more]