
Regarding Islamotards

Update 3: The jihadi website is down – if we had anything to do with that, then we’re proud.

Update 2: We may have a block solution. I would appreciate feedback if it doesn’t work for you. Or, even if it does 🙂 .

Update: Big Dog has a post about the Jihadi Professor who is showing our graphic.

islamotard.jpgWe realize (as we have for a couple of months) that our Never Forget tribute has been posted on a jihad-promoting website. We are able to partially block it from that website, but some requests still get through. We’re working on another implementation of the blocker but can’t say for sure that it will work, nor can we forecast when, or if, the fix will be available.

Disclaimer: The appearance of our Never Forget banner on a website does not indicate that we endorse the opinions expressed on that website.

As far as some retarded Islamic weirdo posting a pro-America tribute that honors 9/11 victims and first-responders while implicating those responsible for the attacks, well, we might see it as a small point of truth embedded in a swamp of Islamic bulls**t.

We appreciate the eMails and feedback from concerned readers. Thank you all.

Dixie Chicks and Grammy Awards

A Double Induction to the Star Whores Hall of Shame

We haven’t posted an induction to the Star Whores Hall of Shame in a very long time, mainly, because the almost constant murmur of moonbat opinions and nonsense out of the Hollywood crowd and other celebretards would keep me cranking 24/7. Once in a while, however, someone will do something so outrageous that they exceed our usual high threshold of tolerance for their normal crap. In fact, our stupid-crap-o-meter went almost to the top of the scale.

Pursuant to that threshold having been crossed, we hereby induct the following two entities into the Hall:

  1. The singing group Dixie Chicks for being the least talented group to get talent awards based on their liberal political viewpoint – welcome to the “Treacherous Troubadors” exhibit of the Hall.
  2. The Grammy Awards for awarding best country performance to a non-country group just because they hate Republicans and country music fans – welcome to the “Sleazy Reasoning” wall in the Hall.

Visit the Hall of Shame.

Why Isn’t Nagin in Jail?

Nagin in JailContemptible Ray Nagin, along with ex-Police chief of New Orleans Warren Riley, have been found in contempt of court in Louisiana for failing to provide disclosures to the discovery phase of legal action for illegal confiscation of firearms from legitimate gun owners after Hurricane Katrina. In a ruling by Judge Carl Barbier, the city attorney was ordered to compensate the National Rifle Association’s attorneys “for wasted time and money.”

What I want to know is why aren’t Nagin, Riley and their attorney paying fines for contempt? Why aren’t they being prosecuted for their illegal actions?

Continue reading…

How Many Times Can You Trap A Fox?

fox.jpgAn old, trite expression, “Sly as a Fox” was put to the test by a group of scientists and students in the Pacific Northwest several years ago. They baited and set humane traps in a forested area known to be a Kitt Fox habitat. When a fox was trapped, it was tagged and released.

The group ran their experiment for several weeks during a time when foxes were known to forage for their winter stores. When the results were compiled they discovered that not only were individual foxes trapped multiple times, but most of the repeats were trapped in the same traps as their prior entrapment. What aren’t they learning one might ask? These foxes didn’t quite live up to the “sly” parameter — or did they?

If you look at it from the perspective of having been trapped, fed, tagged (a non-invasive process), and then released again and again, it seems like a good deal for the fox. The fox knows that he gets fed and released each time so why not take the bait? Seems like a “sly” way to deal with the system.

That brings us to regard how Illegal Alien Criminals in America are working the catch and release system; the process is described in the article below. Read also how only a handful of agencies get 70 percent of Federal Funds for Immigration Enforcement and read how some of those actually offer sanctuary to illegals:

From the Washington Times — Criminal aliens set free on the streets of America:

Continue reading…

Understanding the Democratic Machine

Locked in an endless möbius loop, the gears of the Democratic machine grind on forever. All rhetoric, all the time, with no viable ideas. They do have ideas, however . . .

Redeploy troops from Iraq to Okinawa? End vital terrorist surveillance? Raise taxes? Call the military in Iraq stupid? Accuse the military of terrorizing civilians and committing atrocities? Amnesty for illegals? Block domestic oil production? Socialize medicine? Add new entitlement programs? Disarm the military? Disarm citizens? Stop global warming? Block Social Security reform? Let the UN and EU decide US trade policy? Let the UN and EU decide US defense policy? Block picture ID to prevent voter fraud? Stop fencing the border? Approve same-sex marriage? Approve all abortions? Reduce criminal penalties? Block profiling of potential terrorists? Allow illegal aliens driver’s licenses? Apologize to our enemies and blame America first?

This incomplete list of questionable ‘ideas’ comes directly from Democrats — you can’t make this shit up. And the list of outrageous ‘ideas’ grows daily. I sincerely hope that as Americans, you will go to the polls next Tuesday and vote – especially now that you understand the Democratic Machine.

New Name for Democrats

Why not change the name of the Democratic Party to the Benedict Arnold Party? Seems fitting enough, considering John Kerry’s recent remarks, and the on-going politicization of the Global War on Terror by Democrats. They have continually failed to support security for America, the war in Iraq and our Troops, in particular.

Left: John Kerry, still unfit for command.

As for Kerry’s “apology,” he manages to weasel his way into blaming stupid Americans for not understanding his nuanced sense of humor. Moreover, the cowardly Kerry did not appear personally to deliver the apology, but probably directed one of his minions to type something for his website.

We understood what you meant, Senator. We know you have falsely accused our soldiers of “terrorizing” innocent Iraqis. We sincerely hope that next Tuesday America holds your party accountable for their continued defeatist and traitorous behavior. You are the prototype of the party of Benedict Arnold, indeed.

Laws Paralyze Gun Owners – Ineffective Otherwise

Gun control laws only seem to target the legitimate gun owner. These laws place the burden upon those of us who follow the law while failing to address the real problem.

An individual by the name of Yehuda Akerman, brought a truckload of firearms in an RV to sell at a Southern California flea market; he sold 47 of them to ATF undercover agents. When they arrested him last week, they found 44 more firearms in his RV. The arrest came after a year long investigation by the agency.

The agents believed Akerman had been living in his RV while venturing across state lines to purchase guns at swap meets and other places in those other states. He used the local flea market as a base for dealing the illegitimate arms.

ATF opened an investigation in July of 2005. During the undercover operation, agents purchased the 47 firearms, including sawed-off shotguns, assault weapons, stolen firearms and a machine gun. They also purchased a large quantity of methamphetamine, cocaine base and Ecstasy. The agents think Akerman has been dealing for about two years. They do not know how many weapons he sold nor to whom.

Akerman was not alone in the operation. Also arrested were these five accomplices:

  • George Dominguez, 23, of Los Angeles on suspicion of distributing controlled substances
  • Genaro Castillo Fuentes, 42, of Downey on suspicion of distributing controlled substances
  • Jeronimo Guzman Nunez, 41, of Torrance on suspicion of being an alien illegally in the United States in possession of a firearm
  • Salvador Uribe, 54, of Gardena on suspicion of dealing firearms without a license
  • Guillermo Robles, 22, of Los Angeles on suspicion of distribution of controlled substances

It’s interesting that among those arrested there were a couple of illegal aliens. It makes one wonder how many illegal firearms are in the possession of illegals, drug dealers and other unsavory thugs.

State gun controls, with all their strict provisions, did nothing to prevent this man from illegally importing and selling guns to other criminals. The state’s gun laws that paralyze the legitimate gun owner have no effect on those willing to bring illegal weapons to the black market.

Reference Daily Breeze article Gun seller arrested.