May you all have a wonderful and prosperous 2011!
Home for the Holidays
When we last saw our new house, Damsel climbed up the little hill behind the house and took this image. She took it on November 8th – six weeks ago tomorrow.
Image – construction progress as of 11/8/2010 – click to enlarge.
We fully intended to go back sooner, but we were held up because some custom outdoor lighting fixtures were held up in production. We’re told that they will be here (in California) in a couple of days and when they arrive we will be headed back to our new home to get them installed. The fixtures are just about the finishing touch on the new house. Thereafter, we’re going to start acquiring the furniture items we need to actually be able to occupy the house.
We have to stay over the Christmas Holiday to meet the following week with the utility company to install the gas meter and for any other yet unknown details of getting everything set up. We also plan to arrange for the new 22 long gun fire safe to be delivered and installed.
There are a lot of details that are still emerging which we will address when we understand what needs to be done. We are now hoping to be in the fully furnished house by March.
Thanksgiving Day
I can’t believe I ate the whole thing . . .
Turkey breast with all the trimmings: mashed potatoes, turkey gravy, cranberry jelly, Damsel’s killer dressing, candied yams, steamed broccoli and a buttermilk dinner roll. Thanksgiving dinner plus 3 NFL football games today equals thankfulness in our household.
We hope you enjoyed your day as much as we have. Click on the image to enlarge.
Weekend AND Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping
We usually do our grocery shopping on Thursdays. Before we retired, we went shopping on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. We changed to Thursday because there is less traffic in the store unless they have one of their weird 6-hour sales or something.
We decided that today we would combine the weekend shopping and pick up the things we’re going to need for our Thanksgiving dinner. As usual, the store wasn’t too crowded today. We shopped for the weekend faire, got some household supplies. got a few pantry items and also got everything we needed for our holiday celebration.
We redeemed a bunch of coupons and walked out of the store having saved over seventy dollars on the total. We’re looking forward to our weekend cooking and the Thanksgiving Holiday with eager anticipation.
Painting the Pylons
During our October trip to Arizona, we crossed the Hassayampa River and noticed some people painting the pylons under the pedestrian bridge across the river. We passed by again later in the day and documented what a good job they did. Roll your mouse over the image below to view the results.
We read an article in the Wickenburg Sun that told about a group of student volunteers that did the work under the supervision of several adults. Local sources donated paint and materials for the project.