Global Warming

Sideways Sunspot

sideways-sunspotToday’s Astronomy Picture of the Day features this remarkable image of a sunspot on the limb of the Sun as seen from the Japanese solar-observing spacecraft, Hinode. Like a fountain of fire, solar plasma is ejected from the sunspot, most of which cascades back onto the surface. Some of the ejecta particles will continue speeding off into space, ultimately falling onto whatever is in the path. Better understanding of how the Sun ejects particles into space may result in more accurate predictions of solar storms that affect satellites, astronauts, and even power grids on Earth.

Image Credit & Copyright: Hinode, JAXA, NASA

Between the venerable SOHO spacecraft and the newly-launched Hinode and STEREO probes, scientists are sure to discover much more about our stellar companion. We are entering into an age of enlightenment (so to speak) about the nature of the Sun’s influence on the environment and climate on planet Earth. This is unfortunate for those who would like to divert attention from science in favor of over-representing anthropogenic (man-made) effects and predictions of imminent global disaster.

Continue reading…

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

gore-lies.jpgRemember those picture puzzles where you were supposed to identify as many things as you can that are wrong with it? You would write down all the things you found then go to the answer key to see how you did.

I’m sure that wasn’t Al Gore’s intention when he produced his science propaganda flick, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Gore does, however, embed quite a number of “things wrong” with his Global Warming Crock-umentary — consider the following list:

  • Gore promoted the now debunked “hockey stick” temperature chart in an attempt to prove man’s overwhelming impact on the climate
  • Gore attempted to minimize the significance of the Medieval Warm period and the Little Ice Age
  • Gore insisted on a link between increased hurricane activity and global warming that most sciences believe does not exist
  • Gore asserted that today’s Arctic is experiencing unprecedented warmth while ignoring that temperatures in the 1930’s were as warm or warmer
  • Gore claimed the Antarctic was warming and losing ice but failed to note, that is only true of a small region and the vast bulk has been cooling and gaining ice
  • Gore hyped unfounded fears that Greenland’s ice is in danger of disappearing
  • Gore erroneously claimed that ice cap on Mt. Kilimanjaro is disappearing due to global warming, even while the region cools and researchers blame the ice loss on local land-use practices
  • Gore made assertions of massive future sea level rise that is way out side of any supposed scientific “consensus” and is not supported in even the most alarmist literature
  • Gore incorrectly implied that a Peruvian glacier’s retreat is due to global warming, while ignoring the fact that the region has been cooling since the 1930s and other glaciers in South America are advancing
  • He blamed global warming for water loss in Africa’s Lake Chad, despite NASA scientists concluding that local population and grazing factors are the more likely culprits
  • He inaccurately claimed polar bears are drowning in significant numbers due to melting ice when in fact they are thriving
  • He completely failed to inform viewers that the 48 scientists who accused President Bush of distorting science were part of a political advocacy group set up to support Democrat Presidential candidate John Kerry in 2004

Hat tip to Senator Jim Inhofe, whose Skeptics Guide to Global Warming (PDF) tells us what’s wrong with Gore’s Picture.

An Inconvenient Methane Truth

methane-time.gifApparently, the rate of change of the methane in the atmosphere seems to have gone from increasing to zero change. This must be disappointing to alarmists that claim that unbridled man-made emissions will continue to cause an increase in the levels of tropospheric methane in the 21st century.

Right: Level of Atmospheric Methane 1980-2004 – click image to enlarge.

A recent study published in Environmental Science & Technology shows the unexpected decrease in the atmospheric methane rate of change. Data from the study indicate a trend toward decreasing atmospheric methane.

The folks at CO2 Science analyzed the study:

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has long predicted that earth’s tropospheric methane (CH4) concentration would rise dramatically throughout the 21st century; see, for example, Ehhalt and Prather (2001). So entrenched a place did this dogma come to occupy in both the popular and scientific psyches, in fact, that when real-world data suddenly suggested otherwise, Simpson et al. (2002) continued to vehemently contend it was “premature to believe that the CH4 burden is ceasing to increase,” even though their own data bore witness against them in demonstrating that such was in fact occurring, as we indicated in our Editorial of 8 Jan 2003. Newer findings, however, ultimately caused even them to recant (Simpson et al., 2006); and, now, Khalil et al. (2007) have essentially “put the nails in the coffin” of the idea that rising atmospheric CH4 concentrations pose any further global warming threat at all.

