
Best Chinese Food in Town

Chinese Food

Actually, the ONLY Chinese food in town.

Last week, we decided to try some of the other restaurants in town instead of patronizing the same one or two. We have a “junk food” day about once a month when we get Mexican enchiladas or Cheeseburgers with fries.

I took Damsel to lunch yesterday at the Sizzling Wok, a Chinese cuisine restaurant less than a half mile from home. The sampler appetizer we ordered was pretty good. The penalty, of course, is the deep-fried goodies are anything but health food. Once a month, we figure, isn’t going to clog our arteries that much. Next time at this restaurant, we might try the Won Ton Soup, or something a bit less fatty. Click on Damsel’s image to enlarge.

Transporting Mom Home

Transporting Mom Home

After over a week in rehab, we finally got Mom released back home to her assisted living ranch. We were a little disenchanted with the rehab center since they were not spending much time helping Mom get better. As for Mom, she HATED it. So, after a couple of days of tweaking and pulling chains, they released her. The hospice folks arranged transportation and we fell in behind them while they took her to the ranch. All I can say is that she is back in her element with friends, an excellent caring staff and some actually good food!


Last night, we got a couple of inches of rain in the time span of about a half hour. As usually is the case when we get that intense of a rainfall, the little wash that runs in front of the house flows like a small rapid river. It flowed strongly enough to move most of the rocks we had stacked in front to prevent erosion. Some of them carried downstream some 150 yards before settling in.

Damsel and I have discussed building a retaining wall between the RV driveway and the little wash on the west side of the house. I snapped a picture of the area the other day and, as it turned out, it became the “before” panel in the slideshow above. Click the slideshow image to see the “after” panel. You may also click these links for a large before view and a large after view.

Transplanting Cacti

We have been avoiding transplanting a couple of prickly pear cacti because of the hot (107° in the shade) daytime temperatures in August. We finally had a cool cloudy day today, so I grabbed the shovel, loaded up the potted cacti into the wheelbarrow and set about the task.

These two, along with one other (to be transplanted later) were grown from cactus paddles Damsel brought from one of the prickly pear cacti at the California house. They grow very aggressively and had to periodically be cut back in California. Damsel saved some of the cut paddles and planted them in pots in the Arizona house courtyard. Of course, they rapidly outgrew their pots and needed to be taken to Damsel’s rock and cactus garden on the west side. We hope they will be aggressive in their new environment. They should do well since we see cacti like these all over town.

Click on the slideshow image above to see the two transplants after I plunked them into the ground.

Sun Rays


As we took the dogs out this evening we saw this gorgeous sky view with sun rays extending skyward. I was not carrying my camera, but Bob managed to capture the view from our driveway. We sure do love our Arizona environment. Click on the image to enlarge.

Screened Patio

Screened Patio

When we were finishing the retirement house two years ago, we felt it to be imperative that we get our back patio screened in. Thus far, that has been the right decision. The screen keeps (most) flying bugs out and provides a relatively safe place to confine the dogs when we’re outside.

I took this image of the patio from the hill behind the house today, just after I hung up Damsel’s seed bell and thistle feeders for the birds. Click on the image to enlarge.

Colorful Sun Rainbow

Colorful Sun Rainbow

We have had a few busy days and as a result have not posted anything. This weekend, we’re relaxing and don’t have much to say. In the meantime, enjoy this photo of a solar rainbow over the neighbor’s American Flag. Click on the image to enlarge.