“They” say that black Friday is called that because it’s the first time retailers begin to see profits, i.e. going from the red into the black. I’m not into all of that sort of merchandising lingo, so I’ll interpret it to mean that we should buy something black. Examples:
Anyhow, ‘Black Friday” will have to wait until Saturday for us, since the GUN SHOW is tomorrow. We’re in a shopping mood, like many gun buyers in America.
The current ‘gun run’ is explained, in part, by Frank Brownell in his current “WebBench” newsletter:
Of all the factors causing the current buying rush, the Obama-nation effect has the largest impact because of the Democratic agenda and their penchant for banning guns. The current make-up of the House and Senate, being almost filibuster-proof, also adds to the fray. Keep in mind it was the Dems who put together the most restrictive weapons ban law we have seen. Word from those in the know is that the Assault Weapons Ban will come back for a vote – hi-cap mags for rifles and handguns are just the tip of that mess – however, this time there won’t be a sunset clause. They also want to close the so called “gun show loophole”, limiting private sales of firearms between individuals. We should expect the first shot across the bow not long after January 20th. They also plan to try to slip this through with little warning or discussion.
Emphasis mine.