Continue reading Atmospheric Methane: The Good-News Trend Continues

The ‘Global Warming And The Climate’ Website

Last weekend, I ran across a website originating in Norway that offers some compelling science that further debunks the hype about man-made global warming. The site, Global Warming And The Climate, is maintained by Per Strandberg of Voss, Norway. Per does a great job of tying several observed climate influencing phenomena together: Solar activity, greenhouse gasses and cosmic ray flux.

I discovered Per’s site after he left a comment on our post, Correlating Sunspots to Global Warming.

Actually I started to look at the cause for global warming by looking at the data. Here are my result. The leading climate scientists use misleading and deceptive methods when they analyze climate data.

Amazingly there are no repository and comprehensive information to be found at any location on the Internet over the existing two theories for global warming.
People should be able to make informative and objective judgment for themselves.

Therefore I collected this information here on my website On it I have collected information and graphs covering both the greenhouse gas and the cosmic ray cloud cover theory and made analysis from the data.

Thanks to Per Strandberg for sharing his good work with us.

Cosmic Rays, Solar Flux and Global Warming

A Danish scientist, Henrik Svensmark, Director of the Center for Sun-Climate Research of the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen, has conducted experiments and studies to validate his theory that interstellar galactic cosmic rays may have a considerable effect on global climate.

Right: Cosmic rays affect global cloud cover

The theory is that when cosmic rays hit the Earth’s atmosphere, they speed up the process where ions combine with sulphuric acid. These combine to form condensation nucleii, or tiny specs of matter that allow water droplets to form. The widespread condensation of water droplets accumulate to form lower-atmospheric clouds, which serve to reflect sunlight back into space and allow the Earth’s surface to cool off. In the absence of heavy cosmic radiation, fewer clouds form and the surface of the planet heats up again.

The Sun affects cosmic rays entering into the Earth’s atmosphere by virtue of particle emission (solar winds) and solar magnetic flux — when particle emission and the magnetic field is strong due to high solar activity, cosmic rays are deflected away and thus allow fewer clouds to form.

Svensmark concludes “it now seems clear that stellar winds and magnetism are crucial factors in the origin and viability of life on wet earth-like planets,” as are “ever-changing galactic environments and star-formation rates.” When you consider the context of this galactic radiation effect, the impact of CO2 emissions caused by humanity literally fade away into climatic insignificance.”


CO2 ScienceCosmoclimatology: A New Perspective on Global Warming rays blamed for global warming

Thanks to my colleague Rick for bringing this to my attention.

A Knockout for Winter

This got me chuckling, so I thought I would post it here. I really liked the rant that went with it and the little image of ALGOR (a.k.a. OZONE) fretting over his champ having been K.O.’d.

From Sam Ryskind’s cartoon site, Fresh Meat: NOAA and NASA Want Antarctica To Melt

knockout.jpgYou don’t hear much about the ozone hole any more. Has it gone away? Nope. NOAA and NASA say in 2006 it was bigger and deeper than ever.

But wait, you say, we implemented the Montreal Protocols in 1989, eliminating ozone depleting CFCs. Kofi Annan called the Protocol, “Perhaps the most successful international agreement to date.” CFC concentrations have been falling since 1995. How can the ozone hole be worse?

It’s not worse, says NOAA, it’s better. It’s just that you can’t see how great the Protocol is working because colder than average temperatures in the Antarctic mask the benefit. Cold weather result[s] in larger and deeper ozone holes, while warmer weather leads to smaller ones.

Colder in Antarctica? Al Gore told me it was melting! Al Gore told me there was consensus. Consensus!

Hat Tip John at Power Line