Global Warming

Some College Students Get It

The College Republican National Committee has a nice web page dedicated to the dissemination of the truth about Global Warming:

Global Warming

Certainly, the environment concerns us all. Unfortunately, many groups use scare tactics and hyperbole to send listeners into a tailspin about global climate change. While the issue of climate change should be investigated and addressed, it shouldn’t be guided by cataclysmic predictions and “what ifs” that bypass reason, the markets, and effectiveness. Temper the global warming hype with some sobering facts.

FACT: While some scientists have warned of a global warming, not all scientists are in agreement as to just what type of threat this poses. Many reputable scientists predict no substantial warming in the future; they predict a raise of merely 1 to 1.5 degrees Celsius over the next century, which is well within the range of human adaptability.

FACT: The Kyoto Protocol will do little to slow carbon dioxide emissions, and has enormous costs. [read more about Kyoto]

FACT: Polar Bears are Drowning. Did you know that ice caps melting is causing extinction for homeless polar bears??? Just kidding, but some people seem to think so. [Are polar bears dying?]

Spouting More Hot Air than Al Gore

Who are Al Gore and his enviroloons going to blame for this reckless discharge of greenhouse gasses?

From Astronomy Picture of the Day:

An Alaskan Volcano Erupts

What is happening to that volcano? It’s erupting! The first person to note that the Aleutian Cleveland Volcano was spewing ash was astronaut Jeffrey N. Williams aboard the International Space Station. Looking down on the Alaskan Aleutian Islands two weeks ago, Williams noted, photographed, and reported a spectacular ash plume emanating from the Cleveland Volcano. Starting just before this image was taken, the Cleveland Volcano underwent a short eruption lasting only about two hours. The Cleveland stratovolcano is one of the most active in the Aleutian Island chain. The volcano is fueled by magma displaced by the subduction of the northwest-moving tectonic Pacific Plate under the tectonic North America Plate.

Image and story courtesy NASA and APOD

The “O” Zone

Ozone” was President George H.W. Bush’s pet name for Al Gore during the campaign in ’92. At that time, Gore’s weirdo environmental views were already well-known, but, that’s beside the point of this article.

What do we know about ozone?

To better understand that question, we must discuss oxygen. Earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% “other gasses” which include water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone. Included in the latter 1% is the dreaded “greenhouse gasses” you hear about. Less than one percent of the atmosphere is causing all that “trouble” — hmmmm. I digress — Back to oxygen . . .

Right: The Antarctic ozone hole (Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech)
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Actual Science Debunks Hurricane Intensity Myth

World Climate Report, an excellent resource for scientific climate analysis, published an article that demonstrates the falsehood of increased hurricane intensity to have any relationship to increases in sea surface temperatures (SST) or anthropogenic (man-made) climate change.

Scientist Philip Klotzbach in a published paper analyzed the work done by a couple of misguided colleagues and compared their conclusions to his:
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More Maunder Minimum in the Making?

In a previous article, I discussed the effects of the Sun’s behavior on our environment. In that article, I mentioned the Maunder Minimum which occurred coincidentally with a period of cooler-than-normal temperatures here on Earth. In another article, I discussed the “solar conveyor belt” concept of solar plasma circulation. That article has a reference to a NASA article predicting an upcoming “solar storm.”

Yesterday, NASA published an article about a predicted decline in solar activity. The article suggests that observations of the “conveyor belt” can be used to predict solar activity levels in the distant future. Their prediction is for fewer sunspot numbers and lower solar activity during solar cycle 25 following the current cycle (24). This “low” solar peak should occur in 2022.

I wonder if this means we’re in for a period of “Global Unwarming?” If that should happen, then what will ALGOR and the Enviroloons* do for their amusement?

Inset: ALGOR tries in vain to warm things up again.

*a former vice-president turned enviroloon and his band of unscientific non-thinker followers who ignore science in pursuit of their enviro-cultist religion.

Excerpt from the NASA article:

NASA – Long Range Solar Forecast

The Great Conveyor Belt is a massive circulating current of fire (hot plasma) within the Sun. It has two branches, north and south, each taking about 40 years to perform one complete circuit. Researchers believe the turning of the belt controls the sunspot cycle, and that’s why the slowdown is important.


Global Warming Resources

During the past couple of weeks I have been collecting some internet references to articles that discuss the hype and science of climate change. These are a few more to add to our list of references on this subject.

I hope to keep adding to this list and eventually make an information page in the sidebar that contains references to articles and to other “Global Warming” topical blog articles.

The above courtesy of Cox and Forkum in their fine post on “The Real recycling Problem.”

And one of my favorites:

These are all good resources to invoke when your local moonbat starts spewing the doom and gloom.