
Over Four Million Never Forget Hits

Today, there have been over four million hits on the Never Forget Tribute. It only passed three million about January 16th, so it got over a million hits in less than a month! The graphic (to the best of my estimation) is seen on over three hundred sites worldwide. Thanks for all those who display it, and thanks to the folks at North American Patriot for their continued generosity in providing the bandwidth for distribution.

A WWII Tribute in Song and Pictures

Maybe some of you folks have already seen this. A friend sent this to me today, and I had not seen it before. I grew up in the years just after WWII, my Dad fought in it and I found it deeply touching – so keep the tissues box handy . . .

Image: Aerial View of WWII Memorial, Washington D.C. (Photo by Rick Latoff/American Battle Monuments Commission)

The elderly parking lot attendant wasn’t in a good mood!

Neither was Sam Bierstock. It was around 1 a.m., and Bierstock, a Delray Beach, Fla. , eye doctor, business consultant, corporate speaker and musician, was bone tired after appearing at an event.

He pulled up in his car, and the parking attendant began to speak. “I took two bullets for this country and look what I’m doing,” he said bitterly.

At first, Bierstock didn’t know what to say to the World War II veteran. But he rolled down his window and told the man, “Really, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you.”

Then the old soldier began to cry.

“That really got to me,” Bierstock says.

Cut to today.

Bierstock, 58, and John Melnick, 54, of Pompano Beach – a member of Bierstock’s band, Dr. Sam and the Managed Care Band – have written a song inspired by that old soldier in the airport parking lot. The mournful “Before You Go” does more than salute those who fought in WWII. It encourages people to go out of their way to thank the aging warriors before they die.

“If we had lost that particular war, our whole way of life would have been shot,” says Bierstock, who plays harmonica. “The WW II soldiers are now dying at the rate of about 2,000 every day. I thought we needed to thank them.”

The song is striking a chord. Within four days of Bierstock placing it on the Web , the song and accompanying photo essay have bounced around nine countries, producing tears and heartfelt thanks from veterans, their sons and daughters and grandchildren.

“It made me cry,” wrote one veteran’s son. Another sent an e-mail saying that only after his father consumed several glasses of wine would he discuss “the unspeakable horrors” he and other soldiers had witnessed in places such as Anzio, Iwo Jima, Bataan and Omaha Beach. “I can never thank them enough,” the son wrote. “Thank you for thinking about them.”

Bierstock and Melnick thought about shipping it off to a professional singer, maybe a Lee Greenwood type, but because time was running out for so many veterans, they decided it was best to release it quickly, for free, on the Web. They’ve sent the song to Sen. John McCain and others in Washington. Already they have been invited to perform it in Houston for a Veterans Day tribute – this after just a few days on the Web. They hope every veteran in America gets a chance to hear it.

GOD BLESS every veteran…and thank you !


Dr. Sam and the Frivolous Action Blues Band

Ronald Reagan 25th Innauguraversary

Twenty-five years ago today, one of our greatest presidents took the oath of office and began changing America, and the World, for the better. The Iranian embassy hostage crisis ended that day with the release of Americans held for 444 days by the terrorist government of Iran, including the current Iranian president, one of the four most dangerous men in the world.

Under President Reagan, “Reaganomics” was born, and prosperity ensued. Indeed, prosperity persists today under President Bush, who has the same perspectives on the economy.

President Reagan’s foreign policies helped to end the cold war, thus changing the world for the better. Many nations formerly enslaved by communist oppression, threw off their bounds to become allies of America.

These websites offer additional coverage of this important anniversary: Blogs for Bush, GOP Bloggers and Opinion Journal.

Never Forget Over 3 MegaHits

Over the weekend, our Never Forget Flash Animation went past the 3 million hits mark. Since August 2005, the tribute is now seen on over 250 websites worldwide; it reminds us of what we must never forget if we are to prevail in the War on Terror.

If you wish to display the tribute on your site, visit the Never Forget page for more information. It’s completely free and simple to activate on your website. – The Year in Photos

This powerful QuickTime presentation shows many of the facets of the Army’s activities in 2005; The Call to Duty. You may have to install the QuickTime plug-in application in your browser, but it’s definitely worth the effort.


This annual year-end special features the best of’s feature photos, drawn from a variety of Defense Department sources. These photos capture the essence of our Soldiers, living the Warrior Ethos and answering the Call to Duty.

Check it out at – The Year in Photos.


Pearl Harbor Remembered

I found a fairly good rundown of the terrible events of December 7, 1941 at Infoplease: Pearl Harbor Remembered.


Dec. 7, 1941—at five minutes to eight o’clock, 183 Japanese warplanes ruined a perfectly fine Sunday morning on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. The first attack wave had reached the U.S. Pacific Fleet stationed at Oahu’s Pearl Harbor and for all intents and purposes, World War II began for the United States

Although the U.S. military forces in Pearl Harbor had been recently strengthened, the base was not at a state of high alert. Many people were just waking when the first bombs were dropped. No one was prepared to do battle.