Everyone Else Linked To This . . .
. . . and I guess we should jump on the bandwagon.
Jack Sparrobama channels pirates and blames Bush:
The past eight years have shown a failure to appreciate the historic role of these noble seafarers. Instead of celebrating their entreprenuerial spirit and seeking to partner with them to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.
Some of us wonder if our current Overseas Contingency Operation would even be needed had the last administration not been so quick to label Pirates as “thieves,” “terrorists” and worse. Such swashbucklaphobia can lead to tragic results, as we have seen this week.
Church Bell Tower (with DirectPray)
Yesterday, I had to drive to an appointment. On the way, I took this picture of a church tower. Since yesterday was the National Day of Prayer and because of the prominent location of the little dish, I figured this must be the latest contrivance of this “progressive church” in California.
A progressive church — you know, they have names like “Ocean Shore Church” — will customize the seven sins and ten commandments to fit the more progressive California lifestyle so liberals can feel good about being in church without really having to abide by any hard-line church rules.
Kennedy Brothers in the Movies
There have been numerous dramas and documentaries about Jack Kennedy’s life and death. Today marks the 43rd anniversary of JFK’s assassination.
Now there’s a new docudrama about Bobby Kennedy’s life and death: Bobby – the story of the assassination of U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, on June 6th, 1968, which centers around 22 people who were at the Ambassador Hotel where he was killed.
But wait — they left brother Teddy out — I think Hollywood should do a docudrama about Teddy Kennedy (even though he’s still alive). They could call it “Chappaquiddick — How I would have done it – if I had done it.”
Diabolical Trap Set for Soldiers in Iraq
The terrorists will stop at nothing to entrap our soldiers . . .
Egregiously stolen from Hat tip to Rich Lowry at NRO’s The Corner
Nagin Still in the Running for Stuck On Stupid Award
The New Orleans/Katrina gun confiscation case takes a positive turn toward bringing justice to the nations second stupidest mayor and friends.
Image: Nagin in his future habitat.
Just in from The Patriot Post:
Judge Rules Against New Orleans in 2nd Amendment Case
On Thursday, Federal Judge Carl Barbier ruled against a motion by the city of New Orleans to dismiss a Second Amendment lawsuit involving the city’s confiscation of residents’ firearms in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The suit was brought by the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation and names Mayor Ray Nagin and Police Superintendent Warren Riley for violating citizens’ Second Amendment rights.
“We’re encouraged by this latest ruling,” said Alan Gottlieb, founder of the SAF. “For almost a year, we’ve been fighting the city’s delay tactics, which included outright lying by city officials that any firearms had been seized. Only when we threatened Mayor Nagin and Superintendent Riley with a motion for contempt did the city miraculously discover that they actually did have more than 1,000 firearms that had been taken from their owners.”
More than an effort to protect New Orleans gun owners, SAF intends this suit “as a warning to public officials across the country to forget about seizing firearms from their law-abiding owners in the event of a natural or man-made disaster.” The People’s Republic of New Orleans still holds two trailers filled with citizens’ firearms confiscated after Katrina.
I said “second stupidest mayor” above – Nagin has nothing to compare to the Runt Mayor of Los Angeles who would stop at nothing to disarm the city, and is, in my opinion, miles ahead of Nagin in the Stuck on Stupid award. Despite four attempts, Li’l Antonio has not passed the California Bar Exam, and thus remains unlicensed to practice law. But he is sure he understands more about it than you do.
Image: Li’l Antonio speaks at the Anti-Christ-Liberals-Union (could that be Nagin’s baldpate in the bottom of the image?)
God forbid if some liberal gun phobia retard politician tries to take our defenses from us when (not if) a major quake hits the Los Angeles area. Think back to the trite old adage about “prying from our cold dead hands.”