Global Warming

Climate and Global Warming Resources

For a long time now. I have been threatening to create a sidebar item for the all-important issue of Climate and Global Warming. Ultimately, I want to transfer most of the resources I have used into a database of relevant articles sorted by article type. Well, that hasn’t happened yet, but I managed to get a few articles posted and a database window to all articles on this site that reference the “Global Warming” topic. The reference page may now be found on the sidebar under “information” as Climate and Global Warming. Click on it and go to the page and have a look around.

Please, please offer any suggestions, articles and any other information that I can add to this page — I already have used several articles to email my hippie moonbat congressperson‘s staff debunking their insane position on these issues. I’m not certain if it ever gets to her, but at least I’m inserting some sanity into their space.

Use caution — still under construction.

The Evil Glance of ALGOR

I see that I’m not the only person that thinks ALGOR is a weirdo. I discovered this article on Ken Jennings‘ blog (remember Ken, the all time Jeopardy Champ?)

ALGOR, you’re creeping us out!

Looook into my eyes!

I’m a little late on this, since it took a few days for my copy to get forwarded from my old address, but what the @#$% is up with the cover of the new Entertainment Weekly?

The cover story is a profile of The New Cool Al Gore, and no matter what you personally think about Gore, there’s no getting around one fact: he looks creepy!

Most people gain weight and look friendlier. Jolly, even. But in this photo, Gore looks like Satan! Yeah, no wonder the icecaps are melting. It’s the heat from the swirling hellfire of His Satanic Majesty here.


Drought, Forest Fires and Global Warming

World Climate Report takes a deliberate and sensible look at the relationship between rising global temperature and frequency of forest fires in the west. Warning to Greenbats — The WCR post contains actual science which may offend and confuse you, and we wouldn’t want your little green brains exploding.

The Fire This Time: More Perspective Needed

Some prominent scientists are becoming increasingly restive about the shrill portrayal of global warming science in popular media. The latest round concerned a paper by A. L. Westerling (Scripps Institute of Oceanography) relating an dramatic increase in western forest fires to regional warming and changes in the onset of snowmelt.

Colorado University’s Roger Pielke Jr., one of the nation’s preeminent scholars about how science and society interact, called it “a useful paper that adds to our knowledge and hopefully will stimulate further research on the integrated effects of climate-society-policy.” But then, he warned that “At the same time I can envisage the paper being used simply as a caricature in the global warming debate—Global Warming Causes Forest Fires!—but that would be a shame because fire policy is more complex than that.”

Well, of course, what he feared would happen, did happen. And the resultant headlines are another sad commentary on how cursory reporting on global warming has become, and how little attention is paid to the facts as they stand. Nowhere, for example, did we read Westerling’s words: “Whether the changes observed in western hydro-climate and wildfire are the result of greenhouse gas-induced global warming or only an unusual natural fluctuation, is presently unclear.”

Why so unclear? In large part, because the science isn’t straightforward, and three decades is a very short period of climate time.


The article concludes by comparing temperature anomaly with the drought index. Using a “scatter plot” which reveals any correlation between temperature and drought. The plot found nothing to indicate correlation between the two. Nothing to see here, just a random scattering of dots — no lines, no circles, no wavy curves and no correlation.

Of course, Enviroloons and Greenbats will undoubtedly come up with a way to connect the dots.

The Heat of Summer

Do you think it’s a coincidence that the level of anxiety about global warming seems to intensify just before the heat of summer? Neither does Alan Caruba commenting on

Are You Bored With Global Warming?

Are you bored with hearing about global warming all the time? Me, too. The din of asinine predictions, warnings and claims that global warming is real, i.e. a rapid increase in the overall temperature of the Earth, always seems to occur just as summer arrives when — surprise — it gets warmer.

It must have been a slow news day on June 23 because my daily newspaper ran the following headline at the very top of the front page: “Global warming is real, scientists warn.”

Since the 1980s, environmentalists have been telling us that the next Ice Age — due any day now — has been cancelled, and instead, the Earth will suffer sizzling temperatures that will make it uninhabitable.


For an exhaustive list of stuff that global warming messes up go to It can keep you busy for a bit, but pick out a couple and have a laugh or two.

ALGOR and the Enviroloons

We’ll all be roasted! The Earth is going to overheat and we’re DOOOOOOMED! Quick — someone call ALGOR and the Enviroloons!

Al Reuters on Al Gore:

Al Gore hopes to train a thousand messengers he hopes will spread out across the country and present a slide show about global warming that captures the essence of his Hollywood documentary and book.

The former vice president, a Democrat Moonbat (ed.), said on Monday that by the end of the summer he would start a bipartisan education campaign to train 1,000 people to give a version of his slide show on global warming featured in the film “An Inconvenient Truth” and book of the same name.

If you’re not particularly panicked by this, then you may already have seen our archive of articles on the environment.