
Patriot Day 2010 – Nine Years After the Attack

Just in time for Patriot Day 2010, our Never Forget Tribute just ticked over 65 million views.

Buck Up for Wounded Warriors will be having a car show and riding their motorcycles in a police and fire-escorted 9/11 parade in Prescott, AZ today. Visit their site for details.

As we have done for several years, we are again honoring our 9/11 victim, Mark Zeplin and all the victims of Islamic Terrorism:

Damsel and I are very proud to be able to honor Marc Scott Zeplin on the eighth anniversary of the Islamic Terrorist Attacks against America on September 11, 2001 and to be part of the 2996 Project. This is the fourth year we have posted about Marc Scott Zeplin.

Zep” is what his friends called him. Zep was one of the 2996 victims who perished in the attacks of September 11, 2001.

Marc Scott Zeplin, age 33.

Place killed: World Trade Center. Resident of Harrison, N.Y. (USA).

Marc Zeplin worked in the World Trade Center offices of Cantor Fitzgerald, a financial services company. Reading what Marc’s friends and family have written about him, Marc was well-liked and respected by peers, friends and others who wrote words about him following his death.

The following is from Zep’s tribute at the memorial site that his company set up to remember their employees that were lost in the attack:

Date of Birth: January 12, 1968

Department: Equity Sales

A group of friends named and registered a star in the heavens in memory of Marc Zeplin. How fitting as he was a star in the eyes of so many.

Successful as an equity trader, he formed close relationships with his clients but he was foremost a family man. Marc was very caring and devoted to his wife Debra, sons Ryan (3 yrs old) and Ethan (10 months), parents, sister and in-laws. He adored his children and treasured the time he spent with them. Marc was very proud of the new home he and his wife built in Westchester and enjoyed the change from urban to suburban living.

Raised in Long Island, Marc attended Oceanside High School and the University of Michigan where he also continued to earn a master’s degree in the acclaimed business school. Marc’s first career calling was sports casting. He loved sports of all kinds and enjoyed broadcasting games in Michigan during his college years. However, when he returned to New York, he found immediate employment in the financial world and soon after started at Cantor Fitzgerald where he became a partner.

Marc was truly a “master of the word.” He knew how and what to say in order to put you at ease, make you laugh or help you resolve a problem. Marc loved people. He had many friends and demonstrated a zest for living life to the fullest. He was tops in every way. He even worked at the top. The right position for so many years unfortunately was wrong on only one day – September 11, 2001.

Debra Zeplin and Leora Zeplin, Marc’s Wife and Mother.

Please join us today as we remember Marc Zeplin and the rest of the victims of those attacks, and please, NEVER FORGET.

Independence Day BBQ Ribs

ribs.jpgWe enjoyed our hybrid* BBQ ribs for the Fourth of July Holiday entreé. Damsel prepared steamed cauliflower, Mediterranean pasta salad and baked beans as side dishes for this tasty treat. Click on the image to enlarge.

*Hybrid refers to the way we prepare them. After we cut the rack into two halves, they go in the crock pot slow cooker along with two six ounce cans of apple juice and one six ounce can of pineapple juice, salt and pepper to taste (we don’t use salt). They cook on high for two or three hours and are then transferred to the grill where they get browned while basting with Damsel’s homemade barbecue sauce.

D-Day – The Invasion of Normandy


Sixty-six years ago, the invasion of Normandy began. My Dad was an electricians mate aboard the USS Brooklyn light cruiser, whose 5 and 6 inch guns softened targets in France so the Allies could do their thing. Dad came back from the War, but many did not. Take a moment today to remember those selfless, brave men that chiseled out our victory in Europe.

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Healthcare

This is an important 7½ minute message from Judge Andrew Napolitano . . .

“Medicare – broke. Social Security – broke. Medicaid – broke. Amtrak – broke. The U.S.Post Office – broke. Who in their right mind would give healthcare, with that track record, to the same people who have broken everything they’ve tried to manage?”

View the entire video.

Cross-posted at The Wandering Minstrel

Never Forget Tribute — Sixty Million Hits

sixty millionJust a few minutes ago, the counter on the Never Forget Tribute advanced past sixty million hits. Each time the graphic is served up on web pages that embed the tribute, the hit counter advances by one. Damsel and I thank those of you who have taken the time to embed the tribute on your websites. It’s people like you who know that America, and the World, can Never Forget. We are grateful that so many of you care.

In less than a year, the graphic has received ten million hits. Last March 15th, the counter clicked past fifty million. You can see the progress in the sidebar (if you have JavaScript enabled) which gets updated every several seconds thanks to the AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) script I developed to place under the graphic. Watch it for a while and you will see the counter advancing as websites all over the world serve up an instance of the tribute.

The animation was originally inspired by an anonymously-produced PowerPoint slideshow making the rounds on the Internet and via emails after 9/11. I gathered some of the graphics and produced the prototype of the graphic to display on my personal website. After refinements and improvements suggested by Damsel and others, it appears as it does today. This is the graphic seen in the right sidebar depicting the attacks on America by terrorists. Last year, I added the tribute to the U.S.S. Cole to the package. Prior to that, I included the graphics for Flight 93 to the original tribute.

In August of 2005, I made the animation available to anyone. The offer was only taken by a few sites at first, but since then, many more have begun displaying the animation. As of December 2005, there were over 200 sites linking to it, and that number has been growing since. Sites in the US, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, the UK, Italy and several other countries, display the tribute on their pages.

To all of you displaying the tribute, thank you for reminding your readers to Never Forget.