
The Other Road

We walked up the hill to our neighbor’s house to check on it (he’s out of town) a couple of days ago. While we were up there, I took a picture looking down at the next road over. A couple of saguaros, a mesquite tree with a wagon wheel and a cholla make nice landscape at the entrance of another neighbor’s house. Casandro Wash is in the background. Click on the image to enlarge.



We saw this roadrunner on our way back from taking the dogs to the park. It was about 500 feet down the road from our house. I got out of the truck to try and get a closer picture but the little guy ran down the road (what else would a roadrunner do?) into a thicket. Click on the image to enlarge.


Mountains Northeast of Town

We went to the gun show in town today. On the way to the community center, we passed a scenic overlook towards the northeast. In the foreground are the Hieroglyphic Mountains and the Bradshaw Mountains in the background. Another nice, clear 75° day in the Western Community of Wickenburg. Click on the image to enlarge.


Mobile Mesquite

There is a mesquite tree between the RV entrance and the courtyard. I had the landscaping crew trim this tree a bit so I could have a place for wind chimes and mobiles. I got a sunburst mobile at Big Lots last week. I think it adds a little fall color to the yard. Click on the image to enlarge.
